Sunday, March 15, 2009

Luton's Muslim Extremists Defy Public Anger

THE TELEGRAPH: The Muslim extremists in Luton who jeered British troops returning from Iraq are continuing to defy public anger despite the simmering tension it has caused in a racially-mixed town.

Fighting in the way of Allah in Luton. The flag of Jihad courtesy of Google Images

The Islamic extremist was in full flow, bellowing out his message on a busy street in Luton.

"British soldiers ... murderers ... rapists ... not heroes ..." Most passers-by ignored him.

A few, mostly young Muslim men on their way home from afternoon prayers, paused to listen and were immediately approached by the white-capped preacher's fellow radicals, eager to recruit new members to their cause.

Suddenly a mustachioed businessman in Muslim dress strode over the group, jabbed a finger towards the preacher and shouted: "You are giving Muslims a bad name!"

The radicals argued with him and tried to manhandle him away from the scene. For a moment the confrontation threatened to turn ugly until the businessman decided to walk away, still seething, but his point firmly made.

The angry scene encapsulated the tension that has hung over Luton since the preacher and the rest of his group staged a demonstration last week as 200 soldiers of the 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment paraded through the Bedfordshire town after a gruelling tour of duty in Iraq. >>> By David Harrison | Saturday, March 14, 2009

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