Friday, July 13, 2007

We Are Not Pulling Together to Defeat Our Common Enemy. Our American Friends Are Being Marginalized and Sidelined

THE TELEGRAPH: In the West's battle against the malign forces of Islamic extremism, no countries are more important than Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is where al-Qa'eda and its affiliates have their bases, and this is where, as the recent failed terror attacks in Britain have shown, impressionable young Muslims are mostly radicalised and trained in their evil art.

And yet in each case those responsible for prosecuting the campaign against militant Islam - primarily America and Britain - could be forgiven for feeling they are not getting the support they need from countries that are supposed to be their key allies. With allies like these, who needs enemies? (more) By Con Coughlin

Bush conceded US ‘tired of war’ By Demetri Sevastopulo and Andrew Ward in Washington, and Steve Negus, Iraq correspondent

Mark Alexander