Friday, November 03, 2006

What does Charles mean by inter-faith respect? That Christians should be tolerant of beheadings, lapidations, amputations, wife beatings, and the persecution of Christians?
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Photo courtesy of the BBC
BBC: The Prince of Wales has called for tolerance between all religions as he continues his tour of Pakistan.
Accompanied by the Duchess of Cornwall, his trip to Lahore took in a mosque, a Sikh temple and a cathedral.

The prince called on community leaders of all faiths to have the "courage" to encourage mutual understanding and tackle religious intolerance.

BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt says the prince is passionate about improving inter-faith dialogue. Charles urges inter-faith respect
Mark Alexander


Mark said...


I think I speak for all of us here when I say we are NOT condemning a religion on the basis of a few people acting "wrong". Rather, we condemn the 'religion' (actually is it not a religion in the normal sense of the word since it is more of a geo-political system with designs on world domination) on the basis of the Qur'an and the teachings of the 'prophet' Muhammad.

Islam is 90% politics and 10% spirituality (at most). It is a brutal faith which can be verified by the brutal way Muslims behave, and by the brutal treatment meted out to 'transgressors', non-believers, and apostates.

I suggest you pick a Qur'an today and start reading it. Your future lies in the balance, though it doesn't sound as though you yet realize it!

cybercrusader said...

englishman Have you noticed that the supposed moderate Muslims have not spoken out against the barbarism of those "who have acted wrong"? Why do you suppose that is?