About twenty years ago, after having started to discover the religion of Islam, and having come to the realization that this religion would be a growing danger to the West because of the increasing number of immigrants from Muslim countries, I started to warn the people close to me about the dangers of Islam to our free and liberal civilization, warn people about the immiscibility of these two diametrically-opposed political systems. In large part, my warnings fell on deaf ears. People were too busy with their own lives to pay much attention. They listened, but thought that what I was saying was far-fetched. Those people now know different.
About twenty years later, the nightmare scenario is playing out on the world stage: We have been under attack from the Islamic jihad for several years now; Muslims are gaining power all over the West, even in small countries such as Denmark; a ‘cartoon war’ is raging; our freedoms of speech and expression, freedoms which underpin the liberal, democratic West, are under attack from all Muslim quarters – newspaper editors are losing their positions for publishing the caricatures of Muhammad, newspapers are being sued because of them, weblogs are being censored, and there are calls from imams and Muslim leaders for us to curtail our freedom of the press.
This is an outrage! Millions of people have died fighting in wars – especially the Great War (1914 – 1918) and World War II (1939 – 1945) – so that we, at least until now, have been able to enjoy the free and liberal Western lifestyle. Yet our leaders are doing nothing about this outrage.
Our newspapers here in the United States and there in the United Kingdom have not yet had the courage to publish the cartoons of the Muslims’ prophet, often citing that it is not in the public interest to do so. This, of course, is baloney!
Only last night on Fox News, the Bloviator, Bill O’Reilly, said that it was not in the public interest to show the cartoons. Mr. O’Reilly! Who are you trying to kid? Does this decision, perchance, have anything to do with Al Waleed’s buying up a significant number of shares in Fox News?
I’ll tell you why you should show those cartoons. You should show them in defiance of the Islamofascists, in defiance of the Islamic world, in defiance of all intimidation by Muslim groups. You need to stand up for the still free West, stand up for the free press. If you did this, then you’d really be able to bloviate; and with justification.
This goes not only for Bill O’Reilly and his show, but also for all the editors of US and UK newspapers. Stand up for our right to express ourselves freely, stand up for the Danes, who have had the courage to uphold their right to freedom of expression in Denmark; and against all odds, losing the country gazillions in lost contracts with the Middle East.
It has been somewhat encouraging that some French, German, Italian and Spanish newspapers have stepped up to the plate and have published them. Die Welt, for example, has had the courage to re-print them. Such papers have found themselves almost alone in the newspaper-publishing world, though. The others have been yellow!
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung, in an editorial some days ago, lauded the US and UK newspapers for not having re-printed the cartoons, saying that it showed restraint.
I have rarely had to take issue with any editorial I have ever read in this newspaper before, but that editorial is one with which I do have to take issue. This, to me, shows less restraint than it shows a fear of losing contracts with the Middle East. Both the US and the UK have billions and billions of dollars’ worth of contracts with the Islamic Middle East. Their decision not to publish the cartoons surely showed that they put contracts ahead of the principles of freedom and democracy! It was craven behaviour from a craven press!
The simple question to ask is this: Do we have a free press, or do we not? Free speech and freedom of expression are totally and utterly indivisible. You are either free to express yourself, or you are not. There is no halfway house.
It seems to me that we are fast losing these freedoms; and the West is not putting up much of a fight. Our courageous forefathers must be turning in their graves! Many of them must also be very angry for they have died fighting for liberty in vain!
Many things are rotten in the West these days. We have rotten leadership: Only the few are willing to stand up for important principles, the principles that are the bedrock of Western civilization! We have Islam in our midst: A powerful religion which is growing ever more powerful because it has been misnamed a religion, whereas, in actual fact, it is every bit as much a political system as it is a faith. We have the liberal left: A powerful anti-everything-Western movement, which seems to be hell-bent on bringing down the West and all it stands for. We have ignorance about Islam in the electorate as well as in our leadership: Ignorance is weakness; knowledge, power! We lack the stomach for a confrontation: We appear to prefer to give our Western culture away rather than stand up and fight for what we have to if the world isn’t to be plunged into the darkness that is Islam!
Time is running out. We need to address these problems head on. Sweeping them under the carpet just will not do. These problems are not going to go away; on the contrary, they are going to get worse, and worse at a galloping pace. Our problems with Islam are multiplying by the day. The old saying, A stitch in time, saves nine is as valid today as it ever was.
Why didn’t the President stand up for Denmark, unequivocally stating that it is our inalienable right to publish these cartoons? Is he jelly-bellied, or what? And what about the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? Why didn’t he do something? What is he doing with his time, except over-regulating the British? What is he doing save for fiddling while Rome burns?
The encroachment of Islam on our wonderful and free civilization needs to be thwarted, and thwarted NOW! Time is not on our side. Muslims are rapidly gaining power here in the West. If it keeps going on like this, they will soon be our masters, and we, their underdogs. We shall be living the life of the dhimmi. Don’t say you haven’t been warned!
Our beloved Western civilization is suffering from cachexia. It has become rotten at the core, because we have allowed this cancer to metastasize. There is only one thing to do with a rotten apple, and that is throw it away. There is also only one thing to do with cancer, and that is zap it!
The New Dark Age appears already to have dawned.
In point of fact there isn't much we can do about it save go to war! We have but TWO options: either we cave in to their demands which will lead to subjugation, or we step up to the plate and fight – wage war in the name of freedom! Not just freedom of expression, but freedom in its entirety. If we value our superior heritage, the latter will be our ONLY option. As Churchill said:
We Shall Fight them on the beaches (extract) June 4th 1940©Mark Alexander
"... I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's Government-every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation.
The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.
Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old." (Source: Putlearningfirst.com)
The cowardliness in the media is sickening. That they would surrender without a fight is outrageous. Just a few years ago they were fall all over themselves heaping praise on Oliver Stone for portraying Larry Flint as a hero for freedom of the press. All of a sudden, they can’t even take a stand over a cartoon with a bomb in Mohammad’s turban? And they want us to believe that it is sensitive and tasteful editing. Give me a break. They can spin all they want but the bottom line is that they have betrayed their fellow journalists in their time of need.
This is certainly a good time to quote Churchill—a man who could frame the moral significance and rally the morale of the people in the face of grave threats. These are such times.
The cowardliness in the media is sickening.
Yes, very, very sickening! I am still trying to come to terms with this, pinching myself here and pinching myself there in order to find out whether I'm dreaming it all! The silence from the top is quite, quite deafening.
All of a sudden, they can’t even take a stand over a cartoon with a bomb in Mohammad’s turban?
Yes, Jason, it would be laughable if it weren't so sad! Who cares a damn about the sensibilities of Muslims anyway? Do they care about ours when they call us pigs and kuffar, and when they call Jews "apes and swine"?
And they want us to believe that it is sensitive and tasteful editing.
What a damn joke! They're cowards to a man. They can't stand up and fight for the West.
They can spin all they want but the bottom line is that they have betrayed their fellow journalists in their time of need.
Haven't they, though? They're littel s....! (Sh! You know what I mean!)
This is certainly a good time to quote Churchill—a man who could frame the moral significance and rally the morale of the people in the face of grave threats. These are such times.
Ah, yes! Oh for another Churchill! He's put the fear of God into them all!
Ric Ottaiano:
Thank you so much for stopping by. Please keep coming.
Thank you for linking to my blogspot. I appreciate that so much. I'm glad that I have someone in California agreeing with my sentiments. That gives me some hope, my friend.
I have already paid your weblog a visit; and I shall keep stopping by.
Again, welcome to my world!
We living a nightmare scenario, all right. I cannot believe how the situation is accelerating.
Jason is right: The media are cowards, and this is the time to revisit Churchhill. Even more, this is the time to implement Churchhill's stand against totalitarianism. Islam is totalitaraism, perhpas the worst of all the totalitarian ideologies.
Western civilization is worth fighting for! Did those of my relatives who served in WWI and WWII go through hell in vain, only for Western civilization to collapse because the West is afraid to stand up for itself? We're going to sink into dhimmitude--or worse.
Inch by inch, we are giving ground to the enemy who wants to annihilate us and all we believe in.
One more thing...The U.S. media are such cowards that the publication of cartoons can't be done for fear of offending some barbarians? My God!
Mark...I am still trying to come to terms with this.
Exactly, where's the bang, where's the whimper? Just silence. I too am stunned how pusilanimous the MSM is. I just didn't know how rotted they have become, their own stench smells sweet to them.
I see the image again. Another image server?
I came across this quote today from an excellent post by
Moonbattery. It's from Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of the Organization of Islamic Conference:
"Unfortunately, people in the Muslim world feel that this is a new 9/11 against themselves. In Europe unfortunately Muslims have taken the place of Jews during World War II."
Thanks for the link. I have already posted a comment on the site. Do take a look.
"...In Europe unfortunately Muslims have taken the place of Jews during World War II."
If this is the case, who have Muslims got to blame for this but themselves? They are making people hate them by their ridiculous and barbaric behaviour.
Western governments can legislate all they want to stop Islamophobia and the rest of the garbage. The fact of the matter is that people cannot be MADE to like or love others.
If Muslims want to be liked, they have to start behaving in a manner which is conducive to being liked. Further, they have to leave their ridiculous notion of taking over the world - a notion that is bound to lead to world war sooner or later; and they have to start seeing their religion for what it is: Superstition!
Ric Ottaiano:
I have linked to your website now. Thanks for alerting me to it.
I too am stunned how pusilanimous the MSM is
Welcome back!
So are you telling me that you can see the prophet Muhammad with a turban on in the shape of a bomb?
If so, this is very strange.
I did buy a copy of your book and it should be in from Tennessee in a few weeks.
I am in a fever pitch over the desecration of an American Symbol I hold dear to my heart Ronald Mc Donald. Now the forces of evil have gone to far this means WARRR !!!!!!!
Shouldn't these people be working
rather then committing arson.
Thank you for buying my book. I hope and trust you will enjoy reading it. I certainly think you will agree with the sentiments expressed in it.
I am in a fever pitch over the desecration of an American Symbol I hold dear to my heart Ronald Mc Donald. Now the forces of evil have gone to far this means WARRR !!!!!!!
Please expand on this. I am not at all sure what you are referring to. I must be missing something.
Shouldn't these people be working rather then committing arson.
Exactly! I have asked myself this so many times. That's part of their problem: They haven't got enough to do.
You know the old saying: Idle hands are the devil's workshop, and how true the saying is.
No a statue of Ronald McDonald was burned in Karrachi. Nobody messes with Fast Food . What is next Col
Saunders or Aunt Jemimah.
Nobody messes with beloved household corporate mascotts. This should lure all the couch potatoes
to get off the sofa.
You can see the picture on the site of the comedic genius Mr Beamish.
( This is satire )
This is so childish, isn't it? Burning a Ronald McDonald statue. These bullies need to get a life. It is a kind of hysteria now, and hugely self-infectious. I wonder how long they can keep it up?
Yes, Judah, it's very childeish. Very, very childish. In fact, it's more than childish, it's imbecilic!
My God! Haven't we opened Pandora's box by going into Iraq?
Going into Iraq was THE most ridiculous and ill-thought-out move we could have made.
I stand by the idea I put forward in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, of dropping an iron veil between the two worlds. In the end, if the West wishes to survive, if the West wishes to be left in peace, and if the West wishes to break the back of the Islamic world, then it needs to isolate it.
Let the poor wrretches live according to the dictates of Muhammad, let the poor wretches live in a mediaeval world, but let their world be starved of the oxygen it needs to survive and thrive!
Vanquish Islam!
Lawrence Auster would agree with you.
I have a much more practical version after I avenge the beloved Col Saunders who according to AOW
has also been attacked.
The economies of muslim nations survive by three legs that are vulnerable.
1 Ol 2 Cash remitances 3 Welfare
End all foriegn Aid to Muslim countries. We may have to tie some aid to allowing Bangladeshi Christians and Egyptian Copts safe passage out.
Deport all illegal aliens round them up and send them packing.
End immigration from Pakistan , Yemen, Ghana , Bangladesh and Nigeria countriesa that have zero historic tie with the USA.
Currently we ask if people supportted terrorists or were communist . Add have you supported Jihad in the adjustment . A yes answer bars citizenship.
Calling for Jihad domestically is sedition. The choice should be 20 years at hard labor or detanuralization and extradition for the entire household. Fundraisers for terrorist charities given the same sentence.
The practice of Halawa without records should be treated similarly.All financial remitances to hostile countries must go through publically owned and regulated banks with an IRS employee on the site and pay the salary of the employess at around
120,000 a year.
The Oil game can be won in two ways. Nuclear energy is less risky then having ones country held up by religious zealots.
The break even point for Colorado Shale Oil is $75 dollars a barrel
Lets pour R&D and get that number down around 30 this would set a celling on what OPEC could Charge
or at minimum depress the price of oil and cripple the economies of the Gulf States.
End all foriegn Aid to Muslim countries. We may have to tie some aid to allowing Bangladeshi Christians and Egyptian Copts safe passage out.
Deport all illegal aliens round them up and send them packing.
End immigration from Pakistan , Yemen, Ghana , Bangladesh and Nigeria countriesa that have zero historic tie with the USA.
Currently we ask if people supportted terrorists or were communist . Add have you supported Jihad in the adjustment . A yes answer bars citizenship.
Calling for Jihad domestically is sedition. The choice should be 20 years at hard labor or detanuralization and extradition for the entire household. Fundraisers for terrorist charities given the same sentence.
You won't get any argument from me on these proposed measures.
The Oil game can be won in two ways. Nuclear energy is less risky then having ones country held up by religious zealots.
The technology is already in place to end our dependence on the Muslim world. We need to use it. The time frame spoken of by Bush in the State of the Union address was ludicrous. All of the West will be in the hands of the Muslims by that time!
The oil companies are too powerful. Their backs need to be broken if we are to win this war.
And we certainly need to stop squandering money in aid to these people. Let them eat oil (and dates)!
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