Thursday, November 09, 2006

What might have been
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The rueful President Bush
Photo courtesy of the BBC
BBC: US President George W Bush has appealed to members of the US Congress to rise above party differences, after heavy Republican losses in mid-term polls. Bush drive to heal partisan split
Mark Alexander


Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

some notes on the 2006 elections

the democrats gained 36 house seats

now note this about the 36
4 were gains in new york for the dems
4 were gains in pennsylvania for the dems
4 were in new england states [conneticut and new hampshire]
5 were won where there was no republican incumbant

that accounts for 17 of the 36.

except new hampshire, new york, pennsylvania and conneticut were john kerry states.

scary sexy chocolate thing

Anonymous said...

What might have been indeed. The one issue (among many) about Bush that drove me crazy was his stubborn refusal to get rid of Secretary Rumsfeld. His strategy and execution of the war was flawed, to put it kindly.

President Bush then does the incomphrensible--announcing Rumsfeld's resignation less than 24 hours after the midterm elections.

Why didn't he announce it in August or September? His delay cost the Republicans the Senate and many seats in the House of Representatives. It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Mark said...

Whichever way you slice it, SSCT, the Democrats have given the Republicans a drubbing at the polls. It is my personal belief that Bush must carry the lion's share of responsibility for this failure. He has been singularly unwilling to blame Islam for our problems, going as far as to advertize for Muslims how peaceful that belligerent religion really is. In doing this, and in holding Iftaar dinners at the White for the 'great and the good' of the Ummah, he must have turned many people SICK!

Add to this that ridiculous war in Iraq, which he has waged, in actual fact, only to finish 'big daddy's work', and you have disaster just waiting to happen!

I have said so, so many times before that democracy CANNOT be brought to the Middle East. Democracy is anathema to Islam for all the reasons I have repeatedly mentioned before. Therefore, it doesn't make any sense to shed the blood of innocent American and British soldiers' lives there in Iraq when the mission cannot be achieved.

President Bush has shown just how shallow a thinker he really is. He is not in command of the facts. America is engaged in a religious war with Islam: Muslims are waging a jihad on America and the rest of the West. And that's a fact! Until Bush wakes up to the reality of the situation, he will continue to make a fool of himself and will continue to endanger the future of your wonderful nation.

Alas, the Democrats have no better an understanding of the situation. God help the West!

Mark said...


He should have sacked Rumsfeld a long time ago. He was incompetent.