Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Islam: The Enemy of Democracy and Freedom!

Until 9/11, the western world was largely ignorant of the religion of Islam, of its goals, of its aspirations. Indeed, even since 9/11, most people, and that includes our politicians, would not score very highly in a test of their knowledge on the subject. It should be obvious to all thinking people that our politicians are actually unaware, dare I say blind, to the dangers that Islam will increasingly cause us. It is truly a case of the blind leading the blind! That means to say, uninformed and unthinking politicians leading an ill-informed electorate. But this is what we have right now. The same can hardly be said of Muslims in the Islamic world, though; for their knowledge of Christianity far surpasses - even though much of their knowledge is quite distorted - any knowledge of Islam by the man in the street in the West.

As the old saying goes, knowledge is power. But what we often don't hear uttered is its converse: Ignorance is weakness!

The West is far weaker than it need be because of this ignorance of Islam, since Islam is our greatest enemy. The greatest enemy since Nazism and communism. I'll give you some good reasons why this is so. And none of them - absolutely none of them - are based on hatred!

Islam is the enemy of the West for a plethora of good, solid reasons, and if we wish to survive as a civilization, we are going to have to bite the bullet and deal, head on, with the issues these reasons raise. Let us begin...

First and foremost, we are dealing with a religion which does not recognize any separation of politics and religion, any separation of the political from the spiritual. For Muslims, life is one coherent whole: the political and spiritual both meld into one. This has always been so, and always will be. No re-classification of the religion into two separate parts is possible because of Islam's very nature.

In Islam, all power rests with Allah, the god of Muslims. The Qur'an, their holy book, is always taken literally. Those words are considered to be the actual words of Allah. Therefore, none of these words can be changed, for to change any of them would be tantamount to tampering with Allah's words. This would be a grave sin in their eyes.

For the same reason that the words contained in the Qur'an cannot be changed, they cannot, therefore, be re-interpreted either. So do not hold your breath for any kind of reformation in this religion, because it ain't gonna happen!

In Islam, all power rests with Allah, and it filters down via his vice-gerents on earth to the people. Hence the great desire among Muslims to restore the caliphate. Contrast this with the Western model of government!

In the West, the ideal political system is democracy. In democracy, all power rests with the people, and they exercise that power at the polls. In a democracy, all power filters in the opposite direction from Islam. In democracy it filters up; in Islam, down! Herein lies the greatest barrier to the miscibility of the two worlds: the western world and the Islamic world!

Without digressing too much here, I should like to add that this is the main reason why George W Bush and Blair's venture into Iraq to bring democracy there was a grave error of judgment. We are now seeing the experiment failing before our very eyes. How can one bring democracy to a region of the world where the people who inhabit that region believe that all power rests with Allah, and where they believe that Allah has prescribed their way of life for them for then, for now, and for all time?

I would suggest that where such a dichotomy exists, the most sensible and prudent thing to do would be for us to lead our lives as we see fit, and for those people to be allowed to live their lives as they see fit. That way, there would be hope of some peace in this world.

But this is not what we have done. We have done the very opposite of this: We have entered the Middle East in the hope - the vain hope in my opinion - of bringing our way of doing things, our way of life, to them; furthermore, we have allowed millions and millions of Muslims into the West - and at the very time when Christianity, the religion which underpins the West, is greatly weakened anyway - which will only give us headaches for the years ahead. Why? Because Muslims who immigrate bring their hopes and dreams and aspirations with them of establishing Islam everywhere on earth. To Islamize the world is the main aspiration of the Muslim; and we have seen the recent past, the manifestation of aggression in its cause in France. For what happened in France was in no small part because of the Muslim's desire to establish Allah's caliphate here on earth. These were the first rumblings, the first roar of the lion! Expect more of this in the future, as Islam grows stronger and stronger.

Muslims, by and large, do not respect non-Muslims. How can they? Their religion does not allow them to do so. Their religion preaches that Muslims are superior to non-Muslims; indeed, they use the derogatory term infidel for us. This word to some Westerners might simply mean that they call us infidels because we are people who do not subscribe to their faith. This, after all, would be quite logical, since to us it simply means not fidele, or not true to the faith. But this does not completely describe what Muslims mean by this term. To Muslims, to be called an infidel is an insult indeed! It has connotations of inferiority, backwardness, and even uncleanness!

You see, Muslims believe that Islam is the perfection of religion for man for all time. They call it ad deen al kamal, the perfect religion. People, in their eyes, who have not yet submitted to the will of Allah, are in a state of pre-Islamic chaos, a state known to them as jahiliyyah! To Muslims, all Muslims, the whole world is classified in two parts: that part of the world which has submitted, and is therefore in the Islamic state, known as Dar ul Islam, or 'the House of Islam', and that part of the world which has yet to submit, and is therefore in a pre-Islamic, chaotic, jahiliyyic state, known as Dar ul Harb, or the 'House of War'!

The 'House of War' is the part of the world which has yet to be taken over, and must at some point be taken over in the future. We, I am sorry to inform you, are in the 'House of War'. So we can expect anything at anytime.

Some people would ask why we were able to go for quite a long time without problems with Muslims. The answer to that is a simple one indeed. First of all, there were relatively few Muslims living in the West, so the ones that did live here were not powerful. Secondly, Muslims living in the Islamic world were, for the most part and for many years, poor by anyone's standards. This all changed with the Oil Embargo of the 70s - a time when the price of oil on the world markets soared. As a result of this, the Islamic world became rich and empowered. Money is power; and it talks loudly! In recent years we have seen evidence aplenty of Islam being on the move. I tell you now: If we do not find a way of clipping its wings here in the West, we shall lose our democracy, and we shall be in deep, deep trouble.

So the trouble we will have with Muslims will not come only from without, but in the future we can expect trouble from the Muslims within. The millions of Muslims living here in the West will not integrate, because it is not in their worldview to do so. It is also forbidden them by their very own Prophet Himself, the Prophet Muhammad. He forbade Muslims even to befriend infidels. He also exhorted them to kill us. And he certainly told them that they should live separate lives, and dress and behave differently, so that they could easily tell themselves apart.

No Western politician is going to be able to change these facts. For facts they are indeed. Moreover, as Islam will grow here, their numbers will become greater and greater, and they will be able to use our democratic system to outvote us and introduce their form of government based as it is on their beloved Shari'ah, or Quranic laws! How do you propose we shall be able to stop them? We shall be outnumbered, and as the outcome of democratic elections depends on the number of votes cast, we shall be able to do nothing about it! This time will come quicker than we might think, because so few babies are being born to infidel families.

The only thing left for people to do, will be to fight. Inevitably, at some point, civil war will ensue. If the political process fails people, then this will be all that will be left for them: civil war, guerre civile, Bürgerkrieg, call it what you will.

But one thing I can assure you, no politicians' sweet talk, posturing, or manœvring, will get us out of this one without conflict at some point in the future.

You see, one of the biggest problems for the West is its devotion to the concept of freedom of religion. This is a lofty concept and ideal indeed; but this devotion blinds people to one important reality: Islam is not just a religion, but a political system also. Indeed, it is more of a political system than anything else, and it is, in addition, a political system diametrically opposed to our own. It abhors freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of anything that we so cherish! The only thing one is free to do in Islam is become a Muslim, and submit to the will of Allah!

These two systems are totally immiscible, and unfortunately, we have imported this immiscibility right into the heart of the West! To our own great disadvantage, and to the disadvantage of our long term peace and security. What, I ask you, will the Americans do when the ever growing Muslim population in America starts wanting to tinker with the Americans' beloved Constitution? When Muslims will see their way clear to supplant the Constitution with Shari'ah law?

Questions like these are the ones we should be grappling with NOW. To wait until the time comes would be foolish indeed.

Wake up to the harsh realities of life in the twenty-first century! We've got some collective thinking to do if we wish to save ourselves from darkness! Perhaps we shall, indeed, be forced to think about having to re-classify Islam as a political system first and foremost, a political system immiscible with our own, and one whose advance needs to be forestalled. This may be one of our only sensible alternatives. Since to give complete, unhampered freedom to Islam to grow here in the West is tantamount to digging our own graves!

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved


Adam Moses said...

Another great article. Thanks.

My country used to be Buddhist. There is nothing of that left now. Islam has killed all the ancient wisdom and repalced it with the Koran.
The Koran has won in the Maldives.

It is coming to you and so fight back hard if you wish your civilization to survive.
Best of luck and support from team at the Dhivehistan Report.

Mark said...


What muslim could say that these words are innacurate?

Many a Muslim would try to dispute the accuracy of my words. I have actually heard Muslims say that Islam is democratic! I remember long debates and discussions on this theme when I worked in the Middle East. Their line of reasoning always revealed that they did not understand the concept of democracy. Many would like to argue the case for an 'Islamic democracy'! Such nonsense! What does 'Islamic democracy' mean? That one is allowed to vote for this Muslim representative who wants to introduce this aspect of quranic law, or another who places emphasis on yet some other aspect. Such baldersash! You and I know it; but they rarely seemed to understand. One would retire very late in the night having got nowhere with the debate. They would always remain unconvincible.

The adventure in Iraq is proof positive that my words are true. We all know by now what has happened, and continues to happen, there. They have had the freedom and democracy to introduce Shari'ah law! That's rich! And all those poor people have died for nothing!

You accurately describe the way in which Muslims are proscribed from taking friends from amongst their infidel neighbours.

That this is true is summed up in the following quranic verses:

They but wish that ye should reject Faith as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of God (from what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.

About the Sudan and Somalia: they are tragedies unfolding even as I write this response to you.

It would seem that Democracy cannot cope with the challenges ahead, and if this is so, then what can fill this vacuum? It would seem that a totaliterian governance, and the hopefully temporary redundancy of Democracy, will be Europes only hope of survival. There may yet come a day when people will yearn once more for the certainty of a Mussolini or a Cromwell.

I agree. I often wonder whether democracy is too weak to cope with the onslaught of Islam. It doesn't seem to be kicking up any strong leaders these days. For democracy to be strong enough, we would need someone of the strength of Winston Churchill. But it should be remembered, of course, that many democratic freedoms had to be suspended for the duration of the Second World War. People today won't relinquish anything for the war effort. They want it all: to win, yet to relinquish nothing.

Regarding the digging of our own graves, I really feel that we are, especially since our leaders cannot seem to get a handle on what's happenng, and the led seem disinterested. People are only interested in the pleasures of life!

Eleanor © said...

Mark - I can not add much to the previous comment except to reiterate that ignorance of Islam is the culprit.

Ignorance has always been the enemy of mankind and as in other eras, ignorance of other topics, such as the causes of disease, mankind has suffered.

Ignorance of Islam, this meme, virus of the mind, this pathological abomination, has brought on suffering to hundreds of millions over the centuries, and to millions right in front of our eyes.

One can not fault the masses for not having knowledge of the peril that awaits, but there is no excuse for the ignorance of our elite classes that have been afforded excellent university eductions, at which point they should have grounded in the perilous ideologies swirling around the world. And, as Islam is not a new ideology, there is no reason to claim that they could not have known.

Multiculturalists and Marxists are to blame for promoting their sick ideas over the rational. However, they too will be forced to make the obsequious journey to kiss the feet of their Muslim overlords when the time comes. In fact, the Metropolitan Police and various British ministers have already felt the boot on their necks, and unfortunate British citizens are now required to remain silent upon pain of imprisonment. However, as time goes by, the penalty will, of course, change to death.

Mark said...


Another great article. Thanks.

You're welcome, my friend. Thank you for your compliment.

My country used to be Buddhist. There is nothing of that left now. Islam has killed all the ancient wisdom and repalced it with the Koran.
The Koran has won in the Maldives.

That is so sad! Buddhism is such a peaceful religion, too. I fear that this will happen in the West if the people don't stir from their slumbers.

It is coming to you and so fight back hard if you wish your civilization to survive.

Oh, how I agree with you! We do indeed need to fight back hard. But where are we going to find the leaders to kick us into action? We are being led by people who prefer to tinker with this petty law or another. Today, our politicians worry about whether parents should be allowed to smack their children, or whether people should be allowed to smoke in public. All the while, 'Rome is burning'!

Best of luck and support from team at the Dhivehistan Report.

And the best of luck to you, Sir. Please stop by again soon. By the way, can you provide us a link to the Dhivehistan Report? The two inclusions I found in Google are dead.

Mark said...


Mark - I can not add much to the previous comment except to reiterate that ignorance of Islam is the culprit.

Yes, it is; and we really cannot afford to be ignorant of this geopolitical ideology.

Ignorance has always been the enemy of mankind and as in other eras, ignorance of other topics, such as the causes of disease, mankind has suffered.

Yes, ignorance and indifference. People are always too concerned with their own lives until it hits them in the teeth.

Ignorance of Islam, this meme, virus of the mind, this pathological abomination, has brought on suffering to hundreds of millions over the centuries, and to millions right in front of our eyes.

Yes, have you read the wonderful comment from Adam Moses above? That says it all.

One can not fault the masses for not having knowledge of the peril that awaits, but there is no excuse for the ignorance of our elite classes that have been afforded excellent university eductions, at which point they should have grounded in the perilous ideologies swirling around the world. And, as Islam is not a new ideology, there is no reason to claim that they could not have known.

It is the élite's responsibility to safeguard the lives of the people. That's what they are paid for in their high-up, establishment positions. But they seem to have forgotten this.

Multiculturalists and Marxists are to blame for promoting their sick ideas over the rational. However, they too will be forced to make the obsequious journey to kiss the feet of their Muslim overlords when the time comes. In fact, the Metropolitan Police and various British ministers have already felt the boot on their necks, and unfortunate British citizens are now required to remain silent upon pain of imprisonment. However, as time goes by, the penalty will, of course, change to death.

Beautifully stated! What more can I add?

Mark said...


The "culture" of the West has changed to suppression of western religion as an anachronism and the accomodation of all outside beliefs.

Yep, it sure seems that way, doesn't it?

In America, this was enhanced by the "Star Trek" syndrome where the hippies of the age produced a show that showed a complete interweaving of races and nationalities absent the belief of religion.

"If we only believe in nothing, we can truly reach out to everyone, inclusively." However, Islam will not suddenly join the "Star Trek" syndrome and join us in believing nothing.

No way! Islam is self-confident and determined to win.

No, Islam will use our current western "culture" to replace christianity, judaism, buddhism, and all other "isms" to establish ISLAM.

Yes, it will. That 'New Dark Age' I wrote about is on its way, as sure as night follows day.

You will submit, or die.

Yes, or, if you are lucky, pay the jizyah.

The current western culture is Platonic in philosophy - the truth is whatever you want it to be, for the good of society.

Yes, isn't that just ludicrous?

Ignoring the real truth allows society time to make whatever truth they want come to pass. It has failed, abysmally among those who love the truth, so the truth never dies the death desired by those who despise it.

Some people will, it's true, keep the truth alive. But those are the few, I'm afraid.

Into this struggle enters Islam. As I have said too many times, Islam is winning.

I couldn't agree with you more. Islam is indeed winning. And we are allowing this to happen by our own inertia, ignorance, and unwillingness to anhilate the enemy.

Adam Moses said...

the link is

In this blog we were addressing the Arabisation of the Maldive Islanders. However we came under attack from Islamists calling us Christian missionaries when all we wanted was a discourse on arabisation and islamization of our country. For our physical safety the blog is in hibernation for a while.
If we are known publicly we expect the state organs to persecute us. Read the comments by the Egyptian educated Dictator (a student of Syed Qutb).
Gayoom Accuses Pope Of Spreading 'Derisive' Messages

The Islamist bloggers have made their own site listing our site as missionary site

They are a bunch of idiots but they are dangerous.
Thank you again sir.

Mark said...



Thank you for this link. Would you like me to place this link up on my front page? Or is it too dangerous for you?

In this blog we were addressing the Arabisation of the Maldive Islanders. However we came under attack from Islamists calling us Christian missionaries when all we wanted was a discourse on arabisation and islamization of our country. For our physical safety the blog is in hibernation for a while.
If we are known publicly we expect the state organs to persecute us.

This is no surprise. It's what Muslims do. It saddens me.

Read the comments by the Egyptian educated Dictator (a student of Syed Qutb).
Gayoom Accuses Pope Of Spreading 'Derisive' Messages

What else would one expect from such a man?

The Islamist bloggers have made their own site listing our site as missionary site

This link doesn't work for me, I'm sorry. I get the message that this link is "not found on this server".

They are a bunch of idiots but they are dangerous. Thank you again sir.

They sure sound that way. But as you rightly say - dangerous! Thank you, Sir, and do let me know if you want me to place your link up on my website.

By the way, that message of goodwill by President Bush saddens me, too. He doesn't seem to understand what the West is up against. Further, does the Islamic world send the Christian world good wishes for Christmas? I don't think so!

cybercrusader said...

adam moses I agree that this is another excellent post from Mark. Thank you too for the chilling reminder of what can happen in the West as it has already happened at dozens of other places in the past. I certainly hope that people will take heed before it is too late.

Mark said...


adam moses I agree that this is another excellent post from Mark.

Thank you! Much appreciated!

Thank you too for the chilling reminder of what can happen in the West as it has already happened at dozens of other places in the past. I certainly hope that people will take heed before it is too late.

Yes, isn't it a CHILLING reminder. I do wish our leaders, and the electorate, would WAKE UP! BEFORE it's too late!

Mark said...


WE must not despair, nothing is written in stone.
Proclaiming the truth has always upset despots and dictators, and what is the ultimate despotic dictatorship with worldwide tentacles?
A dictatorship of the mind, the despots of the heart. They shall not persevere. Our time will come.

Nothing indeed is "written in stone"; but we must act - NOW! Time is NOT on our side. If we are to persevere, then we must identify the enemy, and then act accordingly. We have not identified the enemy yet; and therefore, we do not act accordingly. It's worrying!

leelion said...

Mark, I once read that verses in the Koran encourage Muslims to live in Islamic countries under Islamic law at all times if possible. Do you know if this is true?

Mark said...


Mark, I once read that verses in the Koran encourage Muslims to live in Islamic countries under Islamic law at all times if possible. Do you know if this is true?

The Qur'an certainly insists that Muslims in Islamic countries live under Islamic law. When Muslims live in non-Islamic countries, they are encouraged to obey the laws of the land when those laws don't contradict Islamic law. Where there is a contradiction, they are to ignore the local laws and live according to Islamic law, and they are under no obligation to live according to local laws and customs.

Of course, abiding by the local laws of the land is only a temporary measure anyway, to give them time to multiply to become strong enough to introduce Shari'ah, or Islamic law.

They are certainly encouraged to go abroad in order to work for the ultimate victory of Islam over the infidel.

Mark said...

Scary Sexy Chocolate Thing:

could some one please help me obtain information for the following situatiion:

in America there are those who think dhimmi is an idea of the Republican party and is not islamic in origins. i know several who makes this claim. i don't know how to contradict the idea at this time.

The concept of dhimmi is CERTAINLY not an idea of the Republican Party. And it is certainly Arabic in origin. Take a look here. I think it will help you explain to your friends: Pact of Umar

thank you very much
GOD bless you

You're welcome. And God bless you, too.

Mark said...

Scary Sexy Chocolate Thing:

Also look here: Dhimmi

Mark said...


Thank you for this. Excellent points made there. Again, thank you. That should help Scary Sexy Chocolate Thing.

Mark said...


Islam's raison d'etre is to submit everyone (unbelievers) to the words of Allah, if they refuse than the remedy is to submit(killed) them to the sword. It is all there in the Koran. There is no peace in Islam as a process inherent in its spread. There may be "peace" only after everyone is converted to it. By then logically speaking, there will be no dissent nor unbelievers. Never believe the lies of Islam, my friends. Sufi Islam maybe, but most sufis were burned alive, only remnants of their writings remain.

What a great endorsement of what I say! You know what you're talking about, I know. You have left the faith, as I understand it.

Muslim Bedeouin tyrants of Arabia conquered and subdued the once mighty Berbers tribes of North Africa. Now it is Maldives. Who can predict, in the next 20 years it will be Londonistan, than the Canadistan. Berbers were a mix of ancient people whose language was distinct. Some became Christains, some converted to Judaism. Most remain Animists. Berbers were pround people of the like of Hannibal who stood tall against the tyranny of Rome. The same can be said of the great general Massinissa who served under Rome. Berbers were fiercly independents tribes, with no central authority (trully democratic) to which any conquering hordes try to undermine by divide and conquer strategy. And each was successful to a degree. But the devasting blow was the Islamic onslaught for which the Berber culture has never recovered, because most living Berbers consider themsleves Muslims. It is a sad story of how once independent people become subdued and end up accepting their conquerors' mock monotheistic religion that was plagiarize from the two earlier religions. If I say plagiarize, I am not exagerating. Koran is full of historical errors about biblical figures like Mary and Aaron, or like the story of the cave sleepers of Ephysis who slept for 400 years only to wake up to find that people have accepted Islam. What? Accepted Islam? This is a famous greek story. Why is it is the Koran?

Yes, full of errors, too. It is also full of grammatical mistakes. As if God wouldn't get his grammar right! The line that I find so hilarious is when a Muslim defies anyone to write a even a verse like it! :-) That really cracks me up!

You see my friends, even if you show where the story originated in the Greek literature to Muslims, Guess what will they say: "Oh no, that's not true, it is the Greek who copied it from the Koran".


How can any rational person believe that the Islamic period preceeds the Greek civilization? that's beyond me. Only the dumb witted and the ignorant, I guess. As for the Maldives, resistance to the obscutantist Islamization is paramount for the survival of the Malvian culture, because Islamism is fascism is obscurantism is ignorance.

Rational pople cannot accept the Qur'an at all. It defies reason! But I suppose it gives Muslims comfort.