Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stomach Butterflies, Cold Feet, and Chicken

This would be America’s chance of helping the youth of Iran to break their corrupt, stifling régime. The young of Iran are crying out for freedom; and they are crying out for help, too. Obama could help them find their freedom; and he could also respond to their cries for help. The weaknesses of the Iranian political system, weaknesses in the régime which are so self-evident, could be exploited. After all, it would be better to be rid of the mullocracy than have to go to war with a nuclearized regional power at a later date. But what does Obama do? He chickens out. How are his feet? Cold. What’s the state of his stomach? Fluttery.

Is this the kind of change we were supposed to believe in?
– ©Mark

Obama does not want to ‘meddle’ in Iran’s election