Tuesday, January 19, 2016

David Cameron Backs Bans on Muslim Face Veils as Tories Plan Crackdown on Gender Segregation

THE TELEGRAPH: Prime Minister says it is 'proper and sensible' for Muslim women to remove face veils when asked to by public officials

Muslim women can be banned from wearing veils in schools, courts and other British institutions, David Cameron has said.

The Prime Minister said that he will give his backing to public authorities that put in place “proper and sensible” rules to ban women from wearing face veils in comments which will reignite debates.

It comes as the Government prepare to announce a series of measures designed to stop British Muslims becoming radicalised and traveling to the Middle East to join terrorist groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

As part of the plans, ministers will pledge to outlaw gender segregation during meetings in public buildings amid concerns that some Muslim organisations are forcing women to sit separately. » | Peter Dominiczak, and Steven Swinford | Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

Marco Rubio Bought Gun to Be 'Last Line of Defence between ISIL and My Family'

Republican presidential candidate< Senator Marco Rubio
THE TELEGRAPH: Republican presidential candidate says he bought a gun on Christmas Eve in part to protect his family from Isil

Senator Marco Rubio has said he bought a gun on Christmas Eve because he is "the last line of defence between Isis [Isil] and my family".

The Republican presidential candidate said "millions of Americans" buy guns so they will be prepared to fend off attacks from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), or otherwise protect their families.

He suggested in an interview on Sunday that Isil had provided some of the impetus for his most recent gun purchase.

"I have a right to protect my family if someone were to come after us," he said on CBS' Face the Nation. "In fact, if Isis were to visit us or our communities at any moment, the last line of defence between Isis and my family is the ability I have to protect my family." » | David Lawler, Washimgton | Monday, January 18, 2016

Donald Trump on Banning Muslims

PEGIDA Dresden Live – Abendspaziergang | 18.01.2016

Livestream des Pegida Abendspazierganges vom Neumarkt Dresden an der Frauenkirche.

Pat Condell: The Rape of Sweden

Swedish woman raped for hours by migrant “children”

Judge Jeanine: The Republican Party Is In Real Trouble

Jan. 17, 2016 - 5:14 - Their primary strategy could cost them the election and the White House

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Germany 2016: Attempted Execution by Stoning by 3 North African Men on Transgender Women

Dortmund, Germany: Last Sunday three North African Migrants attempted an execution by stoning after finding out that the two women they sexually harassed were actually men. Their honor was hurt, they grabbed nearby stones and attempted to execute them. They testified that "people like them" need to be stoned to death in accordance to Islamic law.

Mark Steyn - Inch by Inch Our Enemies Take the Civilized World

Islamism, the biggest threat for the Western world

Saturday, January 16, 2016

5 Reasons Germany’s Influence Is Fading

German Chancellor Angela Merkel currently lacks powerful
partners to strike workable compromises on migration
POLITICO: Voters abandon the center, alliances turn regional — and Merkel stands alone.

Germany’s sway over Europe is fading, for all its economic might and the honors heaped on Angela Merkel, and the evidence of its declining influence can be seen in the changing fortunes of the European People’s Party (EPP).

Usually, Christian Democrat leaders grouped in the EPP gather in Brussels a few hours before EU summits to make decisions they will foist on other European governments. At the last summit, however, they didn’t pre-cook the summit’s conclusions because the center right — and Germany itself — is losing influence.

Here are five reasons why: » | Florian Eder | Friday, January 15, 2016

Austria: Refugees Are No Longer Allowed to Drink in This Bad Ischl Bar

The owner of Charly's bar in Austria's Bad Ischl, Karin Siebrecht-Janisch, has decided to ban refugees from her premises after a number of cases of alleged harassment by foreign male customers as explained by her interview to Ruptly on Friday.

Austria Now Offers Sharia-compliant Bank Accounts

BREITBART.COM: Amid the continuing migrant crisis in Europe, an Austrian bank is to introduce Sharia-compliant accounts for the country’s growing Muslim population.

BAWAG PSK will launch the accounts in Vienna next month, allowing customers to conduct their banking according to Islamic law.

Sharia banking prohibits charging interest, as well as transactions with companies that invest in gambling, alcohol or pornography.

It also does not allow buying homes on interest. Instead, the bank purchases the house and resells it to the customer who pays in regular instalments.

Claudia Lemlihi, head of marketing, said that the bank would launch a new current account that instead of charging or paying interest would charge a fixed fee. She added that the account, named ‘Amana’, was tailored specifically to the needs of Muslims living in Austria. » | Nick Hallett | Friday, January 15, 2016

The Glazov Gang – The Politically Correct War On Islam Truth-Telling

Germany: AfD Protest Merkel's Refugee Policy in Wildbad Kreuth

Around 100 supporters of the eurosceptic Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) (Alternative for Germany) party rallied in Wildbad Kreuth, Wednesday, to protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her government. Merkel is in the town for the party conference of her Bavarian sister party, the CSU, which UK Prime Minister David Cameron is also attending. Party delegates are due to discuss potential caps on immigration into Germany and the results of Merkel's hitherto, more open policy.

The protesters rallied across the street from behind barriers holding signs reading "Merkel must go," and demanding new elections, while the police stood on the other side of the road. Upper Bavaria AfD regional chairman Mario Buchner gave a speech condemning Merkel's asylum policy and the country's sometimes-open borders.

Saudi Foreign Minister on Executions, Yemen and Iran

Jonathan Rugman interviews Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Can't Take More': Bavaria Sends Bus Load of Refugees to Merkel's Office

The head of a Bavarian district has sent a bus with 30 refugees aboard on a 550km trip to Angela Merkel’s Berlin office – fulfilling a threat made in October, when he said he would act if the number of refugees exceeded housing capacity in his area.

Mark Steyn: About Angela Merkel, Germany and EU

Ezra Levant Show: Canadian Media Silent About Muslim Serial Rapist

Ezra Levant reports on Muslim migrant to Canada, Walid Mustafa Chalhoub. He raped 10 teenage girls in Montreal. Why is Media Party silent?

Frankreich - Übergriffe auf Juden lösen Emotionen aus

Nachdem ein Jugendlicher am Montag einen jüdischen Lehrer mit einem Messer angegriffen hatte, rief ein hoher Vertreter der jüdischen Gemeinde von Marseille seine Gemeinde dazu auf, auf das Tragen der Kippa zu verzichten. Die Zahl der Übergriffe auf Juden hat in Frankreich stark zugenommen - nicht ohne Folgen.

Related video »

Die undemokratische Merkel, die zum Neuen Jahr Dummheit sprach! Angela Merkel's New Year Speech /with Arabic subtitles!: "Hate in Germans Who Think Germany Belongs to Them"

Due to the massive influx of over 1.5 million illegal immigrants this year, the yearly New Year's Eve speech of the chancellor Angela Merkel was provided with Arabic subtitles for the first time. Merkel stated that the immigration of "new citizens" who stay permanently is a huge chance for Germany and urged listeners not to "follow the others who have coldness and hate in their hearts" because they believe that "being German belongs to them alone". Germany belongs to everyone - she concluded that despite "costing huge amounts of money and willpower", the influx is an "economic and societal benefit".

Angela Merkel Under Pressure As Cologne Violence Cases Rise Above 500