Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Statement from North Korea

BBC: The following is the full text of a statement released by the foreign ministry of North Korea, which calls itself the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK):
On 14 October, the United States instigated the UN Security Council to unjustly find fault with our self-defensive nuclear test as a threat to international peace and safety, and once again passed the vicious resolution on sanctions and blockade against the Republic.

Our successful nuclear test is a positive defensive countermeasure to defend our country's sovereignty and the people's life and safety so as to cope with the United States' increasing threat of nuclear war and the manoeuvres for sanctions and pressure; and thus was completely an exercise of a sovereign state's independent and legal right.

Because the United States, by taking advantage of the nuclear issue, gravely infringed on our state's supreme safety and our nation's fundamental interest, we were compelled to legally withdraw from the Non-proliferation Treaty in accordance with the relevant clause of the treaty and to manufacture a nuclear weapon by going through the most fair, just, and transparent process. Full Text: North Korea statement
Mark Alexander
Free expression under fire from Brussels
THE TIMES: THE Government is seeking to prevent an EU directive that could extend broadcasting regulations to the internet, hitting popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube.

The European Commission proposal would require websites and mobile phone services that feature video images to conform to standards laid down in Brussels.

Ministers fear that the directive would hit not only successful sites such as YouTube but also amateur “video bloggers” who post material on their own sites. Personal websites would have to be licensed as a “television-like service”. Amateur 'video bloggers' under threat from EU broadcast rules
Mark Alexander
Many words, much tripe!

"A fight-back is beginning to reclaim Britain from the grip of those who refuse to acknowledge the centrality of British values of tolerance, fair play and parliamentary democratic freedoms – notably those of free speech and respect for all religions, but supremacy for none. Voltaire noted this attribute of the English three centuries ago, when he wrote: "If there was just one religion in Britain there would be despotism. If two, there would be civil war. But as there are 30, they all live at peace with each other."

What an insult to Her Majesty! Denis MacShane obviously does not understand that Britain is a Christian country which tolerates other religions. The Head of State, the Queen, is also the head of the Church of England. Christianity is of paramount importance to the functioning of the state and our democracy. Christianity does have pride of place, it does have supremacy, just as Islam has supremacy in Saudi Arabia.

As for Voltaire, well he certainly got that wrong, didn't he? The civil war will surely come because of the fragmentation of our once cohesive society, and because, as Islam grows ever stronger, it will begin to usurp more and more power.

Isn't it time for Denis MacShane to resign? Is he, perhaps, losing his grip on reality? Don't forget that this is the same man who fights hard for Turkey to be allowed into the EU, regardless of whether the people share his sentiments, or not. What does MacShane understand about democracy? Was that Denis MacShame, Sir?
THE TELEGRAPH: At long last, the debate on Islamism as politics, not Islam as religion, is out in the open. Two weeks ago, Jack Straw might have felt he was taking a risk when publishing his now notorious article on the Muslim veil. However, he was pushing at an open door. From across the political spectrum there is now common consent that the old multicultural emperor, before whom generation of politicians have made obeisance, is now a pitiful, naked sight.

The 10,000 Muslims in my constituency of Rotherham can only benefit from removing the dead hand of ideological Islamism – allowing their faith to be respected and their children to flourish in a Britain that finally wakes up to what must be done. Despite the efforts of extremists to prevent any sort of rational debate about the place of Islam in Britain, it is at last happening. Our failure to confront radical Islam is there for all to see
Mark Alexander
The craven Church of England keeps mum over BA crucifix row
THE TELEGRAPH: Silence has been the notable response from the bishops of the Church of England to the decision by British Airways to forbid employees from visibly wearing even a tiny cross on a necklace. It is understandable that the bishops might not wish to become embroiled in the specific case of the check-in worker Nadia Eweida. Nor would they wish to antagonise Muslim sentiment. But to pass up the opportunity to explain the centrality of the cross in Christianity and a Christian society is baffling. The cross belongs at the heart of British culture
Mark Alexander

Monday, October 16, 2006

Crackpot Ahmadinejad: "Satan inspires Mr Bush"
BBC: Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has reportedly delivered a scathing attack on US President George W Bush, saying he is inspired by Satan.

Speaking to a group of supporters, Mr Ahmadinejad said he himself had inspirational links to God, Iranian media reports. Iran leader in Bush 'Satan' claim
Mark Alexander

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Chirac spielt Dhimmi mit der Türkei

Nach Verabschiedung durch Parlament
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Frankreichs Präsident Chirac hat sich dem türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Erdogan zufolge bei ihm für den umstrittenen französischen Gesetzentwurf zum Völkermord an Armeniern entschuldigt. Der Élysée-Palast erklärte, dass Chirac und Erdogan am Samstag miteinander telefoniert hätten, ohne die Einzelheiten zu bestätigen. Chirac entschuldigt sich bei Erdogan für Völkermord-Gesetz
Mark Alexander
"La colère gronde de nouveau" au Danemark
LE FIGARO: Un parti d'extrême droite danois a diffusé une nouvelle caricature satirique de Mahomet, quelques jours après la diffusion d'une vidéo raillant le Prophète, qui a suscité une nouvelle fois l'indignation du monde musulman.

LA COLÈRE gronde de nouveau dans les esprits des musulmans au Danemark, confrontés à une nouvelle affaire de caricatures de Mahomet, un an après celle du journal danois Jyllands-Posten, qui avait soulevé un vent de révolte du monde musulman contre le royaume scandinave. Le Danemark de nouveau face à la colère musulmane
Mark Alexander
Is Britain going down the road of apartheid?

Alert! Anti-dhimmitude from the Conservatives:
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: The Conservatives today accuse Muslim leaders of encouraging "voluntary apartheid" in Britain by shutting themselves away in closed societies and demanding protection from criticism.

David Davis, the shadow home secretary, says that Britain risks social and religious divisions so profound that society's very foundations, such as the freedom of speech, will become "corroded" and that the perfect conditions for home-grown terrorism will be created.

His stark intervention, in an article for The Sunday Telegraph, represents a toughening of the Tory stance on the dangers of Islamic radicalism and follows calls from some leading ministers for Muslim women to remove their veils. It is also a departure from the "caring Conservatism" message laid out by David Cameron.

Mr Davis says he supports the stance on veils adopted by Jack Straw, the Commons Leader, but believes the wider issue is one of the "very unity of our nation".

"What Jack touched on was the fundamental issue of whether, in Britain, we are developing a divided society. Whether we are creating a series of closed societies within our open society. Whether we are inadvertently encouraging a kind of voluntary apartheid. Tories accuse Muslims of 'creating apartheid by shutting themselves off' by Patrick Hennessy and Melissa Kite

And this article by David Davis:
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: There are some issues that are so explosive they are only capable of being resolved if they are handled coolly and analytically. These are the unexploded bombs of modern politics and 10 days ago Jack Straw detonated one of them with his comments on the use of the veil by Muslim women.

The shock waves have reverberated around Britain, loudest in the Muslim communities. Which is not to say Jack Straw was wrong. He was not. His comments were perfectly proper and he highlighted an issue that is both important and difficult: the question of the very unity of our nation. Do Muslims really want apartheid here?
Mark Alexander
Ignorant female teacher insists on wearing mask to teach

Teacher defends her veil

Mark Alexander

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Muslims send "Open Letter" to Pope Benedict XVI
ISLAMICA MAGAZINE: In an unprecedented move, an Open Letter signed by 38 leading Muslim religious scholars and leaders around the world will be sent to Pope Benedict XVI on Oct. 15, 2006. The letter, which is the first of its kind in several centuries, was a collaborative effort signed by such prominent figures as the Grand Muftis of Egypt, Russia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Istanbul, Uzbekistan and Oman, as well as leading figures from the Shia community such as Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri of Iran. The letter was also signed by HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal, the Personal Envoy and Special Advisor to King Abdullah II of Jordan. Western scholars have signed the document, including California scholar, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr of George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and Professor Tim Winter of the University of Cambridge.

The letter is being sent, in the spirit of goodwill, to address some of the controversial remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI during his lecture at the University of Regensburg in Germany on Sept. 12, 2006. The letter tackles the main issues raised by the Pope in his discussion of a debate between the medieval Emperor Manuel II Paleologus and an 'educated Persian' such as compulsion in religion, reason and faith, forced conversion, the understanding of 'Jihad' or 'Holy War,' and the relationship between Christianity and Islam.

The Muslim signatories accept the Pope's personal expression of sorrow and assurance that the controversial quote did not reflect his personal opinion. At the same time, the letter represents an attempt to engage with the Papacy on theological grounds in order to tackle wide ranging misconceptions about Islam in the Western world. Open Letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Mark Alexander

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Where have all the gonads gone?

Indeed they are a long time passing!

Gonads, balls, spunk, or simply courage - call it what you will, there is simply little of it/them to be found amongst our leaders today. One is bound to ask: Do they have a gonad between them? Do they have a ball to call their own?

The fact of the matter is clear: We Europeans, we Westerners, are being sold down the river, we are being cheated out of our rightful heritage. Our civilization is being given away for the want of courage to stand up to the enemies within and the enemies without.

If things go on like this, then our culture and civilization will be swamped by an alien, pseudo-religious, geopolitical system, clothed as it is in a deity, determined to take over the West in its entirety. It should be clear to all by now that Islam is on a mission to Islamize the West. Muslims make no bones about the fact that they want to do this, and they make no secret of the fact that they wish to introduce Shari’ah law. The question now is simple: Are we going to let them do this to our wonderful civilization, the best civilization known to man till now, are we going to let them snuff out the candle of creative life only for the people of Europe and the West to become stultified? Are we going to let them take us back in time to the Dark Ages ?

The political establishment in the West, through lack of will, determination, and courage, is behaving very badly. Nary a politician amongst them is brave enough to call a halt to the nonsense that you and I see on a day-to-day basis. It is surely time for a new order. If the enormity of the task ahead of them is too much for them, then maybe it is time for a new breed of politicians to be elected into office, a breed that will have the courage and determination to put this process into reverse.

The way things are going in France, for example, we might yet see another ‘Flight to Varennes’ by the ruling élite. La fuite à Varennes (21 juin 1791) proved a turning point in French history. It was the time when the then King of France, King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, the queen, and their children were forced to flee, forced to do a runner in the middle of the night to try and save their skins! Is history going to repeat itself? It often does. The same goes for the rest of the European countries, too. For far too long, European politics has been dominated by the left and centre-left coalitions. We can see here in the UK what damage left-wing politicians can do to the nation. Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’ government has done enormous, perhaps irreparable, damage to the fabric of our nation. He has destroyed much that we, the British, have always held so dear.

Is the problem, perhaps, caused by the fact that so many of today’s politicians, dreamers to a man, are children of the 60s and 70s, children of the age of “flower power”, children of the hippy generation? Is this why they lack the courage and determination to solve these intractable problems we now face? If this is so, then it is truly time for a change at the top. We need a new breed of politicians, willing and able to take the difficult decisions sorely necessary to get a grip on this problem facing us, a problem which is not going to go away simply by ignoring its existence. And remember this: The longer this problem is allowed to go on unsolved, the harder it will become to solve, and the tougher will be the decisions necessary to solve it.

The political élite, however, had better grasp one fact, and quickly: We, the people, are growing weary of the excesses of the Muslim community. We are becoming satiated by their over-the-top ideas, their backwardness, their obstreperousness, their chutzpah, their demands, and their, well, shall we say, boldness! Muslims lose sight of one main fact: The majority merely tolerates them. They are not truly wanted. They would do well to note that tolerance has its limits.

All opprobrium cannot be directed solely at the political establishment. The Church, too, must shoulder much of the blame for the disintegration of Western civilization, for it truly is undermining all that is best in our superior civilization. Only this morning, it has come to light that the Church backs legal rights for parents who live in sin! How dare the Church play around with the teachings of the Gospel in this disgraceful manner? I speak not as a born-again Christian, for a born-again Christian I am surely not. I speak as one who can see the folly of the Church leaders. The liberals in the Church, of whom the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is one, are doing their utmost to destroy the institution of marriage – the cornerstone of any civilized society.

In a very interesting article recently published in the L A Times, it was mooted that Liberal Christianity is paying for its sins. No truer words were spoken! Now, it has come to our attention that the Episcopal Church in Massachusetts is proposing to dump the concept of marriage altogether! Episcopal Diocese may quit marriages (Same-sex debate drives Mass plan).

If the Church leaders really think that they are going to be able to fill the emptying pews this way, then they are sadly delusional. The more liberal the Church becomes, the emptier the church pews will be! If you need proof of this, witness the strength of Islam. That 'religion' hasn’t changed in 1400-plus years. Yet, despite this, its strength is growing apace.

I would be the last person on earth to punish homosexuals and people “living in sin”. But to say that a modern, secular, Western society is to tolerate these things, does not mean that the Church should be imprudent enough to sanction what is totally against the teachings of Jesus Christ. The teachings of Jesus Christ, the Christian’s Lord, Saviour and Redeemer, are, after all, the raison d’être of the Church itself. They are the keystone of its existence. Take away that keystone, and the Church will surely come a-tumbling down! Just give it a little more time. That’s all!

The weaker the politicians show themselves to be, and the weaker the Church becomes, the stronger Islam will become in the West by contrast. Just like Iran has been strengthened by the weakening of Iraq, so Islam will be strengthened by the weakening of the Church, and by the weakening of Western traditions. We are doing nothing other than playing into Muslims’ hands. Ladies and gentlemen, we are destroying ourselves from within! Western civilization is under attack from two fronts: From Islam and from the establishment figures who purport to lead us!

We need to put a stop to all this guff! We need to start acting like responsible people. Aren’t these leaders, after all is said and done, paid to be responsible? Aren’t they there to give ordinary folks a lead? Aren’t they there to show us all the way? Isn’t this why they are paid the fancy, fat salaries they receive?

Leadership is never an easy task. At a time when all our institutions are under attack, the rôle of leadership becomes particularly onerous. Leadership at such a time calls for gonads! Dear leaders! Go find them! And quickly! Time is not on your side. Never forget this: The people, once they start getting angry, anger ever more quickly. Once they see all they hold dear being taken away, they have a nasty habit of turning on the so-called leaders that allowed it all to happen. History is replete with examples of revolution. Take heed! We may be living in the year 2006, not the year 1789, but people haven’t changed that much. They still have a propensity to take revenge when all they have held so dear is lost. The leaders might have become namby-pamby; the people have not.

©Mark Alexander*

* All rights reserved

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Islam: The Catalyst Europe Needs to Become United?

The unity of Europe has been, and is, the dream of many a European politician. The EU spends its time devising new ways to break down the barriers hindering integration; though often times to the annoyance of the citizens of Europe.

Now, however, we have Muslims baying for blood, and this phenomenon, if used wisely, could truly act as the catalyst that unites Europeans!

There is no doubt about it that European, and all Western, values are being undermined by the Muslims within our borders, and are under constant attack from the Muslims without, too. Again, only in the past few days, it has come to light that another furore is building because a group of young right-wingers in Denmark took part in a competition to draw more cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. Their remit: to draw him in the most degrading manner they could think of! Muhammad was drawn as a urinating camel and another drew him as an intoxicated, beer-drinking camel. Yet another cartoon shows Muhammad as a drunken terrorist attacking Copenhagen.

How shocking! How truly shocking! Or is it? Just about all other gods and religious symbols have been attacked over the years in the West; it is part of our cultural freedom, however distasteful it might be to many, especially to those outside our borders. Most people found Piss Christ by the artist Andres Serrano in 1989 to be highly offensive; but the world didn’t go up in flames over it, though, all the same.

Unfortunately, it’s a price we have to pay if we want freedom of expression, democracy, and liberty. Freedom of expression is totally and utterly indivisible. Either you have it, or you don’t. There is no such thing as partial freedom of expression. If some freedoms of expression are taken away from us, then we shall end up with no freedom of expression at all!

I dare say that the sensibilities of many Muslims have been offended. But that is no reason for our politicians to apologize for any offence caused. On the contrary, our politicians need to stick to our own values. Muslims, if allowed to do so, will take such freedoms away from us. We must not, under any circumstances, allow them to achieve their goal.

How many times could Westerners have felt offended by Muslims in recent years? They call us filthy infidels, burn our churches, behead people, kill Westerners in terrorist attacks, and much else besides. But we take these things on the chin, we take them in a mature manner. We turn the other cheek in the time-honoured tradition of the Christian. This contrast in behaviour shows the Western world’s maturity and the converse behaviour of the Islamic world.

As much as we don’t wish to offend others and their religious sensibilities, that we sometimes do so is the price that has to be paid for freedom of expression. This right is one which tens of thousands, nay millions, have died for in previous generations. This right must be defended to the hilt. As Mrs Thatcher once said to George Bush Sr: “This is no time to go all wobbly!”

We need to be firm and strong and resolute and determined, because we have our way of life, our values, and our freedoms to defend. It is also no time to apologize to all and sundry in the Islamic world. If they don’t like it, then let them lump it. If you politicians want to tell them anything, then tell them to grow up! Welcome to the real world!

There is no doubt about it that the West is under siege by Muslims worldwide. They are ‘trying it on' here, there, and everywhere. They are trying to get us to cower into submission. They want us to kow tow to them. They are also buying up our businesses and corporations, buying up our properties and land, building mosques all around the globe, building madrassahs where their religious values can be instilled into the young who are eager to be brainwashed, and they build propagation centres by the dozen to practise their da’wah, or proselytize.

They are able to afford all this, of course, because we are financing the operations through our insatiable desire for oil. Had we found and implemented a sensible replacement for this substance, their activities would have been severely curtailed through lack of funds. Alas, Western politicians have not been far-seeing enough to solve this problem.

The phase we are in here in the West at the moment is redolent of the phase I went through when I first went to work in the Arab world. When I first went to work in Saudi Arabia it was like an assault on the senses! My whole value system was turned upside down, and put out of equilibrium. Why? Because I was put into a situation in which all the values I had been raised to hold dear, all the values I had based my life on, were drawn into question. It took me several years to re-gain my equilibrium, several years to find myself again.

You see, a Muslim’s values are diametrically-opposed to our own. They do everything differently, and see everything differently. They dress differently, they write differently, they pray differently, they eat differently, they live their lives differently. In fact, their lives are totally different from ours, because their values are totally different.

When two peoples come together like this, peoples with a totally different Weltanschauung, then there are bound to be problems and clashes of values. This is what we are experiencing here in the West today. We saw it with the original cartoon furore earlier this year, we saw it with the Pope’s lecture at Regensburg, and we have seen it recently in the States when a company used the term jihad in a car sales campaign. In the past few days, we are seeing it again with a replay of the cartoon fiasco in Denmark.

Fellow Europeans! It is time to unite! It is time to come together and defend our values. We have a golden opportunity to finally show that we are truly one people! We must not tolerate the excesses of these backward people. We must be firm, we must stand united, we must be resolute, and we must take this opportunity for all European countries to work together in unison. We must put aside our petty differences, for petty they truly are. Instead of seeing our small differences, we must all work together to defeat the common enemy, to defeat this assault on our superior way of life, a way of life which guarantees rights to all people, regardless of colour, creed, sex, sexual orientation, and so on and so forth. Islam offers none of these things. It is truly a backward political system (clothed in a deity) for the mediæval mindset. There should be no place for this backward thinking in Europe. We are already far too advanced to be taken back to a bygone age.

Hold firm! Be confident! Be determined! Be resolute! Be sure of your own superiority! Europe is based on a Judeo-Christian culture. We must be proud of that heritage, for that heritage allows all of us, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, and even Muslims rights which so many in many backward countries can only dream of.

We must not allow Muslims to succeed in their quest to take our freedoms away from us; and we must not allow Muslims to drive a wedge between us and the United States of America, our greatest and most dependable ally. We need America; and America needs us. We must remember this at all times; and we must endeavour to co-operate with each other. For united we stand, but divided we shall surely fall!

©Mark Alexander

All rights reserved

Une vidéo danoise dénigrant le prophète Mahomet
LE FIGARO: La colère gronde de nouveau dans le monde musulman. Une chaîne de télévision danoise, TV2, vient de diffuser une vidéo présentant le prophète Mahomet comme un chameau buveur de bière et un terroriste ivre attaquant Copenhague.

Cette fois encore, l'indignation du monde musulman est grande. L'Iran a convoqué hier l'ambassadeur du Danemark pour « condamner fermement cette grave insulte ». Le président Mahmoud Ahmadinejad en a profité pour dénoncer « l'ampleur de la faiblesse et la bassesse des leaders du libéralisme » occidental. Pourtant, le premier ministre danois, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a pris le soin de condamner immédiatement cette vidéo. Une vidéo dénigrant le prophète Mahomet jette de l'huile sur le feu
Mark Alexander
Mohammed schon wieder verhöhnt worden von Dänemark
In Dänemark ist ein neuer Streit um eine bewusste Verhöhnung des Propheten Mohammed entbrannt. Ausgelöst wurde er in den Reihen der regierungsnahen rechtspopulistischen Partei DVP. Die Jugendorganisation der Dänischen Volkspartei (DVP) hat einen Wettbewerb dazu veranstaltet, wer den Propheten Mohammed in der «erniedrigendsten Weise» zeichnen könne. Neue Kontroverse um Mohammed in Dänemark
Mark Alexander

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pro-dhimmitude Alert! Pope's halo slips!
BBC: The Vatican has released a final version of an address by Pope Benedict XVI in Germany last month, which angered Muslims around the world.

In the original speech, the Pope quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor who said the Prophet Mohammed had brought only "evil and inhuman" things.

The passage has been amended and a footnote added asserting the Pope's respect for a "great religion". Vatican 'clarifies' Pope speech
Mark Alexander
Anti-dimmitude from Frattini and the EU
EU OBSERVER: The vice-president of the European Commission Franco Frattini has said Europe can only respect Muslim traditions if they do not contradict the bloc's own basic values, such as freedom of speech or equality between men and women.

"We are not governed by sharia, after all," he said in an interview with the Italian daily La Repubblica published on Monday (9 October)

Mr Frattini, in charge of the justice and security portfolio, has among commissioners been the most outspoken critic of the recent reaction in the Muslim world to a speech by Pope Benedict XVI suggesting links between Islam and violence.

Referring to the controversy, Mr Frattini told La Repubblica that both European political and cultural leaders and moderate Muslim authorities should have condemned threats to the pope after his speech.

"If we ourselves do not maintain our strong identity, if we are not sure about our principles - how can we manage integrating with others?" he asked.

"We can guarantee respect of traditions of the Muslim community only if these are not in contrast with our core rules, even if they are unwritten." EU has limits in respecting Muslim traditions, says Frattini by Lucia Kubosova
Mark Alexander

Thursday, October 05, 2006

’R’ is for Repatriation

The West is on a dangerous course. It has embarked on a dichotomous journey. It is on the road to self-destruction.

There are two mutually exclusive forces at play here: On the one hand, there are the liberals who are trying to be more open to other cultures, and who are trying to destroy the very institutions upon which the West has thrived for so long; and on the other, we have a frightfully conservative force at work in the form of Islam, whose adherents are trying to take us back to mediæval times, take us back to a bygone age.

The one side, the liberal side, for example, is trying to give gays rights, and destroy the institution of marriage; the other, the conservative, Islamic side, a growing force in our society, will try and undo all the liberal policies ever passed. Normal conservatives in the Western sense of the world will look like the screaming liberals of today in years to come, for their brand of conservatism is as nothing in comparison with the ultra conservative, ‘orthodox’ Islamic values that will be foisted upon our unsuspecting people when Islam grows ever more in strength here in the West.

We are on a road that leads to no good place. This journey is one which will end in tears.

It should be increasingly obvious to all thinking people that we have allowed a people to immigrate to the West who, by and large, have no intention of integrating into Western societies, and who wish to change the nature of Western societies into their own, pre-conceived notion of how a society should be – a society which conforms to the extremely strict codes of behaviour as set out in the Shari’ah.

Ask yourself how these two forces can be reconciled! Of course, they cannot be. The one is modern and forward-thinking; the other is 1400 years old, and belongs to the Dark Ages. Nobody, however intelligent, however resourceful, is going to be able to bring about such a reconciliation of such competing forces. And the longer this problem is allowed to fester, the more difficult it will become to solve.

Already we have seen demonstrators out in the streets in their droves demanding that anyone who insults Islam be beheaded! Already we have seen calls for the introduction of Shari’ah law here in the UK and in Europe. Already we know that the ultimate goal of Muslims in the United States is to introduce it there, too; and to replace the Constitution with an Islamic one. Omar M Ahmad, the then Chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), stated the following as far back as 1988:

”Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”

That says it all!

The French author, Michelle Houellebecq, in an interview given to the French literary magazine Lire, said the following: ”The dumbest religion, after all, is Islam. When you read the Koran, you’re shattered. The Bible at least is beautifully written because the Jews have a heck of a literary talent.”

Michelle Houellebecq might well have had it right about Islam; but aren’t we Westerners the dumbest people of all to allow these Muslim immigrants to come here to the West and live off the fat of the land and tell us that they are going to take us over, tell us that their religion is going to become dominant, tell us that Shari’ah law is going to be introduced at the earliest convenience?

I mean: How stupid and tolerant can we be?

Look, it’s really quite simple. Islam brooks no compromise: It is their way or no way. This is quite, quite clear now to all sensible, aware people. Clearly, these people have no appetite for assimilation, and they are not going to change.

What they want to do is to bring Islam to every corner of the world, and they are on a mission to achieve this. We have to decide whether we want to live their backward way, or whether we want to fight for our liberty and democracy, concepts anathema to Muslims all over the globe. We cannot have it all ways, we cannot, as they say, have our cake and eat it too.

Tough decisions are never easy to take. It takes a person of determination and resolve to take them. But when faced with this dilemma, it is only tough decisions that will do. Or are we going to slip and slide, through inaction, down the road to dhimmitude, or ultimate surrender to Islam. Are we going to submit to Allah, are we going to pay the jizyah, or the tax on infidels, or are we going to allow our fellow citizens to be killed. For those are so clearly the only three options once Islam takes hold.

Moreover, imagine what sort of society we shall be forced to live in. Adulteresses will be stoned to death, beheadings will take place in the public square, thieves will have their hands and feet cut off alternately, and homosexuals will be hanged in the street, or thrown off the local minaret! If you don’t believe me, take a trip to Saudi Arabia or Iran. In those countries, you will see just what happens to such people.

We have gone badly wrong. We have allowed into our societies people quite unwilling to assimilate. Interestingly, these backward people are convinced of their own superiority! Isn’t that an interesting phenomenon?

If we value our Judeo-Christian culture, if we value our freedoms, if we value our democracies, if we value our civilized way of life, if indeed we value our civilization, then we have but one option, for there truly is only one way to solve this intractable problem. We have to start thinking about the repatriation of these difficult people.

We start by repatriating the illegal, Muslim immigrants, and those who preach hatred and the destruction of our civilization. That will be a good start. We really do not have to put up with this nonsense any longer. Enough is enough!

The repatriation can take place in a humane manner; we don’t need to be cruel. We can even give these people money to resettle somewhere else. But believe me, repatriation is the only sensible option at this stage. We cannot afford to play fast and loose with our children’s future. We have a duty to our children to leave them our Western civilization as free and whole as we inherited it. To do anything else would be a dereliction of our duty.

Repatriation is not an option of the far right only. This is not a question of left and right politics anyway. This is a fight for the survival of the West. We must step up to the plate. We must behave with strength, resolve, and determination. Only when we do so will we silence these people. For make no mistake about it, Muslims understand one thing, and one thing only: Strength!

©Mark Alexander*

*All rights reserved
Jews in Belgium called to join fight against radical Islam
THE INDEPENDENT: One of Europe's most successful far-right leaders has appealed to Jewish voters to join forces against radical Islam and back a party denounced as xenophobic.

Filip Dewinter, leader of Belgium's Vlaams Belang, described Antwerp's large Jewish community as natural partners "against the main enemy of the moment, the radical Islam, fundamentalism". Far-right party calls for Jews to join war on Islam by Stephen Castle
Mark Alexander

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Does Cameron have what it takes? Does he display the Churchillian characteristics we need at this dangerous time?

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" ... Islam is one of the great religions of the world; and Muslims make a fantastic contribution to our country." - David Cameron

Watch Cameron Address the Conservative Party Conference

Mark Alexander
Bush the Universalist?

Confused thinking by the leader of the free world. We need wonder no longer why Islam is gaining so much ground here in the West. This president just doesn't understand what the West is up against! He simply will not grasp the nature of the jihad being waged against the West. It is surely time for him to read some history books! - ©Mark

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Mark Alexander