Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kellyanne Conway: I'm a Victim of Sexual Assault

Counselor to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, tells CNN's Jake Tapper that she is a victim of sexual assault while discussing the testimonies of Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Maajid's Impassioned Swipe At Boris Johnson: The Balloon Buffoon

"Disgusting" Tucker Carlson Says Rape Victims Are “Part Of The Problem”

In an attempt to prove that he is just as heartless and disgusting as everyone else on the network, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said this week that rape victims who “wait too long” to report their assault are part of the problem. Perhaps Tucker needs to go back and watch all of the negative coverage his network has given to the women who do step forward and then maybe he’ll understand why it is so difficult for women to speak out. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Right-Wing Eastern European States Honor Nazi-Collaborating Fascists as 'Heroes'

Far-right governments in Eastern Europe are rehabilitating past Nazi collaborators as national heroes, rewriting the history of the Holocaust to turn the Soviet Union into the villain. Historian Dovid Katz explains how the fascist-apologist "double genocide" myth is spreading.

Switzerland: Cradle of Populism? – BBC Newsnight

Switzerland. Neutral, wealthy, and peaceful, the home of direct democracy. But is it also the birthplace of populism? When back in March, Steve Bannon embarked on his tour to unite Europe’s populist parties, he gave his first public address in Zurich. Switzerland is where the anti-globalist fightback began, he told his audience, when its people said no to joining the European Community in a referendum in 1992. Now it may retreat further still, as the Swiss prepare to scrap international treaties in favour of national laws. In the week Donald Trump laid out his stall at the UN General Assembly, Gabriel Gatehouse has the story of populism vs globalism, an epic battle for our age.

Hearing Exposes Brett Kavanaugh Temperament Problem, Credibility Issues | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reviews themes and highlights from the sprawling, exhausting Senate Judiciary hearing on allegations by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford of sexual assault by Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Progress of Brexit

It's been a little over two years since Brits narrowly voted to leave the European Union. The Agenda welcomes Ashley Prime, the U.K's former deputy consul-general, to discuss where things are now.

Trump's 'Dissociation from Reality' at UN

President Trump had the opportunity to address the UN General Assembly opening for the second time, which he used to brag and lie, says Phyllis Bennis, of the Institute for Policy Studies

World Moving to De-dollarize?

Anya Parampil brings us the latest comments made by U.S. President Donald Trump at the 73rd United Nation General Assembly, where he was laughed at by world leaders for claiming to be the most accomplished U.S. President in history. Former U.K. member of parliament George Galloway and Euro Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff join Anya to discuss Trump’s further isolation on the international stage.

John Bolton Makes It Clear That War With Iran Is Around The Corner

Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton delivered a speech this week that left little doubt about the administration’s plans to invade Iran. During his speech, Bolton said that the US is watching the country and that we are prepared to “act” if necessary. He didn’t lay out exactly what the country was doing that was worthy of starting another US war, but that hasn’t stopped Bolton in the past. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Michael Avenatti Responds to Trump: He's a Habitual Liar

Michael Avenatti, the attorney representing Julie Swetnick, a woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of inappropriate, sexually aggressive behavior in high school, responds to President Donald Trump calling him a "con man." Kavanaugh has denied Swetnick's allegations.

Former WTO Chief Pascal Lamy on Brexit and the Rise of Populism in Europe

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Macron vs Trump at the UN General Assembly

While both leaders have professed friendship and support for each other in public, they stood at opposite ends of the spectrum on many issues they addressed at the UN on Tuesday.

Kate Bolduan: The World Laughed at Trump ... Literally

CNN's Kate Bolduan discusses world leaders laughing at President Trump during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly.