Showing posts with label the Clash of Civilizations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Clash of Civilizations. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2014

Islam v. West? : 'Major Civilizations on Collision Course'

Gender roles have traditionally been defined rigidly by most cultures, but the feminist and women's rights movements have resulted in a convergence between the sexes. Can men and women be truly equal, or is the drive to impose equality fueling the battle of the sexes and bringing us into conflict with fundamental biological differences? Oksana is joined by psychologist Glenn Wilson to elaborate on these issues.

Watch full version here

Sunday, September 01, 2013

UK Investigates Porn DVDs Sent to Mosques, Fears Religious Strife

Police in London are looking into a series of Islamophobic DVD's sent to several mosques and Muslim organizations in the British capital. They contain pornographic and abusive images insulting the prophet Mohammed as well as news footage about extremism. The incident is part of a wave of offensive acts towards British Muslims by those wanting to keep the UK Islam-free. Tesa Arcilla reports.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Poll Reveals Rising Fears of Clashes in Wake of Woolwich Killing

THE GUARDIAN: YouGov poll shows rise in proportion of people who believe British Muslims pose a threat to democracy

Nearly two-thirds of people believe there will be a 'clash of civilisations' between British Muslims and white Britons in the wake of the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich, a new poll shows.

The number of those who believe such a clash is inevitable has increased by 9% from last year.

There has also been a small increase in the proportion of people who believe British Muslims pose a serious threat to democracy, up to 34% on Thursday and Friday from 30% in November 2012, according to the YouGov survey of 1,839 adults.

The poll will fuel concern of an explosion of race hate, with one interfaith charity reporting a huge increase in anti-Muslim incidents since the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in south-east London on Wednesday.

Faith Matters, which runs a helpline, said they had received 162 calls since the attack, up from a daily average of six.

A number of people have also been charged by police after allegedly offensive messages were posted on social media websites. These include a 22-year-old man from Lincoln, a 28-year-old man from London, a 23-year-old woman from Southsea, and a 19-year-old man from Woking.

The BNP has also announced it will be demonstrating in Woolwich. National organiser Adam Walker claims the brutal murder meant a "line has been drawn in the sand and it signals the beginning of the civil war we have predicted for years". » | Daniel Boffey, policy editor | Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Islam as the Victor of Western Value-Relativism

A Critical Discourse on Pure Tolerance

GATES OF VIENNA: The clash of civilizations, the collision between cultures, forecast by Samuel P. Huntington, has long since become an obvious fact in modern-day Europe, finding its clearest expression in the confrontation of Islam with the remnants of European Christianity. This collision not only is echoed in the form of terrorist attacks but also as a bitter battle of ideals between two systems of values that could hardly be more opposed to each other, namely the archaic totalitarian value system of Islam and the one represented by post modern European Enlightenment.

In the wake of this quarrel, the world of Islam has already achieved considerable partial success, thanks to something we might call “value indifference coupled with blind tolerance” exhibited by European political elites, which has already lead to a process of disintegration of both Europe’s ethic-religious foundations and its sphere of rights. In the end Islam may well emerge as victorious should Europe fail to rethink its occidental Christian roots. Read on and comment >>> Michael Mannheimer | Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Growing Clash of Civilizations in America? : Laura Ingraham's Talking Points: 8/24

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Civilization in Conflict

YNET NEWS: Islam faces internal clash that may fundamentally change region

With the end of the cold war in late 1989, marked by the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the bipolar world order, two major, yet contrasting, views of the paradigm to come were raised.

One view advocated "The End of History," whereby the world would be immune from ideological wars and future conflicts would be very limited, effectively posing no substantial threat to Western civilization. Others advocated the view that ethnically volatile regions previously viewed as stable satellite entities of the Soviet Union would inevitably erupt, leading to a "Clash of Civilizations."

Future historians will eventually conclude which thesis was more accurate, but today - with the pictures coming out of Iran and from other Middle East areas - it seems that Islam is more in clash with itself than it is with other civilizations.

"Moderates" are clashing with "Militants" in the Islamic world, as civilians who seek liberty, personal freedom, peace and prosperity clash with regimes that prop up the Islamic pillar of jihad.

We have recently witnessed a potentially fundamental shift in the region, with the election results in Lebanon and the yet-to-be-settled aftermath of the Iranian vote. This does not mean that we have reached "the end of history" but it does mean that change may be on its way. It would seem that people do indeed have the power. >>> Ophir Falk | Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Samuel P Huntingdon of Harvard Dies at 81

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Samuel P. Huntington, an influential political scientist and longtime Harvard University professor, died at the age of 81 on Wednesday, according to an obituary on Harvard’s Web site. Mr. Huntington’s most famous thesis – that world conflicts stem from the competing cultural identities of seven or eight “civilizations” – became a fundamental, if controversial, premise of post-Cold War foreign policy theory. His emphasis on ancient religious empires, as opposed to states or ethnicities, gained even more cache after the Sept. 11 attacks. >>> Sarah Wheaton | Saturday, December 27, 2008

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