Wednesday, February 26, 2020

“The Billionaire Election”: Anand Giridharadas on How 2020 Is a Referendum on Wealth Inequality

The 10th Democratic presidential debate took place Tuesday in Charleston, South Carolina, and two billionaires were at either end of the stage: Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. Front-runner Bernie Sanders, who has made attacking the power of the “billionaire class” a central theme of his campaign, stood in the middle. It was a visual representation of the split within the Democratic Party, in which a growing number of people are “rising up against plutocracy,” says Anand Giridharadas, editor-at-large at Time magazine and author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.” His recent piece for The New York Times is titled “The Billionaire Election: Does the world belong to them or to us?

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Economy Is Actually Trump’s Biggest Weakness

The economy for most American citizens is not working. Capitalism today only benefits those at the top, and tens of millions of Americans are just a few hundred dollars away from financial ruin. THIS is the issue that Democrats need to be hammering on the campaign trail, and some of them are. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how the Democrats can capitalize on the REAL economic situation of millions of Americans.

Bernie Sanders Dismantles Wall Street "Crooks" at Santa Ana, CA Rally

Bernie Sanders slammed Wall Street billionaires and advocated for the middle class at a rally in Santa Ana, CA on Friday.

Wallis Simpson's Hard Lessons for Harry and Meghan

BBC: A popular, playful prince falls in love with a strong-willed US divorcee, who ends up vilified by a hostile British press. In Harry and Meghan, some royal watchers see echoes of Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, the couple at the heart of the abdication crisis eight decades ago. But does the comparison hold up? It could do if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex end up reliving the Duke and Duchess of Windsor's tormented exile.

In December 1936, The King gave up his throne and an Empire of half a billion souls so he could wed a woman who was divorcing her second husband.

The public vitriol spewed on his bride-to-be, Wallis Simpson, might strike a chord with the latest American to marry into Britain's royal family.

On top of being condemned as a social climber from a Baltimore, Maryland, row-house, Simpson was reviled as a cheap adventuress, a lesbian, a nymphomaniac, a Nazi spy and a hermaphrodite.

She was portrayed as a sexual enchantress who supposedly learned "ancient Chinese skills" in the brothels of Shanghai, where her first husband, a US Navy pilot, had been stationed.

But the media's attacks on Simpson weren't just in print.

Daily Express reporters hurled bricks through the window of her rented Regent's Park, London, home, the newspaper's owner, Lord Beaverbrook, would later acknowledge. » | Jude Sheerin, BBC, Washington | Saturday, February 22, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

Naturwunder und Powerfood: Fakten zum Ei - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2007)

Immer mehr Konsumenten sind bereit, für Eier von „glücklichen“ Hühnern mehr zu bezahlen. Schweizer Bio-Eier sind wohl die teuersten auf der Welt, trotzdem werden sie von Jahr zu Jahr besser verkauft. Der einzige Schweizer Bio-Eierhändler hatte eine gute Nase. Das weltweit grösste Zuchtunternehmen für Legehennen befindet sich in Cuxhaven an der Nordsee. Jahrzehntelang stand die Legeleistung im Zentrum der Bemühungen. Mit dem allmählichen Verschwinden der Käfighaltung und dem Aufkommen neuer Halteformen sind neue Kriterien in der Zucht gefragt. Die Produktion von Impfstoff-Viren in Hühnereiern hat eine lange Tradition. Innerhalb weniger Stunden können sie sich dort um das 200’000fache vermehren. Am Roslin Institute in Edinburgh ist es gelungen, transgene Hühner zu züchten, die in ihren Eiern Proteine liefern, die eines Tages gegen Hautkrebs, Tumore und Viren eingesetzt werden könnten. Dazu: Was war zuerst: Huhn oder Ei? Ein Philosoph klärt.

In "NZZ Swiss made": Die Kemmeriboden-Meringues. Die Geschichte einer berühmten Nachspeise aus dem Emmental.

Soul-searching in Germany as Hanau Mourns Shooting Victims | DW News

People in Germany have been holding vigils for the ten killed by a suspected far-right extremist in the western city of Hanau. Authorities have identified the attacker as a 43-year-old German national. Prosecutors are treating the killings as an act of right-wing domestic terrorism. People have been coming together to mourn the victims and also to call for action. The city has a population of about 100,000, with a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. The Confederation of Kurds in Germany has confirmed that several of the dead had Kurdish origins. We met with some family members of those killed in Wednesday's attack.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Rare Look Inside Secretive Mormon Temple (2012)

CNN's Brian Todd reports on a Mormon temple and interviews a church elder on posthumous baptisms.

Europas Kleinstaaten - Monaco - Geschlossene Gesellschaft

California Governor Declares Homeless Crisis ‘a Disgrace’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Vulnerable to the charge that the problem has exploded under Democratic rule, Gov. Gavin Newsom pleaded with legislators to take action.

SAN FRANCISCO — With tens of thousands of people living on the streets of California, the homelessness crisis has become the state’s defining issue. For Gov. Gavin Newsom, the emergency had become so dire that he devoted his entire State of the State address on Wednesday to the 150,000 Californians without homes.

“Let’s call it what it is: It’s a disgrace that the richest state in the richest nation, succeeding across so many sectors, is falling so far behind to properly house, heal and humanely treat so many of its own people,” Mr. Newsom told lawmakers in Sacramento. “Every day, the California dream is dimmed by the wrenching reality of families and children and seniors living unfed on a concrete bed.”

Vulnerable to the charge that the problem has exploded under Democratic rule in California, Mr. Newsom, a former mayor of San Francisco, pleaded with — and at times admonished — legislators to take action.

“The hard truth is for too long we’ve ignored this problem,” Mr. Newsom said. “We turned away.” » | Thomas Fuller | Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

How Germany's Universal Healthcare System Works

Germany’s health-care system spends nearly half as much as the United States but still manages to cover 100% of its population through a mix of public and private insurance schemes. There are two different systems that residents can turn to for insurance in Germany: SHI, which stands for Statutory Health Insurance and PHI or Private Health Insurance. Here’s how they work.

Sabisky Row: Dominic Cummings Criticised over 'Designer Babies' post

THE GUARDIAN: PM’s aide dragged further into row over decision to hire adviser with eugenicist views

Boris Johnson’s senior aide Dominic Cummings has been dragged further into the row over No 10’s decision to hire an adviser with eugenicist views after it emerged that he suggested in his own writings that the NHS should cover the cost of selecting babies to have higher IQs.

In a blogpost covering his views on the future of “designer babies”, Cummings said he believed rich would-be parents would inevitably select embryos with “the highest prediction for IQ” and floated the idea that “a national health system should fund everybody to do this” to avoid an unfair advantage for the wealthy.

Experts criticised Cummings’s theories about genetics, saying they were unworkable, unethical and amounted to eugenics, two days after Andrew Sabisky resigned as a No 10 contractor over his past claims that black Americans on average had lower IQs than white people. » | Rowena Mason and Ian Sample | Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Saudi Official: 'We Don't Have a History of Murdering Our Citizens' | Conflict Zone

Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, tells Conflict Zone his country is paying 'a great price' over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But he dismisses criticism from human rights groups over Riyadh's dire treatment of activists.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Die Fürstenfamilie Liechtenstein | 15.08.2017/ORF 2

Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein gehört heute zu den reichsten Adeligen Europas. Zudem ist er der einzige Monarch, der einem Staat auch den Namen gibt. Die Dokumentation gibt einen Einblick in die beiden prächtigen Wiener Palais der Familie, in die Gemäldedepots und die Restaurierungswerkstätte.

Why Democratic Socialism Is Gaining Popularity in the United States

Socialism used to be a scary word in the U.S., but presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders and freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have helped to catapult it back into mainstream American politics. In the latest explainer from CNBC we try to answer what socialism means to different parts of the political spectrum and whether it's fad or the future of politics in America.

8 Monarchies That No Longer Exist | British Pathé

Currently there are 13 sovereign monarchies in the world. Here is a list of 8 monarchies that do not exist anymore from the Kingdom of Russia to the Kingdom of Romania.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Why Being Gay in Russia Is about "Love and Passion"

Jon and Alex, a gay couple from Russia, share an intimate moment at a small apartment in St Petersburg.

This secret glimpse into their private lives was captured by Danish photographer Mads Nissen and received the prestigious World Press Photo Award in 2015.

But while people across the globe were admiring Nissen's work, life for Jon and Alex was only getting more difficult. Members of the LGBT community in Russia say social stigma and risk of physical attacks have increased since the country approved the law banning 'gay propaganda' in 2013. And for Jon, now that Alex is not alive, the picture is also a symbol of painful struggle and, ultimately, loss.

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this film, you can get advice and information here. Reporter: Anastassia Zlatopolskai | Producer: Julia Malkin

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pete Buttigieg: The Big Gay Interview | The Advocate x LGBTQ&A

Pete Buttigieg takes a break from the campaign trail to talk with Jeffrey Masters about his history-making candidacy, navigating his queerness as he campaigns in more conservative states, serving in the Navy under Don't Ask, Don't Tell, fighting climate change, and meeting his husband on a dating app.

Pete Buttigieg’s Unlikely, Unprecedented 2020 Campaign | TIME

The New Guy: How Mayor Pete Buttigieg became a surprise contender in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Friday, February 14, 2020

US Election 2020: Buttigieg Sexuality Becomes Campaign Issue

BBC: Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg's sexuality has become a campaign issue after a radio host questioned if voters would pick a man "kissing his husband on stage".

Firebrand conservative Rush Limbaugh said Democrats must realise America is still not ready to elect a gay man.

Mr Buttigieg's Democratic rivals leapt to his defence, and President Donald Trump said he would vote for a gay man.

Mr Limbaugh was last week awarded a top civilian honour by the president.

On his radio show which is nationally syndicated to millions of listeners, Mr Limbaugh on Wednesday imagined Demcorats' deliberations over who to vote for.

He said: "They're saying, 'OK, how's this going to look? Thirty-seven-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage, next to Mr Man, Donald Trump.'" » | Valentine’s Day, 2020

Sorry, Fossils! America needs a gay president. It will awaken the nation to the realities of the twenty-first century. Go for it, Pete! Your country needs you! – Mark