Friday, February 17, 2006

More casualities because of cartoons of Prophet Muhammad

‘Nine die’ in Libya cartoon clash



Mark said...


He says that the riots are well-choreographed events.

Sure they are. Muslims are looking for any excuse to bash the West, and to get Westerners grovelling.

Taqiyyah is one of the 'weapons' of choice for Muslims.

Always On Watch said...

I'll have to read Ajami's commentary.

The WaPo is finally carrying more stories about the cartoon furor. The stories aren't on the front page, most of the time. But the stories are finally appearing in the most widely circulated newspaper in the D.C. area.

I found this in today's paper:

"The cleric also said a local jewelers' association had offered a $1 million bounty.

"'If the West can place a bounty on Osama bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman Zawahiri, 'we can also announce a reward for killing the man who has caused this sacrilege of the holy prophet,' Qureshi told the Reuters news agency."

There's one helluva difference in that happened on 9/11 and a bunch of cartoons. My God! These barbarians don't see that, do they?

The article also pointed out that the furor increased after Friday prayer services. And the photos! These angry Muslims look psychotic. Truly psychotic.

Again from the article:

"'[W]e will die for protection of the holy prophet's honor.'"

Sounds like a great idea to me!

Mark said...


They don't see the difference. Morons are not noted for their intellectual powers!

If they want to die for their holy prophet's honour, then so be it!