Thursday, July 19, 2018

An Israel Law That Divides and Discriminates | Inside Story

Israel's parliament has narrowly passed a law that defines the country as a Jewish state. It gives only the Jews the right to self-determination, discriminating against one-fifth of the population, which includes nearly two million Arab Israelis and other minorities.

The law also demotes Arabic, leaving Hebrew as the only official language. The move has led to widespread anger, even among sections of the Jewish population. Arab Israelis are calling it racist and comparing it with apartheid. So, what's in store for them? How will the regional powers react to the controversial law?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Emmanuel Navon, Tel Aviv University; Prof Mukhaimer Abu Saada, Al Azhar University; Gaza Gil Hoffman, Chief Political Correspondent, Jerusalem Post

Michael McFaul Reacts: I Hope My President Will Swat This Back | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The White House is entertaining Vladimir Putin's proposal to allow the special counsel to interview the Russians indicted in exchange for Russia gaining access to several American officials, including Amb. Michael McFaul. Amb. McFaul reacts.

Madeleine Albright on Putin Summit: I Am Worrying More

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said that after President Trump's summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, she is "worrying more."

'Absolutely Disgusting': Russia Seeks to Question US Officials | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Will the WH allow Russian prosecutors to question some of Vladimir Putin’s biggest critics here within the United States, including Amb. Michael McFaul? The panel discusses.

What's the Legacy of the Trump-Putin Summit? | Inside Story

"Direct, open and deeply productive dialogue." That's how US President Donald Trump described his controversial summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

The two men said they touched on a wide range of international and regional issues during their private meeting in Helsinki on Monday. But one particular topic has overshadowed the talks: Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, which has been confirmed by the US intelligence community and Congress.

But beyond this controversial issue, what will be the summit's legacy? And is there a new world order?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Joel Rubin - Former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; Remi Bourgeot - Associate Fellow at the French Institute of International and Strategic Affairs; Vyacheslav Matuzov - Former Russian Diplomat

What Are the Limits of Foreign Lobbying in the UK? | Inside Story

The British media watchdog Spinwatch says the UAE spent millions of dollars to influence political decision-making. And the watchdog says the Emiratis pressured journalists and think tanks - all aimed at influencing the British government against the Muslim Brotherhood.

Spinwatch says it has leaked emails showing how the Emiratis were involved in what's described as 'clandestine' lobbying tactics in both Britain and the US; and it highlights the UAE's campaign against Qatar and the 2022 World Cup.

The UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar 13 months ago - and imposed an economic blockade.

What's the impact of lobbying on decision making by the British government? And does it affect democracy?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: David Miller - Founder, Spinwatch; Afzal Ashraf - Visiting Fellow, Nottingham University; Kevin Craig, Chief Executive, Political Lobbying and Media Relations

#realnews : Trump A Symptom of a System in Decay

A live interactive Q & A session with Paul Jay, hosted by Aaron Maté about the controversies related to Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki

Trump: John Brennan Is a Total Low-life

CBS's Jeff Glor asks President Donald Trump if he believes members of the intelligence community are out to get him.

Meet the Tommy Robinson Supporters – BBC Newsnight

Tommy Robinson was jailed in May after he admitted contempt of court by filming outside Leeds Crown Court in the UK during a trial.

Here Gabriel Gatehouse meets the people who are fighting to free Tommy Robinson. You also hear from the leader of UKIP Gerard Batten who has taken up Robinson's cause.

Warning: This piece contains strong language and language that some may find very offensive.

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell | July 18,2018

NYT: Donald Trump Has Known Vladimir Putin Ordered Hacks Since January 2017 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The New York Times reports that U.S. officials gave Trump in-depth intelligence in January 2017 before his inauguration that Putin ordered the Russian hacks on our election. Philip Rucker, Clint Watts, & Anita Kumar discuss.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Jacob Rees-Mogg on Not Being Prime Minister, Immigration and Delivering Brexit

Our guest this week is the Conservative backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg MP who will stop at nothing to achieve a hard Brexit.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 18, 2018

Ret. Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters: Trump Is 'Actively Betraying Our Country' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Retired Colonel Ralph Peters tells, tells Ari Melber that after working “against the Russians for several years” he is “convinced” that Donald Trump is a “slave” of Russian President Vladimir Putin and that his actions at the two leaders’ recent summit in Helsinki demonstrate that Trump is “actively betraying” the United States.

Trump Playing into Putin’s Plan ‘Either On Purpose or By Accident,’ Albright Says

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a plan to divide the U.S. from its allies, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Tuesday, and President Donald Trump is “playing into that plan either on purpose or by accident.” Albright joins Judy Woodruff to discuss why she thinks Trump’s remarks, combined with his criticism of NATO allies, “adds up to total confusion” about the role of the U.S.

No-deal Brexit Could ‘Break Up Current Party System’ – BBC Newsnight

As the government survives a key Brexit vote on trade, Evan Davis is joined by Conservative MPs Dominic Grieve and Marcus Fysh to discuss the divisions in Parliament over Brexit.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Chris Wallace Interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin

Putin dismisses claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election, says Russia would react negatively to the expansion of NATO, blames terrorists for civilian casualties in Syria.

Shep Smith Fox News Calls Trump Shameful Disgraceful and a Traitor

Lemon: Trump Went from Alpha Dog to Lap Dog

CNN's Don Lemon goes after President Trump after he publicly sided with Russia President Vladimir Putin who denies any involvement in the 2016 US election.

John Brennan: President Donald Trump is Giving Aid, Comfort to the Enemy | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former CIA Director John Brennan discusses Monday's joint news conference in Finland with President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying Republicans must put pressure on the president after the meeting and that an outcry must be strong.