Nach den Anschlägen in Algerien und Marokko stellten die Urheber klar, worum es ihnen eigentlich geht. Die erklärten „Vasallen“ Usama Bin Ladins bezichtigten sich nicht nur der jüngsten Verbrechen ihrer Selbstmordattentäter in Nordafrika. Sie nannten auch abermals ihr eigentliches Ziel: „Die Befreiung der islamischen Erde von Jerusalem bis nach Al Ándalus.“
Fünf Jahre nach den Anschlägen in Casablanca, drei Jahre nach den Madrider Zugattentaten und zwei Jahre nach den Anschlägen von London fühlt sich die Terrororganisation „Al Qaida im islamischen Maghreb“ offenbar stark genug, die offene Auseinandersetzung mit den Regierungen in Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien zu suchen. Gleichzeitig droht sie in Europa besonders Spanien und Frankreich, wo ihre Mitglieder offenbar schon aktiv sind. Die „Vasallen“ Bin Ladins bedrohen auch Europa Von Leo Wieland
Mark Alexander
I feel somewhat safer in a country which has strict controls on guns. It is, however, still possible to own one with a licence, as you well know.
I am no fan of the US system of anyone and everyone being able to own a gun. That way, they can easily get into the wrong hands.
Obviously, if the nature of society changes out of all recognition, then one might have a change of heart. But the British system, so far, has served us pretty well. Our society is getting more and more violent, though; so things might change in the future, more especially if we are plunged into a civil war. (Perish the thought!)
That's pretty well the way I've looked at it until recently.
As it is, legal handguns are impossible to acquire, but we see from crime figures that gun crime is rising.
And can we be sure that Islam is not bringing weapons into the country? Imagine a scenario where they feel themselves strong enough and go on the - armed - attack against our unarmed population. Can we really depend on the authorities to defend us?
Difficult, I know. I personally have no weapon, or plans to acquire or make one, but people should have the option. It's become plain that those who wish to use weapons for robbery etc don't have any difficulty getting them. Yes, it's possible to get a weapon legally, but extremely difficult, and even then only a shotgun or rifle. You can't get a handgun.
I rather prefer the American way on this subject. The Swiss way is better still. Try imposing a tyranny on Switzerland. Or America.
This is a difficult and sensitive matter. I think we are probably pretty close in our views on this. I think the way that we have done things in the UK has been a very civilised way indeed. But times are changing, as we can see from the rise in crime in our once peaceful country.
I am not comfortable with the concept of everybody and his uncle being able to acquire a shotgun - one has visions from the 'movies' of that blue-haired old dear with a little shotgun in her handbag, you know the one with a dainty mother-of pearl handle, who would use it on anyone she finds objectionable in her company! :-)
I do not criticize Americans for having a different take on this. After all, the history of the States is somewhat different from our own, and were one to have been born there, and were one to have grown up with that 'right to carry arms', I feel sure that one would feel very differently about it.
But as Brits, we have never been allowed such a freedom; and I, for one, have never felt deprived as a result. Personally, I have never had a fascination with guns, though I know people who have always loved 'going shootin''. That's not my scene at all; though I have gone along 'for the ride' when I was younger, and enjoyed the early Sunday morning mists, and the delightful walk through the woodlands.
I remember trying to shoot something once, with a twelve bore, and it nearly knocked my shoulder out of joint. That was it! I never felt I wanted to do it again!
I prefer having a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper on a Sunday morning. Boring, perhaps, but safer by far.
If society deteriorates rapidly, we might all have to reassess the situation; but until that time comes, I'll stick with my coffee and newspapers!
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