Saturday, April 07, 2007

Now, the sailors can sell their stories!

BBC: The 15 Royal Navy personnel held captive by Iran are to be allowed to sell their stories to the media. Iranian captives can sell stories

Taking the dignity out of our military

We showed weakness and will pay the price

Buoyant Teheran warns of further kidnappings

Iran laughs at Easter ‘gift’ of humiliation

"As a former Anglophile, I am truly ashamed and saddened by the actions of the British Navy and its sailors. There is NO EXCUSE for a serviceman to put his own safety as his top-priority. The statements made by the sailors even after their release reveal nothing but cowardice. It is evident that the great nation, the once-proud land of knights, crusaders, an empire on whose borders the sun never set, then of Churchill, is truly dead. In its place is a feminized, neutered, quivering nation of children living in fear of their Islamic overlords, those inside as well as outside its borders. I thank God Hitler arrived in the '40's, when England still had men who knew the meaning of duty, honor, and sacrifice." - Michael Delaney, Pasadena, Texas, USA [Source: TIMESONLINE]

Mark Alexander


Unknown said...

How wonderful; the squaddies get to make lots of money for doing nothing, the news papers get to sell lots of copy, writing up fairy tales, the postmodernists get to tell everyone how dreadful and beastly mean all war is, the pacifists get to moan on about how wasteful war is. Gordon will get to tell us how he can find much better uses for our money. One could go on, in fact the only ones likely to complain much...well guess who! Yes folks, the religion of the perpetually aggrieved. It's all so predictable. Given the fact there may be as many as 15 different versions, even the navy will find comfort in the ensuing fog of war.

These people are all out to lunch, there is no other explanation.

Mark said...


Great comment!

Mark said...

Denny, which point is a good point? I don't follow you.

I agree with you: it would have been better to have seen the Navy play its more traditional rôle.

Ronbo said...

The rise of militias in U.K. -- The New Minutemen?

The beginning of the British Revolution?

Unknown said...

Oh...Oh, I missed the best one.

The government gets to hide its culpability in this whole fiasco.

After all, isn't that what it's all about, saving sorry Tony's self-important ass.

Mark said...


This is one for you!

Gramsci: A Method to the Madness: Behind the many maddening attacks on America's popular culture is the Italian Communist theoretician Antonio Gramsci's strategy for achieving the total state. by William Norman Grigg

Unknown said...

This is one for you! - Mark

Yes Mark, but do you agree with the premise of the argument?

Actually the one question which we should ask is, is it in the agenda of these cultural Marxists to actively turn all of Western society Islamic, and thereby use the ultimate authoritarianism yet created to maintain permanent power, after all, it works quite well in the Islamic world, no matter how incompetent the ruling structure is, for nothing is able to budge them off of their thrones, no matter the fury of the much vaunted "Arab Street". Or is the plan to use the destructive forces of radical Islam to destroy Western society and then move in with the social programs and create the "New Man", lovingly fashioned by the hand of the Almighty, the most merciful, the most compassionate God of therm all - Marxist Man.

It would appear that we must swallow some very unpleasant medicine if we are to hope for our eventual recovery from this malign disease which afflicts us. In reading that article, with a bit of mental exertions upon the readers part, many of the incomprehensible actions and events of the last few years begin to make more sense, as the behind the scenes players and actors and their hidden agendas are exposed by the curtain being withdrawn just that little bit. Events will eventually tear down the whole curtain, and the wizards will be exposed for the little men they are.

I actually see this alliance between the Left and radical Islam as a godsend, for they have hitched their fortunes to the success (or failure) of the terrorists, a very precarious proposition to be sure, for if the Western populations wake up in time, and there is every indication that they are doing so as we speak, albeit slowly, then their grand schemes fall apart as they are exposed for the filthy traitors they really are.

Many people will see this latest maneuver for what it is, a deceitful way to escape blame and censure for their ineptitude, to elude their own responsibilities. Believe me, many, many people are watching events with a sceptical eye, maybe not all drawing the same conclusion, but almost all recognizing the rank incompetence and blatant duplicity of our ruling elites, the next few years could indeed see their swan song, as the people seek an alternative to such corruption.

Though the idea of Gordon Brown becoming Prime Minister fills me with a dread foreboding, I see a great advantage to his ascendancy, especially if he can ride through the next election and hold power for a full term, for the absolute destruction that that vain man's arrogant ego will inflict upon the country and population of Britain will ultimately discredit the left beyond all repair. Yes, I do believe in the end Gordon would use any means to cling to power, or more correctly, he and his cohorts, seeing their ignominious demise would declare some emergency and seek refuge behind the "Civil Contingencies Bill", but their powers will be spent by then, and their reign will be ended in disgrace. Not a cheerful prognosis I know, but probably the best hope for our future, for as all of us here who contribute to these comments recognize, our greatest enemy comes from within our own ranks.

Mark said...


Though the idea of Gordon Brown becoming Prime Minister fills me with a dread foreboding, I see a great advantage to his ascendancy, especially if he can ride through the next election and hold power for a full term, for the absolute destruction that that vain man's arrogant ego will inflict upon the country and population of Britain will ultimately discredit the left beyond all repair.

Hey! Wait a minute! I thought Thatcher was supposed to have done all that!

Unknown said...

Hey! Wait a minute! I thought Thatcher was supposed to have done all that! - Mark.

Well, given the position of the Tory leadership, in response to their current wanderings in the wilderness, one could easily surmise that that was indeed Maggie's true legacy. Though of course one would have to overlook Maggie's repair of the fiscal health of the UK, given how many years have passed since she left office, and the country is still, albeit teetering on the edge of financial probity, a record of accomplishment which has stood the test of time. No, my damnation of Maggie was in the devastation to the social landscape which her policies led to, and the complete failure to address the possible consequences of that fact. That fact alone opened the door that led to 10 years (and counting) of NuLabour misrule, which has had such damaging consequences for Britain. If only she had addressed the despair of the underclass, given it direction and hope, rather that rely on the weak theory of trickle down economics to bring the eventual hoped for relief, which in many respects has not materialized, then indeed, her legacy would have been unassailable.

Unknown said...

And Mark, you did not answer my question.

Mark said...

Yes, I suppose I do.

BTW, there are many things you have not done!

Unknown said...

BTW, there are many things you have not done!


Oh my wounded heart, I am undone!

And what do you mean? I suppose I do

Mark said...

Think about it! You're very intelligent. I'm sure you'll come up with the answers.

Unknown said...

"Think about it! You're very intelligent. I'm sure you'll come up with the answers."

You sly devil you. Flattery will get you everywhere, but as you say, I am intelligent, (at least you think while I hope), so I will not let you off the hook that easily.

My question would have been better stated, had I placed greater emphasis upon your use of the word -'suppose'. For I obviously know that you do indeed agree with the basic premise>

Always On Watch said...

Allowing the sailors to sell their stories is bad enough. But even more alarming--to me, anyway--is that people will race to buy their stories.

I find it inexcusable that these sailors knuckled under to Iran and allowed themselves to be used as propaganda tools. They made all the West look weak.

Ronbo said...

just another richard?

I think not.

Based on your excellent commentary I hereby crown you, "King Richard The Lionheart."

I do not say this to curry favor, but to acknowledge the reality of your very interesting remarks that makes one rethink an important issue.

If you don't mind I would like to use them in a blog article. I will, of course, give full credit to that other "just another richard."

Cheers, Ronbo

Ronbo said...

Allowing the sailors to sell their stories is bad enough. But even more alarming--to me, anyway--is that people will race to buy their stories.

I find it inexcusable that these sailors knuckled under to Iran and allowed themselves to be used as propaganda tools. They made all the West look weak.

I agree with "just another richard" -- at the end of the day such actions of appeasement( and the Left is clearly running the MOD and writing the script) will be to turn the stomach of the British public, as will the appeasement acts of the Democommies will turn the stomach of the American public,soon both sides of the Atlantic interesting things will happen -- perhaps civil war?

One thing is for certain both major Anglosphere countries are a "House Divided" with a ruling elite that has nothing but contempt for the patriotic and nationalistic ideas of the majority. The two parties have run out of ideas of compromise, so the only way for the issue to be determined is by civil war.

Cheers, Ronbo

Unknown said...

"One thing is for certain both major Anglosphere countries are a "House Divided" with a ruling elite that has nothing but contempt for the patriotic and nationalistic ideas of the majority". - Ronald Barbour

You're absolutely right there, I also think that you may be right as to the possibility of civil war in both countries, though things would need to get much worse, but then again, given the temper tantrums that many on the left keep indulging in, when the Islamic fruitcases overstep the mark, which we all know they will soon, the left is likely to throw an absolute hissy fit when the call goes out for retribution, and that could be the spark which sets everything off. Which country goes first is most likely down to our friends from the religion of peace.

Whatever, in order to engage this enemy in any effective manner, the left must at the very least be muzzled, if not outright crushed. I used to think that eventually the left would see the light, but I now realize that was a naive hope on my part, they are driven by either too much fear or too much religious fervour; of course given the convictions of the left, that may be one and the same thing.

I know I keep going back to George Washington's farewell address, however, it is one one the finest most heartfelt cautions ever issued to any peoples anywhere, ever, and is as valid to any democratic society today, as it was when he gave it in 1796. The vindictive nature of partisan politics is indeed a corrosive poison to be guarded against with all due care: such a shame that many are too arrogant to listen to the wise words of a wise man.

Richard the Lionhearted eh! wow, twice in one comment thread, I'd best watch out lest all this flattery goes to my head...HA! HA! Nah: I don't think there's much chance of that, I've fallen on my face far too often in this life, not to know that fame, fortune and comfort are like wind and water running through the hands, here one minute, gone the next.

As to your request to use some of my material, yes by all means feel free; it is after all the message that is important, not the man.

cybercrusader said...

The Blair government is without principle and without resolve. It is traitorous to a man and woman. When will Blair get out and let Britain get back to being decent?

Mark said...

Some excellent comments here. I have enjoyed reading them all. Thank you.

It seems that the MoD has reversed that ridiculous decision to allow the sailors to sell their stories. It seems that the sailors have been gagged now. I don't think the MoD had any understanding of the outpouring of fury such a decision would bring with it.

It's good to be in such elevated circles here, by the way. To be able to rub shoulders with Richard the Lionheart is indeed an honour!

Ronbo said...

I say time for the band to play Gary Owen and the troops to CHARGE!

A hat tip to "Richard The Lionheart" and Mark Alexander.

The time has come to take the offensive -- Let the opposition worry about we will do to them -- They have not been limited the law; nor should we.

They have released the dogs of war upon the decent, honorable, productive and patriotic people of the world.

They have started this civil war and world war.

They say they seek the complete destruction of Western Civilization.

I say let us give them a civil war and a world war they will never forget with "Death to Islam and Socialism" as our battle cry.

"Treason? If this be treason make the most of it."

Cheers, Ronbo

P.S. "Beat To Quarters and run out the guns we sail into harm's way."

Mark said...

Ronbo, thanks for the hat tip, and for the link. I'm sure JAR will be pleased.

Unknown said...

Ronbo - Yes, like Mark said, thanks for the hat-tip and the amusing praise, though I have never considered myself the warrior, however, like Mr. Churchill, I shall marshal my words, and enter the fray. And Mark, I promise not to let it go to my head, so long as you promise to go easy on the rubbing of shoulders, after all, you never know who might be watching.

Mark said...


You are taking my words far too literally! :-)

Mark said...


Enjoy! But be warned! It makes for depressing reading.

Unknown said...

Mark, since an ocean separates us, I think it safe to say, we are both in no imminent danger.

Mark said...

Of course not.