Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Leo McKinstry: The Lib Dems’ Stance on Immigrants Us Their Most Dishonest (and Dangerous) Policy Yet

MAIL ONLINE: The Lib Dems' surge continues to gather momentum, transforming the nature of British politics. For the first time in more than a century, they are the front-runners in an election campaign, something that would have been unthinkable before Nick Clegg's assured performance in last week's historic TV debate.

A key part of their growing appeal is their claim to be the party of moderation and honesty. That was certainly the tone that Nick Clegg adopted on Thursday night, posing as the honest man of reason who could be trusted to hold the centre ground and be straight with the British public.

Yet, on perhaps the most important issue that British society faces, the Lib Dems are anything but moderate, reasonable or straight. On the question of immigration, the chief concern of many voters after more than a decade of Labour's disastrous open-door policy, Clegg and his party are ideological extremists. >>> Leo McKinstry | Tuesday, April 20, 2010