Friday, February 17, 2006

Is the BBC's fixated on all things Islamic?

At the very time the West is having so much trouble with the Islamic world, should the BBC be using taxpayers' money (paid to them in the form of a licence fee) to promote Islam and all things Islamic?

Do you think that the BBC should be focusing on Islam as they do? After all, they don’t think have a section entitled An in depth look at Jews in Europe. Nor, to my knowledge, do they have a section entitled An in depth look at Christians in Europe.

I am of the opinion that my licence fee – which I have to pay by law for the services of the BBC – should not be put to such uses. The BBC should not be encouraging the growth of Islam in Europe.

An in depth look at Muslims in Europe from the BBC

©Mark Alexander


Mark said...


That's so well put! You've written the essence of the problem in one paragraph.

Yes, I, too, would like to see those tutt tutting young liberal female BBC journo types being forced to live in Bangladesh or Saudi Arabia or Algeria - as a local woman must live - and see how their ideals stack up in the real world. Wouldn't it be a hoot?

As you rightly say, they apologize for imperialism and colonialism, whereas in actual fact both had many positive aspects. For a start, they brought some civilization to parts of the world which would otherwise have had little or none.

The attitudes of the people working at the Beeb often disgust me! I was raised to believe that the BBC was the bees knees in broadcasting, and that we could trust what the BBC told us.

It was once like that, I believe. It isn't any more. Now, when I read something on the BBC website - I'm not a big TV fan - I read it with interest to see what they have to say, but try and get a different perspective on the story from other sources. Moreover, when I read something written by BBC journalists, I am always aware that I am reading something written probably by a left-wing, pro-Islam, anti-Irael liberal.

I think it is high time the British abandoned public service broadcasting. I never thought I would ever say that, since I do not like advertisements peppered in the middle of programmes. However, I also do not like my licence money being spent to further the cause of Islam in the West. That turns my stomach!

Private TV companies would have to be more responsive to the wishes of the shareholders and viewers.

The BBC is like any monopoly: It can virtually do what it likes.

Always On Watch said...

I just took a look at the link to the BBC. I'm disgusted at the positive slant. And by "positive slant," I mean whitewash of Islam. The entire display screams, "Look how wonderful Islam is!" (spit)

Western civilization is under siege!

Mark said...

Always On Watch:

Isn't it just the pits!

Look how wonderful Islam is! ... Western civilization is under siege!

Yes, oh how wonderful! Aren't these people a hoot? They wear burqahs and veils and all manner of interesting things. So ethnic, d'you see? Oh, and so frightfully exotic!

The whole thing just makes me want to - Sh! You know what!

The BBC are helping to bring down Western civilization!

leelion said...

Mark, the topic of colonization is interesting. It's been going on around the world since mankind first stood on two legs. I read someone recently refer to European colonization as a "mixed bag" which seems a fair description. Westerners are often made to feel guilty about their colonial past but I would say that it was always going to happen. Whoever developed the technology and means to travel across the oceans was going to do it. Also, I think revisionist history can be dangerous. They were different times and different values. Anyway, I'd be interested to explore the topic if you feel so inclined in the future. Lee

Mark said...


Westerners are often made to feel guilty about their colonial past but I would say that it was always going to happen.

I don't feel guilty at all. On the contrary, I feel proud of our colonial past. You ought to hear what Dr. John Sentamu, the black Archbishop of York, has to say about it. He is grateful for the opportunities it gave him, and he adds that the English should not feel guilty about its colonial past at all. Or words to that effect.

They were different times and different values.

Yes, they were. Perhaps its time for us to return to such values! Now, everything is upside down. Instead of our colonizing them, they come and colonize us!