Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Queen Stresses Importance of Family in Christmas Message

THE TELEGRAPH: The Queen will stress the importance of the family during the economic downturn in her Christmas Message which will include rare film footage of Prince Charles as a baby.

In the broadcast, filmed in the Music Room at Buckingham Palace, the Queen highlights the support she and the Duke of Edinburgh receive from their own children and grandchildren.

The point is underlined by photographs on a grand piano behind the Queen of Prince William and Prince Harry in their Army uniform, next to one of the Prince of Wales in his flying gear when he was in the Royal Navy. There is also a photograph of the Duke of Edinburgh and a black and white one of the Queen and Duke with their children.

The broadcast, set against the backdrop of one of the severest recessions of the Queen's reign, comes after she privately urged the Royal Family to respect the difficult times the country faces by avoiding overt displays of extravagance. In her address the Queen acknowledges that many of her subjects have been hit hard by the economic slump. >>> By Andrew Pierce | Wednesday, December 24, 2008

WATCH BBC VIDEO: The Queen’s Christmas Message >>> | December 25, 2008

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