Friday, May 21, 2010

David Cameron and Angela Merkel to Clash Over EU Treaty Call

THE TELEGRAPH: David Cameron and Angela Merkel will today clash over Germany’s call for a new European Union treaty to tackle the euro crisis.

On his first foreign trip, the Prime Minister meets the German Chancellor for talks that diplomats have suggested will be “chilly or even frosty”.

Cameron will warn Merkel that he has promised Britons a referendum on a new EU treaty.

Chancellor Merkel has insisted that all European countries must give up sovereignty to give the EU new economic powers to prevent another Greek and euro zone crisis.

She has previously expressed anger at Mr Cameron, before he became Britain’s leader, over his opposition to the Lisbon Treaty.

A Conservative decision last year to break away from her Christian Democrats and other pro-EU centre parties to form a eurosceptic group in the European Parliament also angered her.

At the same time as Mr Cameron is in Berlin, George Osborne is in Brussels for a meeting of Europe’s finance ministers charde by Herman Van Rompuy, the EU President.

At the meeting, Germany will formally propose changes to the existing Lisbon Treaty in a move towards “economic government.” >>> Bruno Waterfield, Berlin | Friday, May 21, 2010