Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tories Commit to Islamification of Britain

Image courtesy of the BNP

BNP*: The Conservative Party has openly committed itself to the further Islamification of Britain with the launch of its “Local Muslim Forum” programme which is designed to entrench followers of that religion into the Tory party.

The latest such local forum was launched over the weekend in Manchester, where guest speakers were Shadow Secretary of State for Communities Caroline Spelman, Sajjad Karim MEP and Lord Mohammed Sheikh, Chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum.

According the official release, the aim of the “Conservative Muslim Forum North West (CMF NW)” is to “give Muslims in the party a platform to have their voices heard, to engage with Muslims and encourage them to participate in political life at all levels, from grassroots to Parliament.

According the official release, the aim of the “Conservative Muslim Forum North West (CMF NW)” is to “give Muslims in the party a platform to have their voices heard, to engage with Muslims and encourage them to participate in political life at all levels, from grassroots to Parliament.

“It hopes to encourage more Muslims to join the party with a big drive to encourage more women and young people to become politically active. The forum also aims to improve the quality of life of all Muslims through addressing issues including health, education, women’s issues, disability, integration and mentoring of prospective Parliamentary and other candidates.”

Mrs Spelman told the appreciative audience she felt the Conservatives had changed. “I hope everyone feels we have changed. We now have 15 elected Muslim councillors, one shadow cabinet minister and the fact that we have two peers in the House of Lords speaks volumes in our effort to include people from all walks of life and different faiths.

“I would describe all this as social progress by the Conservative Party but we need to do more.”

She added: “We need more Muslim candidates to stand in Westminster and at local level. We would encourage more Muslims to join and the Conservative Muslim Forum North West is very necessary in the party to bring Muslims together so we can achieve this goal.” >>> BNP News | Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Demos: The Progressive Conservatism Project >>>

*Please note that the mere fact that this article from the BNP appears on this website should in no way be construed as an endorsement of the party or its policies. I, Mark Alexander, do NOT endorse political parties. I bring you the facts for YOU to decide. – ©Mark