Monday, February 09, 2009

Barack Obama Is a Novice - and It Shows

President Barack Hussein “I Won” Obama. Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

After a rocky start, the new President knows he has to seize back the political agenda, says Toby Harnden.

During last year's epic election campaign, Hillary Clinton said that in the White House "there is no time for on-the-job training". Joe Biden, too, remarked that the presidency was "not something that lends itself to on-the-job training". Both were aiming barbs at their then primary opponent. Mrs Clinton has since brought what she would refer to as her "lifetime of experience" to the role of Secretary of State, while Mr Biden has traded 36 years in the Senate for the vice-presidency. And the rookie they derided is President.

Now, the words of his former rivals are returning to haunt President Obama. After a distinctly rocky start to his presidency, he has admitted he "screwed up" and is returning to one thing in his political career that he has perfected – campaigning. In Elkhart, Indiana, today and Fort Myers, Florida, tomorrow, Mr Obama will try to seize back control of the political agenda with question-and-answer sessions with voters in two of the swing states that gave him victory.

Already, however, he is struggling, and the product he is now selling is not himself but a near-trillion-dollar economic "stimulus" package loaded with pet Democratic spending projects that has awakened slumbering Republicans in Congress and is now supported by barely a third of Americans. In between the Indiana and Florida stops, he will return to the White House for a prime-time press conference in which he will appeal directly to citizens and seek to rekindle the magic of his campaign. >>> By Toby Harnden | Sunday, February 8, 2009

CANADA FREE PRESS: Obama’s State of the Union: He Won, America Lost!

Would someone please explain to President Obama that being president and commander-in-chief of the greatest nation on earth is NOT quite the same as midnight basketball or a game of HORSE?

In basketball, one can push, shove and elbow the opposition out of the way in order to achieve one’s objective. A dominant center needs to get along with just four teammates, but has no need to compromise or work with opponents.

By way of contrast, running the United States of America involves shared responsibility and authority with two co-equal branches of government. At stake are the lives and well being of 300 million Americans and billions of non-Americans all across the globe.

President Obama has put in nearly three weeks of harrowing incompetence, aggravated by insufferable arrogance. On at least two occasions, the novice president has reminded those who do not agree with him that “I won.” >>> By John Lillpop | Monday, February 9, 2009

Watch BBC video: Barack Obama: 'The situation we face could not be more serious' >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>