Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11: Five years on

Five years have passed since September 11, 2001, a day that will go down in history as a day of infamy. Thousands of innocent people perished that day in New York, and needlessly. The world has never been the same since. 9/11 has cast a long shadow over the free world.

Today, I should like to express my heartfelt sympathy to all those people, parents, spouses, children, and extended family members, of the victims of that heinous crime against the American nation, and against the rest of the free world. May those who perished rest in peace.

9/11 should be a stark reminder to all people that the world truly is divided into two: the enlightened free world and the benighted world of fundamentalist Islam. The latter is characterized by forces of barbarity and cruelty. America and the rest of the West must at last stand united in its battle against these forces of darkness, for not to do so will have dire consequences for the free world in its entirety.
THE WHITE HOUSE: THE PRESIDENT: Laura and I approach tomorrow with a heavy heart. It's hard not to think about the people who lost their lives on September the 11th, 2001. You know, you see the relatives of those who still grieve -- I just wish there were some way we could make them whole. So tomorrow is going to be a day of sadness for a lot of people. President Bush Visits with Firefighters, Tours Tribute WTC Visitor Center in New York

THE TIMES: PRESIDENT BUSH will cap two days of ceremonies marking the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks with a primetime television address today from the Oval Office, amid an increasingly bitter election year debate over the Iraq war. Five years on, the Twin Towers cast long shadows over the war debate

THE INDEPENDENT: The bitter legacy of 9/11

ALWAYS ON WATCH: With thanks to Always On Watch for this touching tribute:

Take a good look at this face. It is the face of Steven Lawrence Glick, who perished on 9/11 at the World Trade Center. Steve was forty-two years old.

Look into his eyes, look at his smile. Really. A good, long look.

He's gone now. He left behind friends and family, including two young children. 9/11 Tribute: Steven L. Glick

And lest we forget the importance of fighting this war, a chilling message from Al-Qaeda:

CNN: A lengthy statement from al Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks calls on Muslims to step up their resistance against the United States. Al Qaeda releases 9/11 anniversary message

LE FIGARO: Des guerres, des lois d'exception, des prisons spéciales, un «axe du Mal» et une «campagne pour la liberté» : ce qui a changé depuis les attentats.

CINQ ANS après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, l'Amérique a plus d'ennemis dans le monde qu'elle n'en avait avant. Qui l'aurait prédit, dans l'élan de solidarité qui a suivi le cauchemar du carnage en direct ? Des avions-missiles dans le ciel bleu de New York et de Washington, des victimes qui se jettent des fenêtres, des appels téléphoniques désespérés, des tours qui se fracassent dans un «tsunami de poussière». C'est d'abord le choc : 2 992 morts, un pays en état de siège. Puis c'est l'onde de choc, qui secoue les États-Unis et le reste de la planète jusqu'à ce jour. État des lieux. 11 Septembre : Le Nouveau Monde cinq ans après par Philippe Gélie

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In New York haben am Sonntag die Gedenkfeiern zu «9/11» begonnen

Vor fünf Jahren wurden die USA Schauplatz der bis anhin grössten Terroranschläge. Aus diesem Anlass haben am Sonntag in New York die Gedenkfeiern zu «9/11» begonnen. Der amerikanische Präsident Bush trat in New York an der Stelle auf, wo zwei Flugzeuge in die beiden Türme des World Trade Center flogen. Am Montag hat der afghanische Präsident Karzai die Opfer des 9. Septembers 2001 gewürdigt. Erinnerungen an das Unfassbare

EL MUNDO: NUEVA YORK.- El presidente de EEUU, George W.Bush, inició en Nueva York las conmemoraciones del quinto aniversario del 11-S con una ofrenda floral en la 'Zona Cero', donde se alzaban las Torres Gemelas.

Acompañado del gobernador de Nueva York, George Pataki, el alcalde de la ciudad, Michael Bloomberg, y de su mujer Laura, el jefe de la Casa Blanca depositó sendas coronas en los lechos de la Torre Norte y la Torre Sur, que componían el complejo del World Trade Center. Bush inicia en la 'Zona Cero' de Nueva York la conmemoración del quinto aniversario del 11-S

CORRIERE DELLA SERA: Il presidente ha deposto una corona di fiori nel luogo attentati. Con lui il sindaco di allora Rudolph Giuliani, e l'attuale Bloomberg Usa:Bush a Ground Zero per 11 settembre

DIÁRIO DE NOTÍCIAS: O quinto aniversário dos atentados de 11 de Setembro está a ser marcado nos Estados Unidos por um ambiente de controvérsia. No âmbito da guerra contra o terrorismo, uma evidência aprofunda as divisões: Ussama ben Laden continua a monte e, a menos que a sorte intervenha, não será tão cedo capturado ou eliminado. Destino de Ben Laden gera polémica nos EUA
Mark Alexander


beakerkin said...


I had the misfortune of being there twice. Many people ( not you)
forget that the building was blown up in 1993.

The problem then and even now is that some people just do not take the matter seriously. In 1993 we had the Abbott and Costello of Jihad caught by trying to get a refund on the security deposit. Who could forget the incoherent blind sheik in the Santa Claus outfit with his uglier commie lawyer Lynne Stewart. I would like to saw Stewart looks better in person, but I do not lie well.

Even I joked about the clowns of jihad after 1993. However, had we been alert the plans to attack America were in the appartment of El Sayid Nossair, who assasinated Meir Kahane. The problem was the FBI did not translate the doccuments until years later.

The same crew that attacked NYC in 1993 were responsible for 9-11.
However, we treated the 1993 blast as a law enforcement issue. The problem was it never was, it was assymetrical warfare.

Ramzi Youseff is a Baluch, was the mastermind of the 1993 blast. It just so happens that his Uncle is Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the disheveled number 3 Al Queda clown.
This is not a coincedence but the tip of the iceberg of Clintonoid stupidity. Clinton never visited the site in 1993. However, he rushed back to Ground Zero from Australia in a low class attempt to upstage the current President.

In the comming weeks Clintons stupid remarks show he was not studying history at Oxford and must have inhaled plenty. " America
was paying for the sins of the Crusades, Slavery and the crimes against Native Americans" . This is the brain adled stupor our left
lives in. Osama Bin Ladden does not
read the Guardian, Mother Jones and is heir to a civilation that has squared any alleged misdeeds of Western Civ.

Clinton lied about the Sudanese offer and only one Journalist has ever asked him dirrectly. There is a tape of his description of that offer on Newsmax Magazines website.
Now he is trying to rewrite his deriliction of duty.

The ultimate prize for 9-11 culpability goes to former Senator Bob Torreceli. Torreceli was trying to impress his bimbette girlfriend Bianca " Thomas Borge's Cumare" Jagger and passed legislation that eliminated human intelligence. One could recruit assetts only if they were squeaky clean. Members of terrorist cells
are unlikely to be squeaky clean.
Thus one idiotic legislator thinking with the wrong head single handedly laid the ground work for 9-11.

Mark said...


Thank you for this information.

Mark said...


Mark, thank you.

You're most welcome!

You speak eloquently for so many of us touched and saddened at the depravity some parts of the human race inflicted on so many others that dark day, five years ago.

Thank you for your kind words.

Let our thoughts and prayers remain a beacon of remembrance.


Lest we forget.

We shall never forget!

Always On Watch said...

Beak said, Even I joked about the clowns of jihad after 1993.

Didn't most of us?

We found out differently on 9/11. Well, SOME of us found out. Others refuse to face the reality of what's still ahead.

Mark said...

Always, you're more than welcome. It's a great post.

As you say: "Forget interfaithing and dialogue. Take action!"