Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Chanel comes to Tehran

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Image courtesy of the BBC



Mark said...

Don't they look sooo chic? :-)

They used to call them penguins when I worked in SA. It's a most appropriate name, because those are indeed what they resemble.

The way things are going, fashion designers won't have to create anything much new anymore. And all they will need to learn in fashion design school is historical fashion circa 600AD!

Mark said...

Depressing, Mussolini, isn't it?

Mark said...

By the way, Mussolini, I'm lucky to have people like you commenting on my website. You always have something so worthshile to say. Thank you!

Mark said...

Sorry, Mussolini! The last thing I want to do is embarrass you! :-)

Thanks for the info.

I'll try to behave better in future! :-)