Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Kofi Annan: What a twerp!
"There are tensions, there are even hostilities but they are not caused by religion, by culture or by civilisations " - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Myth and reality feed West-Muslim gulf
Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

Every time I think I can't possibly read something even crazier, along comes a story such as this one.

From the article:

[T] report's authors argue any proposal will have limited impact if the core political issues that fuel divisions between Muslims and the West are ignored.

Islam is at the heart of the difference over "core political issues." Why the hell do these idiots fail to see that?

Yzerfontein said...

While religion plays its part (in a similar vein to which Christianity was militant at this stage of its development), it's not entirely fueled by religion.

Well done Desmond Tutu.

John Sobieski said...

Tutu is a dhimmi. Maybe he is stupid too. Just another flail meeting, everyone stands up and flails pointing here, there, everywhere but Islam.

Mark said...


Islam is at the heart of the difference over "core political issues." Why the hell do these idiots fail to see that?

Exactly! It's like not being able to add 2 and 2!

Mark said...


While religion plays its part (in a similar vein to which Christianity was militant at this stage of its development), it's not entirely fueled by religion.

Forgive me for saying it, but I think you are so, so wrong in your assessment!

It's where all liberals go wrong (I am assuming you're of the liberal persuasion). It is so WRONG to assume that Islam is in a backward state, and in giving it more time, it will all be sorted.

Have you read the Qur'an? Have you read the Ahadith? Have you read the history of Islam, and so on and so forth? Islam eventually takes over each and every country it enters and puts down roots! Why do people fail to see this? Why can't people understand this simple historical FACT?

You are right that it is not entirely fuelled by religion. Why? Because Islam is not a religion in the sense that you and I understand a religion to be. It is a geopolitical movement in the guise of a religion. Therein lies the danger!

Mark said...

John, you are so right about Tutu being a dhimmi! I heard him speak the other day about Islam. Oh God! Waht a dhimmi!

mirrorman said...

The war in Sudan is a racist war against Black Africans, many of them Muslim the same as the Arab militias that do the Sudanese governments dirty work.
Chopping up little children? Hacking old people to pieces?
Kofi Annan, you are a traitor to your brothers and your ancestors.