HAPPY EASTER! HAPPY PASSOVER!He is not here: for He is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. - Matthew 28, 6
Image courtesy of THE TIMES
I should like to wish all my Christian visitors a VERY HAPPY and BLESSED EASTER. Further, I'd like to wish all those who will be celebrating Passover, a HAPPY and BLESSED PASSOVER. Peace and joy to one and all!

BBC: Pope decries slaughter in Iraq in his Easter message
Papst feiert Ostermesse in Rom: «Der Friede und die Freude des auferstandenen Herrn sei mit Euch!»WELTONLINE: An seinem 80. Geburtstag, dem übernächsten Montag, veröffentlicht Papst Benedikt XVI. sein neues Buch: "Jesus von Nazareth. Von der Taufe im Jordan bis zur Verklärung". Es ist eine zärtliche Liebeserklärung an den Sohn Gottes und zugleich ein Mahnung an die Versöhnbarkeit von Glaube und Vernunft. Das neue Buch des Papstes: Zärtliche Worte für Jesus
Mark Alexander
We're freezing cold here for Easter. In fact, we had a bit of snow last night. In my lifetime, we've never had snow after Palm Sunday!
Anyway....A blessed Easter to you, Mark!
And a Blessed Easter to you, Always!
The weather here is glorious. We've had days and days of uninterrupted sunshine. There's not a cloud in the sky. One could say that it's almost summer.
As much as I love the snow, even for me it would be a little late now. I'm already looking forward to summer. I read on a newspaper website this week that the UK is expected to have a scorcher this year.
Not much interest in Easter here, I can see! Quite underwhelming!
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