Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Israel Admitted to the OECD

THE TELEGRAPH: Israel has won a rare victory on the international diplomatic stage, gaining acceptance in an exclusive club of prosperous economies after a 16-year effort to join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - and in the face of stiff Palestinian opposition.

The Paris-based OECD said it had invited Israel, as well as Estonia and Slovenia, to become members after they met specific criteria as developed, open economies. Once formally invested as members, the three will swell the ranks of the OECD to 34 members, including the United States, a strong backer of Israel's bid.

The new members "will contribute to a more plural and open OECD that is playing an increasingly important role in the global economic architecture," OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria said in a statement.

Just months ago, Mr Gurria expressed concern about high levels of poverty and unemployment, especially among the minority Arab populations, during a visit to Israel.

However, it did not appear to have hampered membership. Mr Gurria said Israel, Estonia and Slovenia had been "receptive to OECD recommendations." >>> | Tuesday, May 11, 2010