Sunday, April 08, 2007

The electorate doesn’t trust Blair

THE OBSERVER: A remarkable picture of the way Tony Blair has lost the faith of British voters over his 10 years in power is revealed today by a comprehensive study of public attitudes towards the Prime Minister.

As Blair prepares to leave office, the poll of more than 2,000 adults shows that people believe the country is a more dangerous, less happy, less pleasant place to live. There was a negative response to nearly all of more than 40 questions the public was asked about trust in politics, how they felt about their own lives and whether public services had got better. Britain delivers damning verdict on Blair’s 10 years by Gaby Hinsliff

Mark Alexander


George Mason said...

If you have not seen this political cartoon, along with commentary, please do: This is the Blair the world sees, and this is the Blair that UK has endured. The UK has to eat a bunch of the blame because it elected and re-elected him to take England to Less Britain.

cybercrusader said...

Blair deserves every arrow he gets. The sooner he gets out of office, the better it will be for Britain and for the suffering British people. Tony, baby, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Get out now before you damage Britain even more than you have already.

Mark said...


Here's that link again: Cox & Forkum

It's an excellent cartoon. Yes, this is very much how the world sees Blair. As you know, George, I have never had time for the man. I have always found him to be weak. And he has dragged our once 'Great' Britain down into the mire.

Why the British electorate ever elected him, I do not know. Although, by all accounts, his looks were said to have a lot to do with it. Personally, I cannot understand that. First of all, I don't think he's very good looking, and secondly, looks should not be a determining factor for electing a leader, especially in troublesome times.

If the West is going to be so shallow that they will elect leaders on the basis of looks, then we're done for! If looks had been a determining factor during World War II, then Churchill wouldn't have stood a chance. But the electorate wasn't so shallow back then.

This goes for the US, too. Look at all the song and dance the MSM and the American public are making about Barrack Obama. Likening him to Jesus Christ, etc. And if one takes a damn good look at him, one finds that he is not even handsome!

I suppose it is all done by 'smoke and mirrors'.

Mark said...



Hear! Hear!