Saturday, May 03, 2008

Bouffant Boris, the Unkempt, Eccentric Toff, Wins the London Race!

Photo of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, the eccentric new Mayor of London, courtesy of Google Images

THE TELEGRAPH: Boris Johnson claimed a remarkable victory in the London mayoral contest on Friday night to cap a disastrous series of results for Gordon Brown in his first electoral test as Prime Minister.

The Conservative candidate's win over Ken Livingstone followed a calamitous showing for Labour at the local elections - the party's worst performance at the polls for 40 years.

Mr Johnson's landmark victory, a result that would have been almost unthinkable six months ago, was the most symbolic blow to Mr Brown's authority on a day that left the Prime Minister facing the gravest crisis of his leadership.

By taking City Hall, Mr Johnson becomes the first Tory politician to hold a senior role in British politics since the party was swept out of power in 1997. His win provided a significant boost to David Cameron's bid for victory at the next general election. Boris Johnson Is the New London Mayor >>> By Andrew Porter and Robert Winnett | May 3, 2008

Boris Johnson’s Victory Speech | May 2, 2008

The Boris Johnson Story By Brian Wheeler | May 3, 2008

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, London's New Mayor Is Eccentric, Offensive >>> | May 2, 2008

Boris Johnson «le bouffon»,
nouveau maire de Londres: L'excentrique candidat conservateur a ravi la capitale britannique au maire sortant Ken Livingstone avec 140 000 voix d'avance. Un échec cuisant pour les travaillistes qui perdent aussi les élections locales >>> | 03. 05. 2008

Neue Konservative sind voll Witz und Exzentrik: Bei den Kommunalwahlen ließen Engländer und Waliser die Labour Partei ganz schön alt aussehen. Premierminister Gordon Brown kommt mit seiner grüblerischen Art nicht an. Die neuen Politstars sind Tory-Chef David Cameron und sein Parteifreund Boris Johnson, Londons neuer Bürgermeister >>> | 3. Mai 2008

NZZ Online:
Britische Konservative feiern den Triumph: Tories streben die Macht in der Downing Street an >>>> | 3. Mai 2008

Boris Johnson gewinnt in London: Britische Konservative in Siegesstimmung >>> | 3. Mai 2008

Un échec personnel
pour Gordon Brown: Après moins d'un an à son poste, le premier ministre sort très affaibli de son premier test électoral >>> De Cyrille Vanlerberghe à Londres | 03. 05. 2008

London: Johnson stößt Livingstone vom Thron >>> | 03.05.2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)