Thursday, January 29, 2009

Des prêtres et théologiens suisses dénoncent la «régression» du Vatican

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: ÉCÔNE | Plus de 200 prêtres et théologiens de Suisse se plaignent de la levée de l'excommunication de quatre évêques intégristes par le pape Benoît XVI.

Plus de 200 prêtres et théologiens de Suisse ont exprimé jeudi leur désaccord avec la levée de l'excommunication de quatre évêques intégristes par le pape Benoît XVI, estimant qu'elle s'inscrivait dans une série de décisions "fortement régressives".

Dans une lettre ouverte à la Conférence des évêques suisses (CES), les signataires ont jugé la réhabilitation de Mgr Richard Williamson, qui a tenu des propos négationnistes, scandaleuse et hautement problématique pour les relations judéo-chrétiennes. >>> AFP | Jeudi 29 Janvier 2009

THE TELEGRAPH: Minister Criticises Pope for Pardoning Holocaust Denial Bishop

The Pope's decision to pardon a British bishop who denies the Holocaust has been criticised by a Government minister.

Sadiq Khan, a junior Communities Minister, said that he found the move to lift the excommunication of Richard Williamson "highly unsavoury" and of "great concern".

His spoke out during a Commons debate to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, in response to criticism of Pope Benedict's decision from MPs of all parties.

Mr Williamson, a member of the ultraconservative sect the Society of St Pius X, was automatically excommunicated 20 years ago after being appointed as a bishop by a breakaway archbishop without papal consent.

The Pope lifted his excommunication this week, along with three others who were also ordained without papal permission, even though he has repeatedly denied that Jews died in the gas chambers during the Second World War.

Last week, Swedish television screened an interview with Mr Williamson in which he said: "Historical evidence is hugely against six million Jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy by Adolf Hitler."

Senior rabbis have threatened to cancel planned talks at the Vatican in response to the pardon. >>> By Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent | Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché et Relié) - Livraison gratuite dans toute la Suisse >>>