Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Case against the Prophet | DW News

Trump's Dirty Energy Appointees Dismantle Clean Energy Controls

Trump's EPA announced a plan to end Obama's Clean Power Plan, using coal companies' proposals, which lowers federal regulations on emissions and allows states to set their own emissions reduction goals. We discuss the proposal with Mustafa Ali.

Spike Lee on Donald Trump and the Rise of the Right – BBC Newsnight

Evan Davis speaks to director Spike Lee about his new film BlacKKklansman, the future of the Oscars and racial politics in the US today.

Anderson Cooper: Cohen Basically Called Trump a Crook

President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty, and Paul Manafort was convicted on eight counts on the same day. CNN's Anderson Cooper breaks down what this means for the President.

Lawrence: Michael Cohen Says Donald Trump Ordered Him To Commit Crimes | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence puts Michael Cohen’s guilty plea into context: Michael Cohen says Donald Trump ordered him to commit crimes so Donald Trump could win the presidency. This is the day that changed everything in the Trump presidency.

Chris Cuomo: This Was a Bad Day for Trump

CNN's Chris Cuomo weighs in on a day of bad news for President Donald Trump after his former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was found guilty of eight financial crimes and his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, agreed to a plea deal with the Southern District of New York.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Has Assad Won the Syrian War? – BBC Newsnight

The British government has decided to stop giving some aid to rebel-held areas in Syria.

Lawrence: "Melania Trump Has Done Nothing For Our Children" | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence looks at First Lady Melania Trump’s cyber bullying prevention event “for our children,” held on a day her husband spent the day cyber bullying. Meanwhile, 565 children separated from their parents at the border by the Trump Administration still have not been reunited.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Do US Sanctions Work? | Inside Story

Punishing its enemies economically, when stopping short of armed force, has long been a favoured American way of achieving foreign policy goals.

Sanctions have been around for decades, but came to the fore after the 9/11 attacks on the US in 2001. They are now again present when diplomacy does not work.

President Donald Trump has been imposing them more widely and more often. The latest were over Turkey’s detention of US pastor Andrew Brunson, which has triggered one of the most serious rifts with a NATO ally. But those targetted by the US are hitting back with their own sanctions, some of the same level and scale. And the list of countries affected is long. But do the sanctions serve any purpose? And who gets hurt the most?

Presenter: Hoda Abdelhamid | Guests: Richard Weitz, Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute; Mohammad Marandi, Head of North American Studies graduate programme at the University of Tehran; Christopher Preble, Vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute.

"That’s Rich"... Anderson Cooper Laughs at Sanders Explanation about Trump's Revoking Clearances

Twitter CEO: 'We Are Not' Discriminating against Any Political Viewpoint

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey knows the tech world has a problem. He's asking big questions like "How do we earn peoples' trust?" "We realize that more and more people have fear of companies like ours," Dorsey said in an in-depth interview with CNN.

Ex-Fox News Analyst, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Trump Is a Danger to the US

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a former Fox News military analyst who left after accusing the network of "assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law," talks to CNN's Brian Stelter about his views on President Trump's impact on the country.

Stelter Examines Fox's 'Echo Chamber' in Trump

CNN's Brian Stelter breaks down the relationship between President Trump and Fox News.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

900 Litres of Maple Syrup Rejected by Saudi Arabia Have Been Sold

Canadians from across the country offered to buy Anna Hutchinson's 900 litres of maple syrup after the government of Saudi Arabia rejected her shipment amid the diplomatic dispute between the Canadian and Saudi government.

John O. Brennan: I Gave Trump a Year to Live Up to the Office. He Didn't. | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

John Brennan, former CIA director, talks with Rachel Maddow about his criticisms of Donald Trump and his early awareness of Russian efforts to intrudce upon the 2016 presidential election.

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan Dies at 80

The Rise of the Extreme Far-right in Britain – BBC Newsnight

The former head of the Metropolitan Police's counter terrorism unit is warning the extreme right-wing is on the rise in Britain and we "haven't woken up" to it yet.

Ex-CIA Official to Trump Supporter: We're Done. Get Out!

Former CIA and FBI official Phil Mudd debates President Trump's revocation of John Brennan's security clearance with Paris Dennard.

Ronald Reagan's Daughter: My Father Would Be Appalled by Trump

Patti Davis, daughter of former President Ronald Reagan, says that her father would be appalled by the leadership of President Donald Trump.