Thursday, November 09, 2017

Top US News & World Headlines — November 9, 2017

Islam Unveiled - Real Stories

Can Islam ever truly become part of the modern world? Why is a religion that claims over a billion followers across the globe now seen as the world’s greatest bastion of sexism and misogyny? And is this true?

This major series takes the viewer on a dazzling ride across four continents and fourteen centuries, embarking both on a journey of the heart and a quest of the intellect. It is a quest that reveals surprising truths about women’s lives in the Muslim world today, and traces back to their cultural roots beliefs and practices that to many Westerners seem cruel and archaic.

Documentary | Death of Princess Mashael | True Story

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Houston after Hurricane Harvey - Fault Lines

The US' hurricane season was one of the most active in history, destroying lives and leaving victims homeless.

In August 2017, one trillion gallons of water fell on the Houston area over a four-day period - by far the most rainfall in US history. More than 70 people died, and thousands of people lost their homes.

Hurricane Harvey hit everyone in the area. But now that the water has receded, will there be an equal recovery?

A month after Harvey hit - after the media moved on to new stories - Fault Lines travelled to Houston, Texas - which is one of the most diverse but segregated cities in the US - to see if the storm will deepen the city's social and economic divide.

How Saudi Arabia Financed Global Terror

Funding Jihad? (2003) - Did the Saudi Royal Family really finance 9/11? Although a key Middle Eastern ally of America and Britain, the Wahhabist Saudi regime is nevertheless suspected of financing terror groups around the world.

The Queen's Private Estate Invests £10 Million in Offshore Funds | Good Morning Britain

New Saudi Power Grab Follows Big Losses

Rami Khouri of the American University of Beirut and Harvard Kennedy School analyzes the Saudi kingdom's arrest of elite figures at home and its apparent role in the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri

Inside Story: Is the Saudi Crown Prince a Reformist or Power-hungry?

The arrests in Saudi Arabia have spurred days of speculation and analysis. There was the element of surprise, the detentions took place on Saturday night and without warning.

The element of power – most of those arrested are men of influence. And an element of uncertainty, is this about purging corruption or consolidating power?

The man behind it all: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been a figure of controversy for months now. He is regarded as a progressive leader, touting social and economic reforms. But critics say MBS, as he's known, is also power-hungry. Over the course of two years, he went from being third in line to the throne, to first.

But what risks is the Crown Prince running? And can he meet the many challenges he faces both at home and in the region?

Presenter: Jane Dutton; Guests: Joseph Kechichian, Senior Fellow at the King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies; Andreas Krieg, Assistant Professor at the Defense Studies Department at King's College London; Nicholas Noe, Editor in Chief of MideastWire dot com »

Top US News & World Headlines — November 8, 2017

Jim Phillips Explains What's Happening in Saudi Arabia

What is happening in Saudi Arabia? Heritage expert, Jim Phillips joins us with the facts

Q&A: How the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia’s Views on Islam, Economy Could Change Country »

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Iran 1979: Legacy of a Revolution - Featured Documentary

Thirty years after the founding of the Islamic republic, the ideals that inspired the uprising continue to inform every day life in modern Iran.

So how has the revolution managed to sustain itself through war, international isolation, economic sanctions, and regional turbulence? And how has Iranian society changed since the seismic upheaval of 1979?

Rageh Omaar went to Iran to find out. This film was first broadcast in August 2009.

View from Iran: The Debate - Saudi Power Struggle

It was one of the largest sweeps in the Saudi Arabia’s history: 11 princes, and dozens of ministers and former ministers were arrested in what was termed an anti-corruption sweep. But was this really about corruption? In this debate, we’ll look at why the young Crown Prince Salman may be behind this wave of arrests, in what is said to tighten his grip on power, and whether he is in trouble due to his failed war on Yemen. Why have the arrests come at this time: did he feel threatened or was it to eliminate opposition?

Tariq Ramadan Takes Leave from Oxford after Rape Allegations

Oxford University's announced that renowned Islam scholar Tariq Ramadan has taken a leave of absence. This as he defends himself against the mounting rape allegations that have surfaced in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

The Link Between Saudi Prince's Power Grab and DC Corruption

The power moves by the Saudi kingdom at home and in Lebanon were made easier by buying influence in powerful circles of Washington, DC, says The Intercept's Ryan Grim

Top US News & World Headlines — November 7, 2017

House of Saud: The Meteoric Rise of Mohammed bin Salman

Integration, Glaubenswandel - Anforderungen an die Kirchen | Passauer Neue Presse

Gesprächsrunde mit Gerhard Ludwig Kardinal Müller, Landesbischof Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Prof. Dr. Michael Wolffsohn, Historiker und Publizist und Hamed Abdel-Samad, ägyptisch-deutscher Politikwissenschaftler und Publizist. Moderation: Thomas Baumann, ARD-Hauptstadtstudio

Hamed Abdel-Samad: Der politische Islam lebt von der Kluft

"Die Ziele des politischen Islams in Deutschland sind niemals die Integration von Muslime in der deutschen Gesellschaft." "Der politische Islam lebt von der Kluft zwischen Muslimen und der deutschen Gesellschaft und in genau in dieser Kluft platziert der politische Islam seine Angebote." Gesprächsrunde mit Gerhard Ludwig Kardinal Müller, Landesbischof Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Prof. Dr. Michael Wolffsohn, Historiker und Publizist und Hamed Abdel-Samad, ägyptisch-deutscher Politikwissenschaftler und Publizist. Moderation: Thomas Baumann, ARD-Hauptstadtstudio

Monday, November 06, 2017

Saudi Arabia Arrests 4 Ministers and 11 Princes

Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman ordered the arrest of four government ministers and 11 royal princes hours after he was named the head of a new anti-corruption committee. Billionaire prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who has stakes in major U.S. companies like Apple and Twitter, was among those arrested. Gary Sick, a senior research scholar at Columbia University, joins Hari Sreenivasan.