Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Reactive 'leadership'

Good, strong leadership in troubled times stems from pro-action, not reaction! But what we get is more and more reaction. Our leaders react to events as they unfold, and usually proceed to appease. This is deeply troubling.

I realize full well that there are times when any leader has to react to events. Especially when taken on the hop. But our leaders are not taken on the hop at present - there has been a sustained attack on the West and its values for many years now. We should have been awakened from our reveries in no uncertain terms on 9/11 even if we had been sleepwalking before that. But we seem still to be fumbling around, trying to make sense of the events. Our leaders appear to be paralysed: They know not what do do!

We are at war with an alien culture, like it or not. Actually, it would be more accurate to state that the other way around, since we didn't choose to wage this war, and we are certainly reluctant warriors: An alien culture is at war with the West. This is an undeniable fact. No wishy-washy, do-gooding, screaming liberal can deny this, since the evidence is everywhere around us. Take the riots in that Paris suburb as yet another example of just how hostile Islam really is.

But what do the leaders do: They react. React and appease! Whereas what they should be doing is being pro-active and tough. Did Churchill lead us to victory in WWII by being reactive and appeasing?

Our leaders seem not to know it - though they should - but we are dealing with a ruthless enemy. Make no mistake about it: Muslims can indeed be ruthless. They are not given to much compassion and mercy, at least not for the likes of the infidel!

But our leaders and politicans consistently fail - or refuse - to get it. They keep muddying the waters, confusing the people, the electorate, in the process. Appeasement, however, will not work against an implacable enemy - an enemy determined to supplant Western values with Koranic ones.

We have been here before with Nazism and fascism. Now we have Islamofascism to deal with; but we aren't doing so effectively at all. All we are doing is giving in: Letting them have their way. Treating them differently because they come from a different culture, and assisting them not to integrate in the process.

We are living through the 1930s all over again! The big question is: When will 1939 return? Then we really will have to wake up and become pro-active.

Make no mistake about it: No war was ever won on the defensive; and behaving reactively is nothing more or less than placing oneself on the defensive. Offence is the best defence. It was ever thus, and ever will be.

What the politicians do no seem to understand is this: For as long as Islam continues to grow and grow here in the West, and grow and grow it will if left unchecked, then we are allowing the seeds of anti-democracy to put down their roots further and further into Western soil. Like a fast-growing weed in the garden, if left to proliferate, it will eventually choke all plants. So it will be with Islam in the West!

Pro-active measures need to be taken urgently. Time is not on our side.

©Mark Alexander


Mark said...

It grieves me to have to admit it, Bill, but I think your assessment is spot on. We're fiddling while Rome burns.

Offending Muslims has become the bête noire of our age. Why? It beats me! No war has ever been won with the present strategy; and no war will ever be won with such a strategy, either. We're playing right into their hands. The West, with current strategies, is theirs for the taking!

Always On Watch said...

But what do the leaders do: They react. React and appease!
Crisis-management mode! Ask any CEO how poorly that strategy works, yet national leaders are locked into that method.

Papa Ray has the right idea--survive: I'm determined that my children and grandchildren will fight and survive to fight no matter what happens.

Mark said...

Papa Ray:

I am disappointed in my country and countrymen, too! That's exactly how I feel. People have grown innured to their losses of freedom here: the freedom to hunt; the freedom to smoke in public places (will soon be introduced); the freedom to correct one's children with a harmless smack (something which most of us have experienced and survived unscathed); and soon, the freedom to analyze critically this dangerous faith!

One can discuss the health issues of smoking in public places, as one can discuss the cruelty issue when fox-hunting; but funnily enough, these things have been going on for a long time, and we have all somehow managed to survive!

I see these bans on my freedoms not so much in terms of health and cruelty issues as much as I see them as the West closing down. Our freedoms are being eroded, our liberty is being taken away, and nobody in authority has got the balls to say anything about it, let alone do anything about it. It's an Animal Farm scenario. It seems as though the pigs have taken over! And if they aren't pigs, they are certainly pig-headed!

I admire your determination that you children and grandchildren should be shown how to fight and survive to fight no matter what happens. Very admirable sentiments indeed!

Mark said...


Crisis management mode is an interesting, yet accurate description of it. I should prefer to call it disaster mode!

The problem is that our leaders haven't the stomach for a fight. When dealing with ruthless people - and make no mistake about it, these people are ruthless - one has to muster up the courage to take the evil on. If we do not, then we shan't survive. It's as simple as that!

We have become nations of weaklings! Men have become more like women; women have become more like men. The result: women don't have the courage men used to have; men don't have the compassion women used to have, either. (Interestingly, women don't have that compassion now, either, since they inhabit a much tougher, outside world.) It's a curious, yet dangerous, cocktail.

Our leaders are fluttering around like butterflies, not knowing quite what to do next to appease the enemy. Church leaders, with only one notable exception I can think of - the Pope, use lots of words to pull the wool over people's eyes as to what is really happening.

They're all afraid that the whole thing is going to errupt in their faces; and then they really will have to take some measures to ensure our own survival.

Can our leaders really be that dim. Are we really being ruled by dullards. In part, I think we are; but there is a great deal of cowardice there among the leaders, too! And cowardice never won any war!

Mark said...

Sad words, Bill; but I fear that they are right words! Our leaders, of course, will not listen. They know it all; and know it better!