Thursday, November 09, 2006

Talk of Impeachment
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THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Democratic voters were last night pressing for the impeachment of President George W Bush for his conduct over the Iraq war.

With the Democrats preparing to control both houses of Congress, they have extensive powers to investigate the president, including the appointment of a special counsel.

Many Democrats are keen to press home their new-found advantage by investigating the president's conduct in the build-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq and any role he may have played in exposing the identity of the CIA agent Valerie Plame.

Mr Bush may not know it, but "his presidency is now over" said Terry McAuliffe, the former Democratic Party chairman, who promised that Mr Bush would be held accountable for "the colossal failure in Iraq that has set our foreign policy back by 50 years". Cock-a-hoop Democrats clamour to impeach Bush by Alex Massie

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Democrats have now taken control of both chambers of congress, the American media reported late last night. Democrats take control of both chambers of Congress by Sally Peck

Bush's hell starts today by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Mark Alexander


beakerkin said...

Mark this is baloney and wishful thinking by Eurosocailists.

Let Rep John Conyers with his numerous Communist association try and start impeachmentproceedings. The far left has been muzzled but now they are emboldened and their over confidence will do them in.

The loudest vioces of idiocy have kept out of the media for months. Charlie Rangel who compared Iraq to the Holocaust and the rest of the gang will be overconfident.

The reality is that even in Vermont their are limitations to this. Bernie Sanders does not mention the Socialist crap anywhere off a college campus or outside Burlington. When outside Burlington he talks about aid to Dairy farmers. The anti American commie idiocy mysteriously disappears.

The only vote where Iraq was front and center was CT where Comwad Lamont and his anti-semitic friends from KOS got crushed.

In 08 they have no candidate other than Hillary who is poison and looses big time to Guliani or McCain. Condi Rice was never a serious candidate and there are no big names on the horizon.

The far left is over confident and when they are out in the open they never win. Even Bill Clintoon went to Great lengths to hide his radicalism and never got 50% of the vote.

Moreover, Howard Dumb the Chairman of the DNC loathes Hillary Clinton.
He correctly blames the Clintonoids
in the media for his meltdown. Behind the scenes he will knife Hillary in the back when the time comes.

mirrorman said...

Much though GWB has tried to play on both sides vis a vis his Saudi pals, and even though he never planned properly for the Iraqi aftermath, I cannot see any joy in the Demo-critters taking office. Still, it's a long way to the Presidential elections and much can happen in between.

BallinteerBandit said...

There is no able and/or trustworthy presidential candidate from either side; certainly no one that can undo GWB mistakes.

Mark said...


The Telegraph is hardly a socialist newspaper!

Mark said...


Still, it's a long way to the Presidential elections and much can happen in between.

A helluva lot, too!

But the pigeons have come home to roost, I'm afraid.

Mark said...

Ballinteer Bandit:

A warm welcome to this forum!

There is no able and/or trustworthy presidential candidate from either side; certainly no one that can undo GWB mistakes.

I'm sorry to say it, but I think you're right.

beakerkin said...


Across the pond many of you are guilty of wishful thinking. The talking heads go to the same cocktail parties and they know squat about America.

Number 1 the only race where an openly antiwar candidate ran was in CT and Lamont lost.

Number 2 The vocal left wingers have been MIA for almost three months. Let Pelosi talk, let Rangel talk and let Howard Dean talk and the American people will tire quickly.

Number 3 Hillary Clinton expects a coronation and it will not happen.
She will get a vocal opponent from the left not named Gomer Kerry. Hillary Clinton will get defeated by Rudy or McCain.

Number 4 If Rudy or McCain do not get the nod Mayor Bloomberg runs as an independent. Bloomberg runs as an outsider and acts as the voice of people fed up by special intrests and the status quo. Bloomberg is no Ross Perot and exudes leadership and charisma. Moreover, he is smarter than any politician and is tougher than nails.

Mark said...


Across the pond many of you are guilty of wishful thinking. The talking heads go to the same cocktail parties and they know squat about America.

Are you referring to impeachment here? I don't think the newspaper was expressing what it wants to happen. After all, it was not an editorial. It was an article which simply stated there was talk in the States, among the Democrats, that such a process had been called for.

I certainly wasn't expressing my own viewpoint here. I hope you understand that.

Jodin said...

About Impeachment....
Sometimes reprimanding a child (President) doesn't make the family (Washington) a happy place. But you still have to do it so the child and his siblings (future presidents) learns about accountability. Holding government officials accountable for their actions strengthens our democracy. Letting lawlessness stand weakens it.

beakerkin said...


I know your sentiments are not reflected by the Salon Comwads.

Let me explain the reality of America. Europeans come to the US and they go to Disney, NYC or Hollywood. They think they are experts on the American people but in reality they do not have a clue.

In fact the European tourists who visit NYC do not even get a real view of NYC. The reality is in midterm elections most politics are local. There was only one race where Iraq was front and center and that was CT where Lieberman kicked Stalinist Lamont handily.

The foreign press is reading too much of its own wishes into something that isn't there. Talk to me in three months and you will see how nothing gets done. Pelosi, Dean and Rangel will have plenty of gaffe's now that their guard is down.

leelion said...

beakerkin, I thought Condi Rice was a serious Presidential candidate.

A Hillary v Condi race would be fascinating, and wouldn't Condi pull the Black vote?

beakerkin said...

Condi is not running. Surprisingly Guliani has alot of strength in pols at unlikely places as Free Republic.

I am holding out hope for Mayor Bloomberg. America needs a true independent to clean up DC.

Mark said...


Bloomberg is too much of a Puritan for may tastes, I'm afraid. He is also too imperious and far too self-righteous.