Thursday, December 04, 2008

Obama on Cameron: 'What a lightweight'

YAHOO! NEWS (UK & IRELAND): Barack Obama's meeting with Tory leader David Cameron in London earlier this year left the Democratic nominee "distinctly unimpressed", it has been claimed.

According to diplomatic sources Mr Obama, now the president-elect of the United States, emerged from the meeting in July with the words: "What a lightweight."

Mr Obama met Mr Cameron following brief talks with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in Westminster two days after addressing 200,000 people in Berlin.

According to the Conservatives the "really positive" meeting had seen the two men discuss the "long-term underlying problems" in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East.

An informal conversation picked up by ABC News between Mr Cameron and Mr Obama in New Palace Yard revealed the Tory leader urging the Illinois senator to 'take a break'.

Mr Cameron asked: "You should be on the beach... you need to be able to keep your head together... Do you have a break at all?" >>> | December 4, 2008

THE TELEGRAPH: Good Barnet, Good Leader!

David Cameron celebrates his third anniversary as Conservative leader on Saturday with few signs of the rigours of high office etched on his smooth face.

At 42, Cameron radiates health and keeps relatively trim by riding his bicycle to the Commons.

Sadly, the same can't be said of his distinctive mane of hair: in true Tory tradition, it's thinning. And fast. >>> By Andrew Pierce | December 5, 2008

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