Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why Are We So Gay? - Homosexual Documentary

The Court Ruling That Could Lead To President Donald Trump's Tax Returns | The Last Word | MSNBC

President Trump was dealt a major legal setback after a federal judge allows an emolument lawsuit against him to proceed. David Cay Johnston explains what comes next in a court case that could have bigger implications for Trump than the Mueller investigation.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Can Europe Live without the US? | Inside Story

With friends like Donald Trump who needs enemies? That was the reaction from European Council Chief Donald Tusk when the US president withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and re-imposed sanctions.

EU leaders want to save the nuclear deal - and multi-billion dollar business contracts. But European companies are bowing to US demands by pulling out of Iran - including British Airways and Air France, which are grounding flights to Tehran.

That's despite revised EU legislation called "blocking statute". It's aimed at nullifying US legal action against European firms which defy US sanctions on Iran.

Germany's foreign minister has called for independent payment channels to be created which could avoid US sanctions. And French President Emmanuel Macron says Europe's historical partner 'seems to turn his back on this common history'. So, how wide is the rift across the Atlantic?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Thorsten Benner - Director, Global Public Policy Institute; Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook - Executive Director, Future of Diplomacy Project, Harvard Kennedy School; Daniel Gros - Director, Centre for European Policy Studies

Trump Biographer Calls Mike Pence a 'Shadow President'

President Trump's biographer Michael D'Antonio tells CNN's John Berman that Vice President Mike Pence has been positioning himself to assume the Oval Office at the conclusion of Trump's tenure.

Meet the Jews Rejecting Israel for Berlin | Foreign Correspondent

Berlin was Holocaust headquarters — but for young Israeli Jews it’s the paragon of cool. Eric Campbell tracks one of the odder modern migrations.

The Madness of Prince Charles – British Royal Family Documentary | Timeline

Bombshell: Paul Manafort Sought Mueller Plea Deal | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

Former Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort, could be changing his approach to the Mueller probe. The Wall Street Journal reports Manafort sought a plea deal in his upcoming trial in D.C. but talks broke down. The reporter who broke the story, Aruna Viswanatha, joins Ari Melber to discuss the potential implications for the Russia investigation.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Teachers Can’t Afford Supplies, But Betsy DeVos Will Pay For Their Guns

The US Department of Education is considering a proposal that would free up some federal money to arm and train teachers in this country how to kill people. This proposal comes at a time when teachers all over the country are paying more than $1,000 each year out of their own pockets on school supplies because schools are so dangerously underfunded, and the administration has actually reduced the amount that teachers can write off on taxes. But Betsy DeVos wants to carry the NRA’s water, and now she’s offering to buy them all guns. What could go wrong? A lot, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

How I See the US After Living in Sweden for 6 Years

WaPo: Trump Rejected Plans for White House Statement Praising McCain

White House aides drafted a fulsome statement for President Donald Trump on the death of Sen. John McCain, but it was never sent out, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to CNN.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

National Enquirer Insider: They Have Safe Full of Trump Stories

Jerry George, who worked at the National Enquirer for 28 years, tells CNN's Erica Hill there were safes in the Los Angeles and New York offices of the National Enquirer.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Trump Calls Off Pompeo's North Korea Trip over Lack of Progress

Citing insufficient progress on the issue of denuclearization, President Donald Trump nixed plans for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to make what would have been his fourth visit to North Korea.

Lawrence: Trump Talks Impeachment, as Trump Allies Talk to Fed Prosecutors | The Last Word | MSNBC

President Trump lashed out at “flippers” and Attorney General Jeff Sessions amid reporting that media mogul David Pecker was granted immunity by prosecutors and the National Enquirer kept a safe with Trump-related documents in it.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Trump: ‘Impeach Me and Market Will Crash’

'I don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job', Donald Trump has insisted - telling Fox News that if he was impeached the markets would crash and "everybody would be very poor". And in another tirade against his former laywer Michael Cohen - who claimed the President directed him to make hush money payments to two alleged mistresses - Mr Trump suggested plea bargains should be illegal because people "just make up lies". Here's our Washington correspondent Kylie Morris.

What's Next for President Donald Trump? | Inside Story

It's been a bad week for Donald Trump - starting with the conviction of his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort for financial crimes and fraud. Then came the guilty plea by his former-lawyer Michael Cohen, who said he broke campaign finance laws on Trump's orders. But Cohen's statement that he's willing to now help the Mueller investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, could mean even bigger worries ahead for the US. President.

Trump has denied doing anything wrong and says Cohen is making up stories. All this is ahead of crucial mid-term elections in November. So, is this a turning point for the Trump presidency?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: James Boys - US Politics Analyst; Oliver McGee - Advisor at the National Diversity Coalition For Trump; Steven Erlanger - Chief Diplomatic Correspondent Europe, ‘The New York Times’.

How Will Iran Respond to Trump's Escalations?

After re-imposing sanctions, Trump's new "Iran Action Group" is the latest step in his destabilization campaign against Tehran. International Crisis Group President Robert Malley, who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal under the Obama administration, joins TRNN's Aaron Maté to discuss the White House's goals and Iran's response.

Syrian Cartoonist Najah Albukai Bears Witness to the Horrors of Al-Assad's Prisons