Showing posts with label possessing marijuana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label possessing marijuana. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ridiculous*! California to Hold Statewide November Vote on Legalising Marijuana

TIMES ONLINE: To get high or to not get high — that will be the question on the ballot in California’s November elections.
As the Golden State’s hippies reach retirement age, pro-marijuana advocates have joined forces in an effort finally to force a state-wide vote on making weed legal, and not just for medical purposes.

Under the proposed law smoking marijuana to get high would be as acceptable as drinking beer to get drunk as long as users were aged 21 or older. It would also become legal to grow up to 25 sq ft (2.3sq m) of the plants per residence, and for local governments to authorise and tax the transportation and sale of the drug.

If the ten-page initiative is passed it could set in motion a chain of events throughout the US that could bring an end to the era of marijuana prohibition. Or at least that is what marijuana advocates hope. >>> Chris Ayres, Los Angeles | Thursday, March 25, 2010

*Where the hell is the sense in all but banning the smoking of tobacco almost everywhere in California only to leagalize the smoking of marijuana? People are taking leave of their senses! So is tobacco-smoking to be brought back in bars and restaurants, too? It should be if the smoking of marijuana is going to be allowed. – © Mark

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Barack Obama's Half-brother George Arrested in Kenya over Drugs

THE TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama's Kenyan half-brother, George, has been arrested by police in Nairobi on suspicion of possessing marijuana.

The 24-year-old, who denies the allegation, was told he would face a court hearing on Monday.

President Obama's young half-sibling was in the headlines last year after it was revealed that he was living in a corrugated iron shack in a sprawling slum as his brother ran for the most powerful job in the world.

George, who was the son of Mr Obama's father by his second wife, was one of the president's few close relatives who did not travel to Washington for the inauguration on Jan 20.

The two met previously when Mr Obama visited his ancestral homeland in an encounter that he described as a "painful affair" in his memoir Dreams from My Father.

Inspector Augustine Mutembei said the trainee mechanic would face charges of possession of cannabis and resisting arrest. >>> By Philip Sherwell in New York | Saturday, January 31, 2008

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