Thursday, October 05, 2006

’R’ is for Repatriation

The West is on a dangerous course. It has embarked on a dichotomous journey. It is on the road to self-destruction.

There are two mutually exclusive forces at play here: On the one hand, there are the liberals who are trying to be more open to other cultures, and who are trying to destroy the very institutions upon which the West has thrived for so long; and on the other, we have a frightfully conservative force at work in the form of Islam, whose adherents are trying to take us back to mediæval times, take us back to a bygone age.

The one side, the liberal side, for example, is trying to give gays rights, and destroy the institution of marriage; the other, the conservative, Islamic side, a growing force in our society, will try and undo all the liberal policies ever passed. Normal conservatives in the Western sense of the world will look like the screaming liberals of today in years to come, for their brand of conservatism is as nothing in comparison with the ultra conservative, ‘orthodox’ Islamic values that will be foisted upon our unsuspecting people when Islam grows ever more in strength here in the West.

We are on a road that leads to no good place. This journey is one which will end in tears.

It should be increasingly obvious to all thinking people that we have allowed a people to immigrate to the West who, by and large, have no intention of integrating into Western societies, and who wish to change the nature of Western societies into their own, pre-conceived notion of how a society should be – a society which conforms to the extremely strict codes of behaviour as set out in the Shari’ah.

Ask yourself how these two forces can be reconciled! Of course, they cannot be. The one is modern and forward-thinking; the other is 1400 years old, and belongs to the Dark Ages. Nobody, however intelligent, however resourceful, is going to be able to bring about such a reconciliation of such competing forces. And the longer this problem is allowed to fester, the more difficult it will become to solve.

Already we have seen demonstrators out in the streets in their droves demanding that anyone who insults Islam be beheaded! Already we have seen calls for the introduction of Shari’ah law here in the UK and in Europe. Already we know that the ultimate goal of Muslims in the United States is to introduce it there, too; and to replace the Constitution with an Islamic one. Omar M Ahmad, the then Chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), stated the following as far back as 1988:

”Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”

That says it all!

The French author, Michelle Houellebecq, in an interview given to the French literary magazine Lire, said the following: ”The dumbest religion, after all, is Islam. When you read the Koran, you’re shattered. The Bible at least is beautifully written because the Jews have a heck of a literary talent.”

Michelle Houellebecq might well have had it right about Islam; but aren’t we Westerners the dumbest people of all to allow these Muslim immigrants to come here to the West and live off the fat of the land and tell us that they are going to take us over, tell us that their religion is going to become dominant, tell us that Shari’ah law is going to be introduced at the earliest convenience?

I mean: How stupid and tolerant can we be?

Look, it’s really quite simple. Islam brooks no compromise: It is their way or no way. This is quite, quite clear now to all sensible, aware people. Clearly, these people have no appetite for assimilation, and they are not going to change.

What they want to do is to bring Islam to every corner of the world, and they are on a mission to achieve this. We have to decide whether we want to live their backward way, or whether we want to fight for our liberty and democracy, concepts anathema to Muslims all over the globe. We cannot have it all ways, we cannot, as they say, have our cake and eat it too.

Tough decisions are never easy to take. It takes a person of determination and resolve to take them. But when faced with this dilemma, it is only tough decisions that will do. Or are we going to slip and slide, through inaction, down the road to dhimmitude, or ultimate surrender to Islam. Are we going to submit to Allah, are we going to pay the jizyah, or the tax on infidels, or are we going to allow our fellow citizens to be killed. For those are so clearly the only three options once Islam takes hold.

Moreover, imagine what sort of society we shall be forced to live in. Adulteresses will be stoned to death, beheadings will take place in the public square, thieves will have their hands and feet cut off alternately, and homosexuals will be hanged in the street, or thrown off the local minaret! If you don’t believe me, take a trip to Saudi Arabia or Iran. In those countries, you will see just what happens to such people.

We have gone badly wrong. We have allowed into our societies people quite unwilling to assimilate. Interestingly, these backward people are convinced of their own superiority! Isn’t that an interesting phenomenon?

If we value our Judeo-Christian culture, if we value our freedoms, if we value our democracies, if we value our civilized way of life, if indeed we value our civilization, then we have but one option, for there truly is only one way to solve this intractable problem. We have to start thinking about the repatriation of these difficult people.

We start by repatriating the illegal, Muslim immigrants, and those who preach hatred and the destruction of our civilization. That will be a good start. We really do not have to put up with this nonsense any longer. Enough is enough!

The repatriation can take place in a humane manner; we don’t need to be cruel. We can even give these people money to resettle somewhere else. But believe me, repatriation is the only sensible option at this stage. We cannot afford to play fast and loose with our children’s future. We have a duty to our children to leave them our Western civilization as free and whole as we inherited it. To do anything else would be a dereliction of our duty.

Repatriation is not an option of the far right only. This is not a question of left and right politics anyway. This is a fight for the survival of the West. We must step up to the plate. We must behave with strength, resolve, and determination. Only when we do so will we silence these people. For make no mistake about it, Muslims understand one thing, and one thing only: Strength!

©Mark Alexander*

*All rights reserved


Average Family Guy said...


U DA MAN! You are doing a great job. I want to pose a question: How can passionate internet bloggers unite and get the word out to the public at large? I love the debate online, but it does very little to change things.What can we accomplish collectively and globally? How do we organize such a movement? Are we prepared to endure the wrath of the peaceniks and the islamofascists? Your thoughts, please?

Mark said...


This is an interesting question. How can we harness bloggers' power? That's a very interesting question. Let me think on that. I'll get back to you.

Average Family Guy said...

Well, I believe that we can do it. We will find a way. WE MUST FIND A WAY! Not just in our respective countries, but everywhere. Fighting the good fight is needed. Awaking the slumbering giant of the West is the mission that we need to achieve.

For starters, we can ask this question of other bloggers. We can find out who knows people that can influence those outside the blogosphere. While I am an Evangelical Christian and I am going to reach out and minister to individuals, I am going to fight for western civilization. Why, because I will not submit. There is only one to whom I will submit. God.

Now this brings up an important point for our mission, we must find people that are willing to put aside personal and institutional differences and stand shoulder to shoulder. Christians, Jews, Buddists, agnostics, atheists, and anyone else is included. As long as they understand, we are fighting an ideology. NOT A RACE OF PEOPLE. We are fighting an evil ideology.


Prodicus said...

The tragic irony is that our forebears who framed our system of laws shared with us a common sense of what freedom and law mean, and how they relate to each other, could not have foreseen an era of mass mobility and the huge quiet invasion of large populations who would use those very law-based freedoms to subvert and destroy their bequest to us.

beakerkin said...

I think we are leaving out a few variables. The third generation often assimilates and we are dealin with first and second generation.

The second variable is we have to end accomodation and the PC bs. There has to be an end to catering to special needs. If you want special treatment send your kids to private school and bring your own food.

A genuine history of the realities of Islamic colonialism and abuse of minorities needs to be placed in the lesson plan.

This will never happen

Anonymous said...


You ask, "if we value our own Judeo - Christian culture, then....". But sadly, far too many in the West do not value it, in fact, it is an affront to their passionately held pieties; the very core of their existance is wrapped up in the rejection of Western societal norms. Without this turgid loathing, they become worthless empty vessels, adrift in the surge and eddies of a world gone mad and which they have no understanding off. This loathing of Western values is what makes them special to their own minds, for it allows them the illusion of being strong and independantly minded, it gives them the sense of their own individuality. To any sane person, this pseudo moral integrity is a fraud, for clearly there is no consequence in the Western world for people to adhere to this or indeed any other belief, as after all, aren't all cultures of equal value, but just different, it is no longer about rational logic, it's about feelings, and if a fool can convince themself that to stand and rage into the face of a storm, is the epitome of moral rectitude, then they must be on the right course, right, no matter that that so called storm is nothing more than a mere soft breeze of mild disapproval, all the better really, for the lack of any real, sustained rebuttal means never having to question their core beliefs. Easy really. Reality is a danger to such sensative souls,(yeah right), a danger to be avoided at all costs, far safer to hurl epithets at all who see things differently, that way the fear can be displaced, as they stand up to the man, and other assorted fools and lackwits, who have not the superior mind and greater compassion that they, and only they possess. God help those fools when reality does finally strike, for it will take no prisoners, and neither will Islam, but they will take slaves.

L said...

Repatriation is not an option of the far right only. This is not a question of left and right politics anyway. This is a fight for the survival of the West. We must step up to the plate. We must behave with strength, resolve, and determination. Only when we do so will we silence these people. For make no mistake about it, Muslims understand one thing, and one thing only: Strength!

Great last para, Mark! Aboslutely right on the money.

Bubba et al:

I have already started! I keep a sheaf of leaflets in my bag and leave them here and there - on buses and trains, on library tables, just anywhere that seems suitable.

What's on these leaflets? A simple list of internet links to places like Mark's blog and some of the on-side news blogs and sites.

It's not much, but at least it may point people towards the information they need and crave.

Mark said...


Right on, Mark - yet again!
Keep it coming.

Thank you! Your comment is much appreciated.

Yes, it seems like we are talking to each other (the already converted) behind closed doors here in Blogsville. What we have to say is considered too intolerant (the liberal's errant definition of that word) to be published in mainstream media, but that is exactly where it needs to shouted out in big headlines.

Yes, but the MSM are too craven for that.

The liberal coloured and flavoured Fourth Estate resorts to vicious name-calling to discredit us, and the public remains ignorant enough to believe it, that we are merely hateful types who have gone overboard with our paranoia.

Let them! They're ignorant. It's the Lefties who have got us into this fix.

What must we do? Start our own newspaper, organize aerial leaflet drops, set up pirate radio stations?

I have been considering an online newspaper for a long time. I suppose one could say that it's on the cards for me. But starting a newspaper would be a very, very time-consuming operation.

Somehow we do need to get ourselves heard outside these closed doors, but more than that, heard as credible witnesses to the real truth of what is going on. I certainly agree about that. It is the "how" part that beats me.

What you say about needing to be heard by a wider audience is absolutely true; but difficult to achieve. We have many, many people here in the UK that feel that whatever the BBC says "must be true"! These people are die-hard fans of 'Auntie'; yet 'Auntie' is doing them down.

Mark said...


In response to your second comment - yes. We do indeed need to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Mark said...



The tragic irony is that our forebears who framed our system of laws shared with us a common sense of what freedom and law mean, and how they relate to each other, could not have foreseen an era of mass mobility and the huge quiet invasion of large populations who would use those very law-based freedoms to subvert and destroy their bequest to us.

Exactly. The world was much smaller then, and travel and communications difficult. But our forebears could also not have envisioned a scenario that we have today with left-leaning liberals helping the enemy destroy us from within.

We're in a fix. There's no doubt about it.

Mark said...


I think we are leaving out a few variables. The third generation often assimilates and we are dealin with first and second generation.

Not third generation Muslims, I'm sorry to say. What evidence is there for anyone to believe that the third generation Muslims will integrate any better. There is none, as far as I can see. In fact, the first generation Muslims gave us far fewer difficulties that this second generation. Moreover, because of the nature of Islam, with its disdain for any form of nationalism, Muslims are always going to be influenced by the mediæval outpourings of Middle Eastern imams and mullahs.

And on the contrary, actually, there is historical evidence which tells us CLEARLY that wherever Islam has put down roots, and wherever it has taken hold, it has eventually TAKEN OVER!

The second variable is we have to end accomodation and the PC bs. There has to be an end to catering to special needs. If you want special treatment send your kids to private school and bring your own food.

I certainly agree with you here. But in and of themselves, these measures are not enough to overcome this problem.

A genuine history of the realities of Islamic colonialism and abuse of minorities needs to be placed in the lesson plan.

This will never happen


Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

You ask, "if we value our own Judeo - Christian culture, then....". But sadly, far too many in the West do not value it, in fact, it is an affront to their passionately held pieties; the very core of their existance is wrapped up in the rejection of Western societal norms.

I realize this. But as the old saying goes: You never miss the water till the well runs dry! In other words, they'll miss our civilization when they no longer have it, when Islam has destroyed it. That's when they'll come to realize the folly of their thinking and errant ways.

By the way, you haven't said whether you agree with the premise of my essay, namely that the only solution to this is repatriation.

Anonymous said...

Repatriation is not an option on the table right now. For that to happen, the existing political order would have to be destroyed, not just marginalized, but totally destroyed, and right now they are the ones with a vice like grip on all the organs of the state, in almost every Western country. Even Tony Blair's tepid responce to the Islamic threat is viewed in the most enlightened minds as too far beyound the pale, a regressive reaction, a step too far. The recognition of the true nature of the threat isn't even on the political radar screens yet.

What I do not understand is this, whether we have been sold for a quike profit by ingnorant, greedy politicians, after short term gain; or set up for a new authoritarian take over, with the intent of the elites to enthrone themselves permenantly, which of course will mean that all of the ruling classes will convert to the Islamic faith at the appointed hour. Or could it be the marxist dream to eradicate Western Capitalist culture and that Islam is the latest vehicle which the left have chosen as their road to Utopia. Or finally is it just that we are led by total incompetent fools and morons without a clue.

Yes Mark, I do know which of those options you are inclined to go with, but unless you wish to be left with the only option to survive is to join the ranks of the BNP, you just might want to consider the other possibilities before it is too late and it becomes a fait a compli (sp?). Unless some new political organization arises out of nowhere soon, the only option will be fight or surrender, and I really don't think that too many have considered what that latter option actually will entail; so I suggest reading up on just what is transpiring in Darfur right now.

As an unarmed population, you are very much at the mercy of those who control the levers of power, and given their recent demonstrations of flacid resolution in the face of outrageous events, it does not look like they are on your side.

There are just too many questions left unanswered by the claim that our politicians know not what to do in the face of such grave danger, and that by denying it, it will all eventually go wont!

Now I know that NuLabour is the is the very essence of vociferous but totally ineffectual action, but even for them, something smells rotten: methinks 'tis the smell of Moral Relativism, in bed with a whore called Corruption, or maybe it is Corruption in bed with the whore called Moral Relativism . They do after all appear to be one and the same, and there are rather a lot of them running about these days.

While your thoughtfull essay would be the kindest solution to the current dilema, I don't really think that is all that practical right now, all pragmatic minds aside, as far, far too many will have a violent fit of the vapors, just by the merest mention of such considerations.

No Mark, this problem will just continue to fester until the eruption takes place. Though I am not a pessimist, for I do believe we will win in the end, but I think it will only be after a lot of blood and destruction. Sadly that would appear to be the Western way. But first this pacifist mindset which grips the Western mind must be exposed for the dangerous folly which it is; just how many victims of Islamic aggression that will require, I don't know. But if we await upon that mad fruitcake in Iran, that may be in the orders of magnitude far in excess of anything any of us have ever contemplated. But then again, at that point nobody will be able to continue on the road of denial, at least, what's left of us.

The crocodile is hungry, only a fool could believe that he will not eat them because they are good people, especially as it is really only in their own minds, for to a true believer, the dirty kuffar is as dogs and feces, an inferior being who has usurped the rightful place of all true Muslims, to be lords and masters. Don't believe me, listen to what the ummah says amongst themselves, it is posted all over the internet.

Mark said...

Now this is NOT THE WAY to solve this intractable problem: Dutch hospital plans for Muslims only! With thanks to Always On Watch for bringing the article in the Washington Times to my attention.

Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

Repatriation is not an option on the table right now.

No, it isn't. But what's not on the table can be put on the table. It's a sensible option, a kind option, an option which could save many lives further down the road.

For that to happen, the existing political order would have to be destroyed, not just marginalized, but totally destroyed, and right now they are the ones with a vice like grip on all the organs of the state, in almost every Western country.

For that to happen, a party would have to be elected to power with the mandate and determination to carry it through. That's all!

Just as poverty was a breeding ground for communism, this chaotic state of affairs we have today is a breeding ground for the far right to come to power. The far right have made gains in Germany, and they are making significant gains in Belgium. Watch out for the result of Sunday's elections in Belgium!

Not that I am advocating a far right government. I am not. But something will have to happen to change this dreadful state of affairs. If nothing happens, we are sunk.

What I do not understand is this, whether we have been sold for a quike profit by ingnorant, greedy politicians, after short term gain; or set up for a new authoritarian take over, with the intent of the elites to enthrone themselves permenantly, which of course will mean that all of the ruling classes will convert to the Islamic faith at the appointed hour. Or could it be the marxist dream to eradicate Western Capitalist culture and that Islam is the latest vehicle which the left have chosen as their road to Utopia. Or finally is it just that we are led by total incompetent fools and morons without a clue.

This, in my opinion, has all come about for a number of reasons: greed inherent in the capitalist system (but I am not anti-capitalist, far from it); corruption at the top; the growth and blind acceptance of political correctness; and weak leadership in almost every Western nation. All these things have conspired to bring about this dire state of affairs. (This list is not intended to be exhaustive.)

As an unarmed population, you are very much at the mercy of those who control the levers of power, and given their recent demonstrations of flacid resolution in the face of outrageous events, it does not look like they are on your side.

The trouble with an armed population is that when people start taking the law into their own hands, you soon get into a lawless, dangerous state of absolute chaos, redolent of the 'Wild West'! I would prefer to have strong government. The ownership of guns is all well and good for the purposes of hunting and sport; but to own guns to defend oneself is not a very civilized option, as far as I can see. It might work in the States, but I cannot see it working here. What are you advocating: Have a 'Shoot a Muslim day', or what?

While your thoughtfull essay would be the kindest solution to the current dilema, I don't really think that is all that practical right now, all pragmatic minds aside, as far, far too many will have a violent fit of the vapors, just by the merest mention of such considerations.

This can change. You make it sound as though I am living in 'cloud cuckoo land'. I AM NOT! This is a very credible option, an option which should be taken very, very seriously, before law and order breaks down.

No Mark, this problem will just continue to fester until the eruption takes place.

If things go on as they are, the problem will continue to fester. Yes, it will.

Though I am not a pessimist, for I do believe we will win in the end, but I think it will only be after a lot of blood and destruction.

That we will prevail is not at all 'a given'.

The crocodile is hungry, only a fool could believe that he will not eat them because they are good people, especially as it is really only in their own minds, for to a true believer, the dirty kuffar is as dogs and feces, an inferior being who has usurped the rightful place of all true Muslims, to be lords and masters.

The crocodile is indeed hungry; and crocodiles do have a nasty habit of striking the unsuspecting victim.

Always On Watch said...

And CAIR not only has the ears of our leaders. CAIR also "trains" out federal law-enforcement as to how not to offend Muslims. Ugh!

On the one hand, there are the liberals who are trying to be more open to other cultures...

I remember a time when studying other cultures didn't preclude standing up for Western culture. Now that moral relativism has taken hold, that kind of study is out the window.

There are two mutually exclusive forces at play here

Duh! I don't think very many Western leaders have a clue that the two forces are irreconcilable--without the West sinking into dhimmitude--further into dhimmitude, I should say.

Excellent essay!

Mark said...


And CAIR not only has the ears of our leaders. CAIR also "trains" out federal law-enforcement as to how not to offend Muslims. Ugh!

Just how ridiculous is that? I wonder if Saudi Arabia gets the 'Council on Christian-Saudi Relations', (CCSR), to give its law enforcement officers sensitivity training? :-)

I remember a time when studying other cultures didn't preclude standing up for Western culture. Now that moral relativism has taken hold, that kind of study is out the window.

I remember that time, too; and that's how it should be.

Duh! I don't think very many Western leaders have a clue that the two forces are irreconcilable--without the West sinking into dhimmitude--further into dhimmitude, I should say.

No, I don't think they have a clue that they are irreconcilable either.

Excellent essay!

Thank you, Always.

By the way, what do you think of the idea of repatriation?

L said...

Sometime - when I have the time - I will relate my experiences in southern Africa.

They were very instructive, particularly when I said to a black African colleague in the early '80s, "I am not going to apologise for being White!" (on a long, shared drive from Harare to Bulawayo).

Much good was done that night - on both sides.

See! I was taking a stand against Political Correctness before anyone had thought of the damned phrase. And the response? Well, he was an intelligent and good man... He understood very well and our mutual respect was enhanced.

Perhaps we have more allies than we realise...

Just saying what we think can have unexpected results.

Anonymous said...


I wholeheartedly agree with you that your suggestion would be the kindest, most humane way to deal with what is essentially an intractable problem, where we differ is in the feasability, politically speaking, of garnering a consensus to move forward with the idea. It is not just our political institutions that are adamantly set against the idea, it runs rife through the media and the institutions of higher learning, and even into Big Business. The Vlams Belang in Belgium, is likely to run into a stone wall, if it ever gets to the point of ascending actual power, for the ruling elite will once again use the power at their disposal to outlaw that voice of opposition. These parasites in power right now, have no intention of quietly moving aside once their day is done. Their true authoritarian sensibilities will show more and more as the threat to their continued control materializes.

I don't think that you are living in cloud cookoo land, but I do think that you may be minimalising the daunting task ahead, so much so that while all this transformation is taking place, Islam will have ascended the throne while we are all still bickering. Yes I agree that there is a movement afoot, that actually does recognise the danger, but unless we have a spectacular fall from power of the elites, as in the collapse of the Soviets in Russia, not an impossibility, I grant you, that those forces will expend all of their energies on just trying to dislodge the mandarins stalking the corridors in power.

Unless they fall from grace in a startling manner, the only other hope is for them, (the ruling elites), to see their own children as victims of Muslim brutality, but given that they have them protected in the very best of educational establishments, safe from the wolves on the street, the civil stife from the radical muslim terrorists will have to have reached epic proportions for that to happen; though events in France and Belgium of late, would seem to indicate that they are already getting there. What I am saying is, do we have the time to form associations, and get properly organised before the balloon goes up, it is beginning to look like the answer is NO!

As to an armed society, well, I do not think that an armed rabble will be anthing more than you suggest, but if the authority of the state breaks down, which with these clowns in charge, is a distinct possibility, then anarchy will be the order of the day, and the streets will become the domain of those most able to dominate them, and it appears to me that Radical Islam has already made many of those preparations, while the indeginous populations are still discussing whether it is time for tea yet.

Mark, while I agree with you point that it is not a given that Western society will win, I think it unlikely Islam will succeed in her goals. Western secular societies are highly complex systems, the greatest complexity that Muslims have mastered is how to fool the Western Infidels into building, organizing and running the basic infrastructure of a mechanised state. Everything they have is proped up by outside technology.

Where I actually disagree with you is, that I do not think that you have considered the dead hand of Political Correctness, and its debilitating effect, within your calculus. We are not even allowed that debate at this stage. I do agree that there is in all probability a very large consensus that would agree with your position, but they are leaderless, and as such, have no voice in the procceedings. Now, if a true leader was to emerge then the equation changes dramatically, but then again, you'd have to keep him safe, as the rabid Islamics, and their vile enablers within the roccoco marxist/socialist cohorts, would expeditiously see to his removal, right pronto, (it is after all, their modus operandi).

Mark, I am not making light of your position, I am just trying to shine a light on the enourmous difficulties ahead, before we can even begin a determined repulse of Islam's opportunistic assaults.

In a sane world, your's would be a prefered method of resolving this terrible danger, but it is no longer a sane world, it is a world racked by moral relativism and corruption, a world where for some, money is the only god, while for others, Allah is not to be denied. The rest of us are trapped between these two insane orthodoxies, and what is worse, we are without a voice.

Eleanor © said...

Mark - Great essay. Repatriation should be an option, but which Muslim country will take these ornery people back?

The word "train" as in "sensitivity training" and all the rest, reminds me of the exercises through which I put my dogs. Eventually they pay attention only to me and my voice and will react on cue.

Dogs react to food and treats, "bait" to get their attention, also a positive reinforcer. Although violence is not recomended, some animals need a sharp voice that reminds that something else could follow.

Humans are more complicated, but the positive re-inforcing "bait" is the first and best training aid, but we are more famliar with the "sharp voice and consequence of violence" as humans can figure out that they are being played with the "bait", which thankfully, my dogs still haven't discovered.

We are all smart enough to figure out that oil and extravagant renumeration from certain fabulously rich Muslims is the "bait" for many Westerners. Others respond to the certainty that their multicultural ideals are being met by accommodating Muslim demands. We could go on all day with other examples.

As for repatriation, how will we convince Muslims to repatriate and countries to take them back? Is there a precedent for repatriation of millions?

Suggestions are required to repatriate all those millions of mostly-Mexican migrants that are now in the U.S. that the majority of Americans want gone.

Anonymous said...


I missed this part of your response...

"This can change. You make it sound as though I am living in 'cloud cuckoo land'. I AM NOT! This is a very credible option, an option which should be taken very, very seriously, before law and order breaks down."

Yes it is a very credible option which should be taken seriously, before law and order breaks down. But that's just it, will anything concrete be done before law and order does break down; with the vise like grip of the left in so many institutions, it looks as if they will hang on no matter what the damage to civilisation will be.

Mark, given the enourmous problems of the day, the best the main opposition party in the UK can come up with is a self confessed media tart, a sixth form schoolboy, a clueless clown, David Cameron. Mark, my friend, you have a long, long way to go.

L said...

a sixth form schoolboy, a clueless clown, David Cameron.

See! Good minds think alike! (See my previous comment: can't find the link now - but it's there!)

CamBam: What a prat!

Mark said...


Sometime - when I have the time - I will relate my experiences in southern Africa.

I shall look forward to hearing about them, as I am sure we all shall.

They were very instructive, particularly when I said to a black African colleague in the early '80s, "I am not going to apologise for being White!" (on a long, shared drive from Harare to Bulawayo).

Quite right, too! Bravo!

Much good was done that night - on both sides.

I believe you. I really do.

See! I was taking a stand against Political Correctness before anyone had thought of the damned phrase.

See how far-thinking you were! You were ahead of your time!

And the response? Well, he was an intelligent and good man... He understood very well and our mutual respect was enhanced.

Perhaps we have more allies than we realise...

Just saying what we think can have unexpected results.

Of course it can. Westerners are far too mealy-mouthed. Muslims, for example, actually respect STRENGTH. They really do. The WORST thing we can possibly do is COWER to them. REALLY!

Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

I wholeheartedly agree with you that your suggestion would be the kindest, most humane way to deal with what is essentially an intractable problem, where we differ is in the feasability, politically speaking, of garnering a consensus to move forward with the idea. It is not just our political institutions that are adamantly set against the idea, it runs rife through the media and the institutions of higher learning, and even into Big Business.

I realize full well that it is not an easy road ahead. I do not underestimate the difficulties, believe me. But they ARE surmountable.

The Vlams Belang in Belgium, is likely to run into a stone wall, if it ever gets to the point of ascending actual power, for the ruling elite will once again use the power at their disposal to outlaw that voice of opposition. These parasites in power right now, have no intention of quietly moving aside once their day is done. Their true authoritarian sensibilities will show more and more as the threat to their continued control materializes.

I'm sure it won't be an easy road ahead for that party. But the path can be beaten. The good that can come out of this is to give the mainstream parties the jitters. Then they'll have to wake up and come forward with sensible, realistic policies.

I don't think that you are living in cloud cookoo land,...

Phew! Thank God for that!

...but I do think that you may be minimalising the daunting task ahead, so much so that while all this transformation is taking place, Islam will have ascended the throne while we are all still bickering.

No, it might look as though I am minimizing it; but I am not really.

Yes I agree that there is a movement afoot, that actually does recognise the danger, but unless we have a spectacular fall from power of the elites, as in the collapse of the Soviets in Russia, not an impossibility, I grant you, that those forces will expend all of their energies on just trying to dislodge the mandarins stalking the corridors in power.

The powers that be could indeed fall from power - in disgrace! I don't look forward to such a scenario; but it cannot be ruled out.

Unless they fall from grace in a startling manner, the only other hope is for them, (the ruling elites), to see their own children as victims of Muslim brutality, but given that they have them protected in the very best of educational establishments, safe from the wolves on the street, the civil stife from the radical muslim terrorists will have to have reached epic proportions for that to happen; though events in France and Belgium of late, would seem to indicate that they are already getting there. What I am saying is, do we have the time to form associations, and get properly organised before the balloon goes up, it is beginning to look like the answer is NO!

We need to act NOW. That's what is sorely need - ACTION!

Mark, while I agree with you point that it is not a given that Western society will win, I think it unlikely Islam will succeed in her goals. Western secular societies are highly complex systems, the greatest complexity that Muslims have mastered is how to fool the Western Infidels into building, organizing and running the basic infrastructure of a mechanised state. Everything they have is proped up by outside technology.

I hope and pray you are right.

Where I actually disagree with you is, that I do not think that you have considered the dead hand of Political Correctness, and its debilitating effect, within your calculus.

No, I know what that bloody PC has done. But it is on its way out. It is a TIRED concept.

We are not even allowed that debate at this stage.

We already are!

I do agree that there is in all probability a very large consensus that would agree with your position, but they are leaderless, and as such, have no voice in the procceedings.

I think there are MANY, MANY people who agree with my position. In fact, almost everyone I know does! What they need is a LEADER, a proper LEADER, to put such ideas into action.

Now, if a true leader was to emerge then the equation changes dramatically, but then again, you'd have to keep him safe, as the rabid Islamics, and their vile enablers within the roccoco marxist/socialist cohorts, would expeditiously see to his removal, right pronto, (it is after all, their modus operandi).

Yes, a TRUE leader has to emerge.

Mark, I am not making light of your position, I am just trying to shine a light on the enourmous difficulties ahead, before we can even begin a determined repulse of Islam's opportunistic assaults.

I understand what you're saying. Trust me!

In a sane world, your's would be a prefered method of resolving this terrible danger, but it is no longer a sane world, it is a world racked by moral relativism and corruption, a world where for some, money is the only god, while for others, Allah is not to be denied. The rest of us are trapped between these two insane orthodoxies, and what is worse, we are without a voice.

Trapped we are - FOR NOW!

Mark said...


Mark - Great essay.

Thank you!

Repatriation should be an option, but which Muslim country will take these ornery people back?

That, I don't know. But I'm sure it could be arranged, with the right pressure.

As for repatriation, how will we convince Muslims to repatriate and countries to take them back? Is there a precedent for repatriation of millions?

I think it could be arranged. Is there a precedent? I think there might well be. I seem to remember reading something like this somewhere. But off the top of my head, I can't remember where right now.

Suggestions are required to repatriate all those millions of mostly-Mexican migrants that are now in the U.S. that the majority of Americans want gone.

Now that shouldn't be such a big problem at all.

Always On Watch said...

I wonder if Saudi Arabia gets the 'Council on Christian-Saudi Relations', (CCSR), to give its law enforcement officers sensitivity training?

Good one! Considering that Saudi won't even allow Bibles into their nation.

As to repatriation, I see it as the only humane solution. Muslims won't Westernize--that's Westoxification--so they should go back to the countries where they can assimilate.

The demographic projections indicate that in just a few years Muslims will be able to vote in shari'a law, or a semblance thereof. Then what? The caliphate? Chaos in the streets to prevent the establishment of the caliphate?

The whole scenario is so depressing!

Always On Watch said...

Bubba's got it right, IMO: we must find people that are willing to put aside personal and institutional differences and stand shoulder to shoulder. Christians, Jews, Buddists, agnostics, atheists, and anyone else is included. As long as they understand, we are fighting an ideology. NOT A RACE OF PEOPLE. We are fighting an evil ideology.

Islam endangers the existence of all those groups.

Anonymous said...

usiconoclasticpatriot said...
"I love this description of David Cameron: a sixth form schoolboy, a clueless clown".

Yes it is a great description, sadly only half of it is mine, the "sixth form schoolboy" part is from some bright wit on the web; sorry, can't remember who. But yes it is a very accurate description of many of our political elites on both sides of the pond, although those on the American side manage to hide it a bit better under rather more gruff and hardened exteriors, well apart from clowns like Dean and Kerry. Cameron is just straight out of the mould, a perfect parody.

cybercrusader said...

just another richard Thanks for the clarification. This is no way takes away from your perfect characterization of the tart, Cameron. Unfortunately, the US politicians are no better in any other respect, with the possible exceptions of lying and subterfuge; they are particularly good at subterfuge. Alas, there are some really good people out there, but they are too wise and too decent to run for office. Hence we get what I suppose we deserve, miscreants utterly devoid of intelligence, integrity, courage, and principle. What a bloody lot of 'bottom feeders..'

Ginro said...

Hi Mark and good post.
It's good to see more people now asking how we can unite against this common problem.
There have been too many disparate groups all seeing the same end, the end of Islamic dominance one way or another,
(and having just had yet another bloody phone call while trying to write this with some anonymous guy trying to get me to buy a mobile phone againI'm considering adding those people to the list as well!)
but having a go at one or another group for personal reasons at the same time and just alienating those groups. At the same time working pretty much alone can be quite ineffective. But now people are seeing the need to unite in some way, and do you realise how amazing this is? People from all different backgrounds, different countries, varying viewpoints, but starting to ignore those in favour of the bigger picture.
I notice that certain anti-Jihad videos are being repeatedly flagged by muslims and being pulled by YouTube, and also that what appear to be muslims (but purporting not to be) go round leaving comments on peoples posts occasionally, claiming that certain news stories etc aren't true. This is in addition to the attempted hacking of sites trying to close them down, and other methods.
How about if, at least for starters, we start flagging every jihad video we see with someone acting as the centrepoint for information which the bloggers can then pick up and act upon? Not a lot there I suppose but a start.

Ginro said...

I notice there's an article on Jihad Watch addressing a similar problem with regard to pro-Jihad sites online:

Jihad Watch

Mark said...


I love this description of David Cameron: a sixth form schoolboy, a clueless clown

So do I! That's exactly what he is.

Mark said...


As to repatriation, I see it as the only humane solution. Muslims won't Westernize--that's Westoxification--so they should go back to the countries where they can assimilate.

It is indeed the most humane solution. That's why I suggested it. I don't want any solution that's not humane.

The demographic projections indicate that in just a few years Muslims will be able to vote in shari'a law, or a semblance thereof. Then what? The caliphate? Chaos in the streets to prevent the establishment of the caliphate?

It will come to civil war if something isn't done about this problem. We can already see signs aplenty of the civil war ahead.

The whole scenario is so depressing!

Very bloody depressing!

Mark said...

Moehomad Queefard:


We have to be ready to defend ourselves, because clearly the law is not going to take our side when it comes to justice.

Sadly, it looks like that, doesn't it? If they can't defend us, then we shall jolly well have to defend ourselves against this "monstrous tyranny".

Mark said...


Alas, the best people don't go into politics these days!

Mark said...


Hi Mark and good post.

Thank you. Your compliment is much appreciated.

It's good to see more people now asking how we can unite against this common problem.

We really do need to unite.

At the same time working pretty much alone can be quite ineffective.

We MUST unite!

I notice that certain anti-Jihad videos are being repeatedly flagged by muslims and being pulled by YouTube, and also that what appear to be muslims (but purporting not to be) go round leaving comments on peoples posts occasionally, claiming that certain news stories etc aren't true. This is in addition to the attempted hacking of sites trying to close them down, and other methods.

Yes, You Tube is certainly turning into "Dhimmitube" alright.

How about if, at least for starters, we start flagging every jihad video we see with someone acting as the centrepoint for information which the bloggers can then pick up and act upon? Not a lot there I suppose but a start.

Yes, that's a good start.