Monday, May 22, 2006

If Al Gore says it, it must be right!

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Photo courtesy of the BBC
Former US vice-president Al Gore, who is at the Cannes Film Festival, has warned the world is facing a "planetary emergency" due to global warming.

A documentary based on the politician's environmental campaigning is being screened at the festival.

Mr Gore said the world faced a stark choice between the end of civilisation and a future for its children. Politician Gore appears at Cannes
Mark Alexander


Mark said...

Sorry folks! Al Gore's photo is no match for the painting of Mary Magdalene, I realize, but, alas, the news must move on!

cybercrusader said...

Does this poor, pathetic wretch think that the primary issue facing civilized society is global warming? Where has he been for the last four years? It is virtually impossible to believe that he is as naive as he appears...but I suppose anything is possible.

Mark said...

Politicians, today, have become laughing stocks!

cybercrusader said...

As I have said elsewhere on this blogsite, bring back Harry Truman or his equal. President Truman was a no-nonsense man who was courageous and decisive in the face of those who would destroy human decency and replace it with hatred and intolerance and despotic rule. Al Gore, along with virtually all present-day politicians, doesn't come up to Mr. Truman's ankles! Deliver us from these weak, disgusting hacks!!

leelion said...

People like Al Gore, Hillary Clinton etc are the biggest threat to the planet.

Interesting how 'global warming' has become 'climate change' - covers all scenarios i guess.

Mark said...

If Al Gore thinks that this is a greater threat than Islam, then he's dafter than I had already thought he was!

Unknown said...

"It is virtually impossible to believe that he is as naive as he appears...but I suppose anything is possible."-usiconoclasticpatriot

Self-deceit is the bastard seed of vanity, and together, this pair leads an empty head to the giddy heights of Arrogance. After all, the camera is watching isn't it!

leelion said...

JAR wrote: "Self-deceit is the bastard seed of vanity, and together, this pair leads an empty head to the giddy heights of Arrogance. After all, the camera is watching isn't it!"

JAR, you have a great turn of phrase, please continue!


leelion said...

Mark and JAR - to continue this thread - (you've got me going!), this photo and story of Al Gore reminds me of those folk (and there are many - Hollywood and Washington are full of them) who are so blinded by their own bull****, they can't see beyond it.

And somehow they manage to convince many gullible others of their imagined power and influence.

Some that immediately come to mind are Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Hugh Heffner and Jesse Jackson. Do you get my drift? or is it just me? Lee

Mark said...


No, it isn't just you. They are what you say they are.

One can often tell what a person is by his face and facial expressions! Such is the case with Al Gore. As they say: It's written all over his face!

Unknown said...

Hi Mark

Wrote another one this morning. Boy the muse is really kicking up the traces. Though I think this one just might be too provocative to release right now. I'll send it over to you and you can distribute it to select friends for comment.

Thanks leelion, when I get the bit between my teeth, I can be a right royal pain!

Unknown said...


Empty vessels, the whole lot of them. Yes it's written on their faces. It's called smug self satisfaction.

Mark said...

Yes, JAR, he looks really satisfied with himself. But what has he got to be satisfied about?

PS: Check your email, please. Something is winging its way to you.

Mark said...


Wrote another one this morning. Boy the muse is really kicking up the traces. Though I think this one just might be too provocative to release right now. I'll send it over to you and you can distribute it to select friends for comment.

How intriguing!

Unknown said...

Just picked up on your openning comment. It's a dull day indeed, when Al Bore holds the limelight.

I guess the spin meisters wont be up to much for the day.

Mark said...

It's a dull day, JAR. And Al Gore is a dull man!

Unknown said...

Well, given a dull day, here's something to bring a laugh stout bulldogs and brave frontiersmen, also with the added benefit garonteeeed to offend the delicately sensitive ones. A joke...

An earthquake of 8.1 magnitude hits Mexico. The Mexican governmet, totally at a loss as what to do, seeks support from the international community. Canada sends troops to help quiet the riots, Saudi Arabia sends oil, Latin America sends supplies, Europe (excepting France) sends money. America, not to be outdone...

Scroll down

Sends two million replacement Mexicans

Sorry Mark, the devil made me do it!

Unknown said...

Lord help me!, What a cloth eared idiot. I missed an important line from the joke. Come on lad, engage the mind before, that's before touching keys. Once again now...

A joke
An earthquake of 8.1 magnitude hits Mexico, causing massive destruction and two million casualties. Desperate for assistance the Mexican government reaches out to the international community. Canada sends troops to help quell the rioting. The Saudis send oil. Latin America sends supplies. America, not to be outdone....

scroll down

sends two million replacement Mexicans

The good lord punished me for my sins

Unknown said...

I think I'd better go to bed. I dropped another line

Slinks off, head bowed, shoulders hunched - pratt

Always On Watch said...

Forrest Shalom,
"global warming" is an apt description of the times we live in as in: the hell fires of jihad being stoked.

Al Gore doesn't go along with your definition, of course.

You're right about Melanie Phillips. She is in the baby-steps stage and doesn't yet realize that any danger exists except from Wahhabists. But the fact is that Wahhabism IS Islam--the unadulterated thing and what MTP intended all along!

Unknown said...

OK OK I heard ya Judah, I’m getting up.

A least let me get a cup of coffee, collect my thoughts. But I think I’ll pass on that joke, maybe another one. Now let’s think.

Richard you dumb idiot!!! Smacks forehead as the light of understanding turns on upstairs.

Mark, put it there pal. You gave me the opening right there in your header at the top of this whole post. Must remember to kick myself for not paying attention. Mark, remember that Gramscian paradigm I keep prattling on about. It’s right there in front of our noses, shows we just need to pay attention a bit more…

If Al Gore said it. It must be right

Read that again folks, then ponder a bit, hhmmm. Is the light going on yet?

What could this bloviating, gasbag possibly have to do with the Gramscian paradigm? Actual, he is simply one of the useful idiots, Uncle Joe used to be so fond of. For he is a useful tool in the propagation of the world’s current meme, one of the faithful. The sky is falling, the sky is falling brigades have had to move the goalposts so many times, to maintain their creditability (is that what they call it), that it would be hilarious, if it weren’t so insidiously dangerous and downright damaging to our world around us. These fools would sacrifice humanity on the alter of a spurious claim, and for what. To raise themselves to positions of power and comfort, to preen their wretched egos before the whole world. I could forgive them their folly if they could show that they actually did something good with it, but they don’t. They just continue to sow seeds of confusion and despair, bastards! Soulless opportunistic bastards. Convinced of their righteousness, they continue to peddle their illusions, and at what enormous cost.

The power of conviction, wielded in the hands of corrupt and false ideals, is a danger from which humanity needs release, for it leaves a trail of wreckage and blood in it’s wake, and only serves the interest of those who lust after power. Simply put, the power of the wizard lies in this little trick, which the ancient Greeks were well aware of, that if you state something with enough conviction, to an audience lacking in knowledge, and unaware of your true intentions, you may sway their minds to serve your courses, and thereby elevate yourself to a position of power and authority over them. Voila! By George, I think the lads got it. Ah, but if only that were true George, got it, that is, get it. Yeah read that again slowly, you’ll get it.

The Gramscian paradigm, an idea I will return to again and again, till your understand and see it coming from a mile away. For unmasking these devils, will free us and allow us to turn and face that other dangerous monster. Come on kiddies, who’s up for a game of dragon slaying this bright and sunny morning?

Enough of such serious things. Lets have a laugh. Another joke, if I can manage it without another massacre…

A man, a boy and a donkey are on their way to market
The boy rides upon the donkey, the man walks beside leading the animal
As they travel down the road they pass a group of people by the roadside.
They overhear the people talking. “oh why is that healthy little boy riding
While that poor old man has to walk”
The boy and the man exchange knowing glances
They exchange places and continue on their way
A little further down the road, they come upon another group of people talking amongst themselves.
“Tut tut look at that, that mean old man is making that poor little boy walk all the way to market”
Once again, the man and the boy exchange glances, shrug their shoulders in resignation
And the boy climbs up on the back of the donkey behind the man.
So they continue on their way, till a little further up the road, they come upon another group of gossipers
“People are such mean cruel pigs. Look at how those two are abusing that poor animal”
After raising their eyes to the heavens. The two of them dismount and pick up the donkey
Now donkeys are beasts of burden and are so totally unused to being carried
That in his fear and confusion, he puts up some considerable struggle
However our two long suffering travelers continue on there way
As they are crossing a bridge the struggles of the donkey cause them to stumble
The donkey breaks free, but falls over the side of the bridge and drowns in the river below.

And the moral of the tale is…if you try to please everyone all the time
You might as well kiss your ass goodbye!

Mark said...

Decorum please, ladies and gentlemen!

Unknown said...

Sorry Mark

Maybe Rousseau can help us -

"Do not walk in the opinion of others, for therein lies the path to the destruction of your most noble soul".

Great line, but you've got to admit Mark, it doesn't actually work as a punchline to our joke!

Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

I like that quote though. It's so true.

By the way, would you email me from your regular address again? Late last night, I inadvertently deleted almost ALL my emails, so I don't have that address anymore. I have lost several other addresses, too. Now that makes me mad!

Mark said...


Mark,... I am utterly miffed and bedaddled!
For days I have been clicking my link to your pages and I only got to the post about "left wing out to lunch,.."

You couldn't have been coming to the homepage.

Now I click on zee link, and I have half a dozen unread pages.

I don't know if it's me or my browser.

Now before I can have my usual rant, I must spend minutes, nay, hours catching up.

I can see there are some brilliant posts and comments. So, I must adieu, and put my nose to the stone. Durrrgh!

It could be the cache. Perhaps you need to empty it.