Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Inside Story – France: Banning the Veil

John Dalhuisen of Amnesty International talks absolute BS in this video, and so does Khola Hasan. The only person who speaks sensibly is Renaud Girard of ‘Le Figaro’. The fact of the matter is that these people have chosen to live in France, so they should integrate and adopt the ways of the state they have chosen to live in. Otherwise, they can get out. Find the nearest airport and fly away. – © Mark

France Debates Public Ban on Full Islamic Veil

VOA: French parliamentarians on Tuesday began debating a proposed law that would ban women from wearing the full Islamic veil in public places. 

It is estimated that there are between 400 and 1,000 women in France who wear the niqab or burqa, which covers the face, leaving only the eyes exposed. But the proposal to ban the burqa is being debated across France.

The burqa is a loose fitting garment worn over a woman's clothes that covers her entire body, leaving only her hands and eyes exposed. The niqab is a face veil, usually worn with a burqa. 

The French National Assembly is expected to spend the next two or three days debating the proposed legislation, which would ban full veil in public places.

At stake, say those behind the proposed legislation, is France's commitment to a secular society. And its commitment to equal rights for women.

Supporting the bill is the ruling Union for a Popular Movement, or UMP, several women's rights groups, and a number of Muslim clerics who say they are concerned by the growing number of fundamentalists in the French Islamic community. 

Jean-Francois Copé, president of the parliamentary group of the UMP, is behind the bill. He says the full veil is an attack on the values of the French republic. >>> Elaine Cobbe, Paris | Tuesday, July 06, 2010