Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Of course they should ban it!
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Photo courtesy of the BBC
BBC: A senior Vatican cardinal has expressed concern over the use of some Muslim veils by Islamic immigrants in Europe.

This is the first time that the Vatican has joined in the Europe-wide debate on how women who insist on wearing the veil affect the integration of Muslims.

Cardinal Renato Martino said immigrants must respect the traditions, culture and religion of the nations they go to.

They ought to abide by local laws banning the wearing of certain types of Muslim veils, he added.

"It seems elementary to me and it is quite right that the authorities demand it," said Cardinal Martino, who heads the Vatican department dealing with migration issues. Vatican enters Muslim veil debate
Mark Alexander

1 comment:

mirrorman said...

I wonder what would happen to someone wearing a large cross around their neck, in Karachi or Kabul?