THE TELEGRAPH: Boris Johnson claimed a remarkable victory in the London mayoral contest on Friday night to cap a disastrous series of results for Gordon Brown in his first electoral test as Prime Minister.
The Conservative candidate's win over Ken Livingstone followed a calamitous showing for Labour at the local elections - the party's worst performance at the polls for 40 years.
Mr Johnson's landmark victory, a result that would have been almost unthinkable six months ago, was the most symbolic blow to Mr Brown's authority on a day that left the Prime Minister facing the gravest crisis of his leadership.
By taking City Hall, Mr Johnson becomes the first Tory politician to hold a senior role in British politics since the party was swept out of power in 1997. His win provided a significant boost to David Cameron's bid for victory at the next general election. Boris Johnson Is the New London Mayor >>> By Andrew Porter and Robert Winnett | May 3, 2008
Boris Johnson’s Victory Speech | May 2, 2008
The Boris Johnson Story By Brian Wheeler | May 3, 2008
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, London's New Mayor Is Eccentric, Offensive >>> | May 2, 2008
Boris Johnson «le bouffon», nouveau maire de Londres: L'excentrique candidat conservateur a ravi la capitale britannique au maire sortant Ken Livingstone avec 140 000 voix d'avance. Un échec cuisant pour les travaillistes qui perdent aussi les élections locales >>> | 03. 05. 2008
Neue Konservative sind voll Witz und Exzentrik: Bei den Kommunalwahlen ließen Engländer und Waliser die Labour Partei ganz schön alt aussehen. Premierminister Gordon Brown kommt mit seiner grüblerischen Art nicht an. Die neuen Politstars sind Tory-Chef David Cameron und sein Parteifreund Boris Johnson, Londons neuer Bürgermeister >>> | 3. Mai 2008
NZZ Online:
Britische Konservative feiern den Triumph: Tories streben die Macht in der Downing Street an >>>> | 3. Mai 2008
Boris Johnson gewinnt in London: Britische Konservative in Siegesstimmung >>> | 3. Mai 2008
Un échec personnel pour Gordon Brown: Après moins d'un an à son poste, le premier ministre sort très affaibli de son premier test électoral >>> De Cyrille Vanlerberghe à Londres | 03. 05. 2008
London: Johnson stößt Livingstone vom Thron >>> | 03.05.2008
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)