Friday, October 29, 2010

Frenchman Locked Up for Asking Rachida Dati for 'an Inflation'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A Frenchman was locked up for two days and is facing criminal charges for sending a joke email to Rachida Dati, the former Justice Minister, asking for "an inflation".

The unnamed 40-year-old contacted the MEP at the European Parliament in Strasbourg last week following her appearance on a national radio station when she confused the words "fellatio" and "inflation" – which sound similar in French.

At the time Miss Dati managed to laugh off the mix-up, saying she had spoken too quickly.

After Miss Dati complained about the joke email, the home of sender from Bourg de Péage region of south east France, was raided by Lyon's Judicial Police.

Ivan Flaud, the man's lawyer, said: "My client's computer was seized and he was remanded in custody for 48 hours."

The man was traced through the IP address on his personal computer.

After being kept in a cell and then placed on bail he was ordered to appear in court on December 3 charged with displaying contempt towards a public servant, an offence which is punishable with a prison sentence of up to a month and a €10,000 (£8,700) fine. >>> Peter Allen, in Paris | Friday, October 29, 2010

Lapsus: Dati confond "inflation" et... "fellation"
Uploaded by LePostfr. - Up-to-the minute news videos.

LE MONDE: Gardé à vue pour une "petite inflation" : Un plaisantin, amusé par le lapsus de l'ex-garde des sceaux sur Canal + fin septembre, qui avait parlé de "fellation" au lieu d'"inflation", s'est retrouvé 48 heures en garde à vue la semaine dernière – appartement perquisitionné, ordinateur saisi – pour avoir envoyé à Rachida Dati au Parlement européen un courriel lui proposant une petite "inflation". >>> LE MONDE | Vendredi 29 Octobre 2010

LE POST: Gardé à vue 48h pour des mails graveleux à Dati : "Disproportionné pour une blague potache" >>> | Vendredi 29 Octobre 2010

Methinks that Rachida Dati takes herself far too seriously! It was she who made the mistake in the first place. She should now rise above it all, grow up, show her mettle, and take it all on the chin. – © Mark