Monday, May 29, 2017

Traveling Iran by Train | DW Documentary

Iran is opening its doors to foreigners and a train ride from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea is a great way to get to know the country and its people.

The travel restrictions that are now being lifted were in place for decades. Many Iranians are hoping they will now be able to lead a freer life – and we meet many of these hospitable and welcoming people on our journey through the Middle Eastern nation.

The country’s most important rail link, the Trans-Iranian Railway, runs for approximately 1400 kilometers from the Persian Gulf via Teheran to the Caspian Sea. The journey starts in Khorramshahr on the Shatt al-Arab, the river border between Iraq and Iran.

Traveling past oil fields, the train reaches Shushtar. One of the top sights here is the historic hydraulic system, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. After that, the train heads up into the Zagros Mountains. The journey is interrupted by a break for prayer. Breath-taking landscapes move past the train window until we reach the highest point not only of our journey but of the entire rail network: 2,200 meters above sea level between Dorud and Arak.

During a brief stop in Qom, travelers can refuel with sohan, a pastry made of wheat germ, flour and sugar. The next section of the track is high-speed and we continue on to Teheran at 160 km/h. The metropolitan area is home to more than 15 million people. The last leg takes us to the north of the country.

In the Alborz Mountains, we find out what role the Trans-Iranian Railway played during Stalin’s major offensive against the German army in World War II. Our oriental rail adventure ends in Bandar-e Torkaman on the Caspian Sea.

Don’t Be Fooled – Ivanka Is As Ruthless As Donald, Just Not As Outwardly Mean

Lindy West wrote in The Guardian recently that Ivanka Trump is not moderating her father or helping him with issues, she’s only in the White House to sell his horrible policies to moderates who don’t care for his brash personality. She’s every bit as ruthless, she just comes across as slightly less volatile. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Jimmy Kimmel on Trump’s Visit with the Pope

Donald Trump went to the Vatican to meet the Pope so Jimmy breaks down how that went.

Trump Was the Laughingstock of NATO

Handshakes that never end and shoving the Prime Minister of Montenegro had some world leaders chuckling amongst themselves.

Jared Kushner Under More Scrutiny after Russia Revelations

President Trump's son-in-law and White House senior adviser, Jared Kushner, reportedly held meetings during the presidential transition to set up a secret communications channel with Russia. Errol Barnett reports.

Putin 'Gets the Tsar Treatment' as He Meets Macron in Versailles

Le patriarche russe réveille la polémique du mariage pour tous

LE FIGARO: Le patriarche Kirill a réaffirmé son soutien aux Français qui avaient manifesté en 2013 contre l'adoption du mariage homosexuel.

Alors que Vladimir Poutine entame sa visite en France, le patriarche Kirill, vu comme un allié spirituel du chef du Kremlin, s'est lancé, lundi, dans une diatribe contre la loi française instaurant le mariage gay et soutenu les manifestants qui s'étaient soulevés en 2013 contre l'adoption de ce texte. Ces derniers ont agi «pour les mêmes raisons que lorsqu'ils se sont soulevés contre les lois fascistes et pro apartheid», a déclaré le chef de l'Église orthodoxe russe. … » | Par Pierre Avril, Correspondant du Figaro à Moscou | lundi 29 mai 2017

CNN Politics Panel Angry Reaction To Trump's Latest Actions

Living with the 'New Normal': How Governments Need to Innovate in the Fight against Terrorism

Jared Kushner Scrutinized for Real Estate Deals

White House senior adviser and President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is under fire after a New York Times Magazine and Pro Publica report said that he went after low-income tenants as a real estate developer. Pro Publica reporter Alec MacGillis wrote the article, and joins CBSN with more details.

Trump Wraps Up World Tour at G7 Summit in Italy (Parts 1 & 2)

Trump White House Fails to Address Kushner Allegations

Europe’s Dependence on Allies Is Over – Merkel

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed on Sunday that the country is decreasingly able to rely on its allies. The G7 summit this weekend in Sicily saw leaders struggle to find common ground on the usually-harmonious issue of climate change. Angela Merkel also complained that it was tough to reach consensus with the Americans.

Russian Ambassador Told Moscow that Kushner Wanted Secret Channel with Kremlin

Read the Washington Post article here

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Trump Returns to Crisis Over Kushner as White House Tries to Contain It

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Trump headed home on Saturday to confront a growing political and legal threat, as his top aides tried to contain the fallout from reports that his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is a focus of investigations into possible collusion between Russia and the president’s campaign and transition teams.

As Mr. Trump ended a nine-day overseas trip that aides considered the most successful stretch of his presidency, he was returning to a crisis that had only grown in his absence. The White House canceled a presidential trip to Iowa in the coming days and was putting together a damage-control plan to expand the president’s legal team, reorganize his communications staff and wall off a scandal that has jeopardized his agenda and now threatens to engulf his family. » | Maggie Haberman, Glenn Thrush and Julie Hirschfeld Davis | Saturday, May 27, 2017

Is The American Mafia Making A Comeback?

Via America’s Lawyer: Guest host, Farron Cousins, talks to author and historian, Christian Cipollini, about what led to the decline of the Italian-American mafia.

Trump Admin Wants To Change The Law To Jail Journalists

Via America’s Lawyer: Guest host, Farron Cousins, is joined by Mollye Barrows, legal journalist for the Trial Lawyer Magazine, to discuss the threats President Donald Trump has made to ‘open’ up U.S. libel laws.

Professor Michael Dougan Dismantles Theresa May's Brexit Election Pitch

Advice To Donald Trump Staffers: Run! | AM Joy | MSNBC

Joy Reid and her panelists debate: Will people who stick around in the Trump administration be able to survive (or thrive), or will their careers be destroyed?