Friday, October 02, 2009

Tories Warn of British Backlash to Blair ‘Presidency’

TIMES ONLINE: William Hague warns European leaders today to expect a backlash if they make Tony Blair the first president of Europe.

The Shadow Foreign Secretary told The Times: “There could be no worse way to sell the EU to the people of Britain.”

He dangled the prospect of a referendum in Britain to take back powers from Brussels, even if a “yes” vote in the Irish Republic leads to the rapid ratification of the Lisbon treaty. He also indicated that the Tories would use a Blair presidency to mobilise opposition in such a vote on Britain’s relationship with Europe.

Mr Hague was speaking as Conservatives gathered in Manchester for their party conference, and before the result of Ireland’s vote on the Lisbon treaty is declared today. Hours before polls closed at 10pm last night turnout was reported to be higher than last year, when Ireland voted “no”. The Government hopes that a good turnout will favour the “yes” side. >>> Rachel Sylvester, Alice Thomson and Francis Elliott | Saturday, October 03, 2009

Sign ePetition: Stop Blair ! : Petition against the nomination of Tony Blair as "President of the European Union" >>>

MAIL ONLINE: 'President Blair' awaits Irish 'yes' vote and a new life of EU luxury (including expenses MPs would die for and a salary as big as Obama's) >>> Ian Drury | Friday, October 02, 2009