Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Many words, much tripe!

"A fight-back is beginning to reclaim Britain from the grip of those who refuse to acknowledge the centrality of British values of tolerance, fair play and parliamentary democratic freedoms – notably those of free speech and respect for all religions, but supremacy for none. Voltaire noted this attribute of the English three centuries ago, when he wrote: "If there was just one religion in Britain there would be despotism. If two, there would be civil war. But as there are 30, they all live at peace with each other."

What an insult to Her Majesty! Denis MacShane obviously does not understand that Britain is a Christian country which tolerates other religions. The Head of State, the Queen, is also the head of the Church of England. Christianity is of paramount importance to the functioning of the state and our democracy. Christianity does have pride of place, it does have supremacy, just as Islam has supremacy in Saudi Arabia.

As for Voltaire, well he certainly got that wrong, didn't he? The civil war will surely come because of the fragmentation of our once cohesive society, and because, as Islam grows ever stronger, it will begin to usurp more and more power.

Isn't it time for Denis MacShane to resign? Is he, perhaps, losing his grip on reality? Don't forget that this is the same man who fights hard for Turkey to be allowed into the EU, regardless of whether the people share his sentiments, or not. What does MacShane understand about democracy? Was that Denis MacShame, Sir?
THE TELEGRAPH: At long last, the debate on Islamism as politics, not Islam as religion, is out in the open. Two weeks ago, Jack Straw might have felt he was taking a risk when publishing his now notorious article on the Muslim veil. However, he was pushing at an open door. From across the political spectrum there is now common consent that the old multicultural emperor, before whom generation of politicians have made obeisance, is now a pitiful, naked sight.

The 10,000 Muslims in my constituency of Rotherham can only benefit from removing the dead hand of ideological Islamism – allowing their faith to be respected and their children to flourish in a Britain that finally wakes up to what must be done. Despite the efforts of extremists to prevent any sort of rational debate about the place of Islam in Britain, it is at last happening. Our failure to confront radical Islam is there for all to see
Mark Alexander


mirrorman said...

From the article,,,
"They must be encouraged before it is too late. From Margaret Thatcher, until very recently Tony Blair, political leaders have been in denial. It is time to wake up."

That we must wake up, this much is true!
The very nature of Islam, denies the engagement of the Muslims with democratic politics, just look at the difficulties of Iraq.
How then can Brtish Muslims engage in politics, without the one absolute demand of their belief, that one day they shall be the dominant force in whichever host-country they occupy?
Young European Muslims are confronted with a distinct choice;
can they step away from the mores of 14000 years ago, and adapt their beliefs to the modern democratic world they live and prosper in?
Or will they engage in Democratic politics for the sake of furthering the ideals that they jointly hold with their "radical" brothers and sisters?
If so, Denis Mc Shanes call for political engagement will turn out to be yet another front in the continuing war of Islam with the West. The combatants' goals will seem far-off, but the final victory of Islam will remain the ultimate prize for them.

What chance of this however, with their womenfolk engaged in the big-cover-up?
What chance of this when we are faced with majority silence when terrorist outrages take place?
What chance when the same people care more about the Palestine issues, or the Chechnian issues, than they do about Britain itself?

We have had major curtailments of our Liberties, courtesy of Islamic terrorists, we have many more restrictions in the pipe-line, yet not one of these new Laws does much to guarantee that no more attacks on British soil will occur.

Meanwhile we have British Muslims on the run from the Athorities around the globe, preparing for the next phase of attacks.
Just because our Security Services have been good at their jobs, and lucky, to some extent, does little more than put off the fateful day when we wake up to some terrible new assault!

It is cloud-cuckoo land to expect this leopard to change it's spots.
More likely it will be us who are expected to change ours.

Can we expect the womenfolk of that belief, to suddenly take off their face-veils en masse? Can we expect the young men to suddenly adopt the Christan outlook on the World? Will we see the tribally-dressed men putting away their pantaloons and gowns? Or shaving off their beards?
Will wee see the closure of the many hundreds of religious indoctrination-centres closing down, or teaching equally the contents of the New Testament?

Of course bloody not!

What naieve fools like Mc Shane hope for, the complete and certain acceptance by the resident Islamic Ummah, of the European Freedoms paid for in the blood and pain of World-War for so many, just a little time ago, is a nonsense.

As we recall the fallen dead of World War Two, this coming Remembrance Day, let us not forget what it was they fought for.
Let us not forget the sacrifice of our fathers and mothers, to defeat tyranny and oppression.
And let us not allow tyranny or oppression to step into the shoes of our fallen heroes.

One last comment, it is only a few months ago that the "bete noir" of British politics, Mr. Griffin, was almost jailed for raising these same points as have Ruth Kelly and the uber-mench of the old and tired Nu-Labour!
But for this bungled attempt to silence the feelings of the majority of the British public, these "brave" voices of the fading Labour dreamland would have stayed silent.
One must question their motivation, which do they fear most, Islam's intransigence, or the rise of the New Right throughout Europe?

It is good that the debate can no-longer be labelled "hate-speech" and that the challenge is now out there for our more recent members of the Britsh family, to come on board.

They will not be able of course, for to do so would negate so much of what they believe in, and this will not happen.

We will see ever more entrenched views and confusion as the would-be politician-alchemists try to force clay and iron to mix in the same crucible.

Mark said...

Excellent comment, Mirrorman. What more can I add? Other than to say that MacShame is a PC leftie. He also has a constituency with loads of Muslims. This is bound to cloud his judgment.