Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tancredo on illegal immigration into the US
Congressman Tom Tancredo has campaigned throughout the US in support of tighter border controls and immigration reduction

Americans are rightly outraged by our broken immigration system: there are roughly 12 to 15 million illegal aliens in the US, and hundreds of thousands sneak across our borders each year. Tancredo's views, Tancredo's solution
Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

From the article:

The best solution to our illegal immigration problem is to begin enforcing our laws. That means the federal government needs to get serious about prosecuting employers who lure illegal aliens into the US with jobs. The threat of hefty fines and possible jail time will chasten employers' desire to hire cheap, illegal workers.

From what I've heard, Congress isn't going to do much with the employers. Failing to address that aspect will weaken any possible immigration law.

Americans--nearly 80%--are fed up with the illegal invaders. But I don't believe that our elected representatives will take any decisive action.

The Washington Times has particularly good articles which expose this fraud of an immigration bill being considered.

Mark said...


Will our legislators do anything to deal with the real issues at hand?

Thanks for that link by the way.

Unknown said...


"You ask when will our legislators do anything to deal with the real issues at hand."

Well, there could be a few answers to that, lets see. lets count by numbers the possibility, as good a method as any in this crazy world

1) We don't have any leaders

2) The people who currently infest the corridors of power, are a bunch of clueless wonders.

3) Nobody in power wants to rock the boat. After all, when the balloon goes up, a lot of people with access to easy money, will suddenly have their source of funds dry up real fast.

4) We are led by cowards.

5) The great social experiment has proved it's point, that the race to the bottom, has been achieved with great success, to wit, we're all as dumb as s***, "What do ya mean, Islam isn't a religion of peace, you filthy racist pigs"
Come to think of it, who else thinks we're all a bunch of pigs. Oh yeah that's right the 'religion of peace'

What number are we up to...Oh yeah

6) Our leaders are clueless morons. That's kinda like # 2 but with a big bright smile for the cameras.

7) They all secretly believe that the garden gnome of MIT is the messiah in hiding. He is just so well disguised, lost within all that verbosity, wrapped in the riddle of comlexity that is academic doublespeak. After all he does worship at the Church of the Holy Marx. He's just testing the temperature, before we step into the next bath. After all, it's because he cares so very much more about all this social injustice that's going about these days

8) They're all a bunch of deleatable expleatives

9) Shhh, quiet, they're thinking.

10) They got paid well to shut up.

11) They're concentrating to hard on the possibility that they're not going to get re-elected ever again.

12) In solemn silence they are preparing a sacrificial alter to the final ascendancy of their manifest destiny. Guess what...we are the offering. After all, are they not GODS.

13) They are all a bunch of malignant narcisstic bastards, too busy contemplating their navels.

14) They have all been hypnotized by the great wizard

15) All of the above

16) None of the above...keep looking

My brain hurts. I'm going to go back to bed.

Unknown said...

Ohh! Ohh! I forgot one

They are not leaders of men, they're just a bunch of soulless opportunists.

This could be an almost endless game.

Yes I'm being very cynical today cause it was just one of those days that would have been better served had I stayed in bed and had a good rest.

Roger Scruton said that a healthy dose of scepticism was highly benefical within a pluralist society, but that an excess of it would tend to breed cynicism, and a society steeped in cynicism, would eventually breed a sense of outright rejectionism. It would seem that as the world turns, the good professor is being proved correct. Thanks Roger. Now if only we could get the people to listen to this intelligent mind, instead of that bloviating windbag from MIT

Mark said...


... there are roughly 12 to 15 million illegal aliens in the US, and hundreds of thousands sneak across our borders each year.

In that piece I link to, Tancredo seems to state that there 12 - 15 million there in the US. Or is he saying something else in the news media in the States?

I understand your frustration, Mussolini: I would be equally frustrated were I to be an American.

But my guess is that Tancredo is about as tough on immigration as you're going to get. He seems to be far more outspoken than most other politicians.

What really amazes me is this: Why have Americans gone so soft on illegal immigrants all of a sudden? Where is the grit and determination to stamp this out? Why do ordinary American folk allow themselves to be duped by the politicians? Why don't they just kick them out - and unceremoniously, too?

We've got a similar problem in the UK, but the British have always been a soft touch. The British only start getting tough when their backs are against the wall. At other times, they are as soft as putty!

I guess the simple answer to all these problems is this: We lack STRONG leadership. The needs of commerce win through each and every time. And no heed is paid to the future direction of our civilization. It's as if we are living for today and saying to hell with the consequences, for tomorrow we may die!

Sad! Very sad!

Unknown said...

"I guess the simple answer to all these problems is this: We lack STRONG leadership. The needs of commerce win through each and every time. And no heed is paid to the future direction of our civilization. It's as if we are living for today and saying to hell with the consequences, for tomorrow we may die!" - Mark

"A city for sale and soon to perish if it finds a buyer" - Sallust

A great quote taken from Sallust's history of the Jugurthine war. A statement placed in the lips of King Jugurtha, King of Numidia, after leaving negotiations, which had failed to avert the coming war.

The only question now is, who purchased us, and for how much? We all know the Saudis are in there; how about the Transnationalist/socialist theocrats; then of course there's the globalist's, and finally like a pheonix from the ashes, the peacock throne, manifest most piously, and represented with all the stage presence of a loon, presenting the terrorist from Tehran, that wellspring of religious ferver, Amadnut in a well.

It's all such a depressing thought, how could such a confluence of arrogance and stupidity, be assembled in such perfect symetry, divine providence
indeed, for he who the gods would destroy, they first make mad! Bring in on brother.

Me thinks this King Jugurtha was some smart dude!

Unknown said...

bld...I'm sure Sir Elton could do the score.

You know, you and I could make a great comedy team, I'll be the straight man, 'cause it would seem I have an endless supply of this stuff. Everybody always told me I was wasting my time, picking up this useless stuff. hhmmm!?!?!! Something to ponder upon.

Eleanor © said...

Mark - Americans have not gone soft on immigration. The American elite want immigrants to exploit as new workers, new citizens for the purpose of maintaining the tax base, to sustain Social Security, creating new voters to keep the Party system afloat, and so on.

The American people, living in the trenches with "the others" on a daily basis, suffering the effects of rubbing elbows in business concerns where English is not spoken, suffering job displacement and an erosion of wages, whose children now must attend overcrowded schools and greater competition for admittance into colleges and university and for degraded healthcare, and so on.

The elites are insulated from the effects by the wealth and positions, leading privileged lives in gated communities. They benefit from the competition among a larger pool of workers that wll work longer hours for less money, fewer benefits and at a greater risk. These same elites understand that immigration reform will cause them a reversal. Thus, they are playing the system by putting out two conflicting bills and are going through the motions to give the appearance of doing something, when in reality, they will do little if anything to make a change.

Then there's the specter of the North American Union that is being kept in the wings that also includes a new currency. Perhaps the unveiling of this plan will be presented as a method to calm and to "solve the immigration problem".

As you see from the rhetoric, most Americans won't stand for this. The lessons of history tell us that situations must get very bad before a population will accept the kinds of changes that be required in these plans. Perhaps the "immigration problem" is a strategy to create such chaos and confusion, to make Americans more compliant and accepting.

The whole things stinks. There is no lack of leadership as the other poster believes; our leaders are just leading us in another direction whether we want it or not. (Sound familiar?)