Showing posts with label traditional family values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traditional family values. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Importance of Conservatives Bolstering the Traditional Family

MARK ALEXANDER: Conservatives abandoned the traditional family years ago. No society can be strong if the traditional family unit is not encouraged. The indigenous population in this country is short of babies; immigrant families are generally not short of them. It is easy to see why Islam is growing apace in this country.

Feminism has a lot to answer for. When women started preferring the workplace over the home, where they can procreate, this country started going downhill. No society can thrive when childlessness is preferred over motherhood.

A sensible Conservative government should pull all the stops out to help and promote the traditional family unit — a unit in which children can be raised properly and well at home, not in kindergartens by strangers.

The proper education of a child is two-pronged: formal and informal. Formal education is what a child gets in schools, colleges, and universities; informal education is what a child gets in the home from the parents. Children these days, because of working mothers and absent fathers, generally lack informal education. Informal education is extremely important for the development of the child.

If we want a properly functioning society, it behoves the Conservatives to foster traditional families and traditional family values. This is true not only for us in the UK but also for the West in general. If something isn’t done about this soon, the West will be lost — to Islam, the way of life which respects the traditional family. The West needs its own babies not more productivity from working mothers. The choice is yours!

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