Thursday, March 04, 2010

North Korean Man Executed for Calling a Friend in South Korea on Mobile Phone

MAIL ONLINE: A North Korean man has been executed by firing squad for calling a friend in South Korea on his mobile phone.

The brutal communist regime, which is technically at war with South Korea, has warned its 24 million population that any contact with the nation south of its borders is a crime punishable by life in prison or death.

News of those who have been caught and punished for making contact with the south rarely leaks out - because anyone disclosing information about punishment also risks imprisonment.

But a radio station in Seoul, South Korea, said it had learned that a man identified only as Jung has been executed after security officials raided his home and found a Chinese-manufactured mobile phone.

He was taken away and subjected to extreme torture, when he confessed that he had told a defector friend in South Korea about the harsh living conditions in the communist state.

He revealed that he had given his friend details of how people were struggling to live and had also passed on information about the price of rice. >>> Richard Shears | Thursday, March 04, 2010 Ein nordkoreanischer Fabrikarbeiter ist nach Informationen eines südkoreanischen Radiosenders öffentlich hingerichtet worden, weil er mit seinem Handy Informationen ins Ausland weitergegeben haben soll. Dem Mann sei vorgeworfen worden, den Preis für Reis und andere Informationen über die Lebensbedingungen an einen Freund verraten zu haben, der vor Jahren nach Südkorea geflohen sei, berichtete das "Offene Radio für Nordkorea" am Donnerstag. Reis-Preise verraten: Nordkorea richtet telefonierenden "Verräter" hin >>> | Donnerstag, 04. März 2010