Showing posts with label ordination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ordination. Show all posts

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ordination of Women? It’s a ‘Grave Crime’, Says Vatican

MAIL ONLINE: Making a woman a priest is as sinful as abusing a child, the Roman Catholic Church declared yesterday.

New religious rules published by the Vatican set both sins at the same level of gravity and recommended the same punishment for guilty priests.

Church officials in Rome insisted that the new version of Canon Law showed it was 'very, very serious in its commitment to promote safe environments'.

But it had the appearance of an own goal by Pope Benedict XVI in his attempt to cool the scandal over Catholic cover-ups of child abuse by paedophile priests.

Victims' groups protested that criminal offences against children should be given far greater weight than doctrinal arguments over whether women can be ordained.

The Vatican move also appeared badly-timed as it followed the debate in the Church of England over appointing women bishops that won worldwide publicity at the weekend.

The new rules mean that priests can be defrocked or excommunicated for paedophile offences, sexual abuse of mentally handicapped adults or attempting to ordain women.

Acquiring, possessing or distributing child pornography will be regarded as an offence on the same level as physical abuse of children.

Erring priests will be punished by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican department once known as the Inquisition. Vatican labels the ordination of women a 'grave crime' to be dealt with in the same way as sex abuse >>> Steve Doughty | Friday, July 16, 2010

THE GUARDIAN: Catholics angry as church puts female ordination on par with sex abuse: Women's groups describe Vatican's decision on female ordination as 'appalling' >>> John Hooper in Rome and Haroon Siddique | Thursday, July 15, 2010

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ecône ordonne des prêtres au mépris des ordres de Rome

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: CATHOLICISME | La Conférences des évêques suisses n'est pas surprise: «C'est un signe que la Fraternité n'est pas en lien avec le pape», déclare son porte-parole.

La Fraternité Saint-Pie X a procédé lundi a des ordinations de prêtres, malgré la déclaration du Vatican qui les juge «illégitimes». La Conférence des évêques suisses (CES) n'est pas étonnée que la cérémonie ait eu lieu.

«C'est un signe que la Fraternité n'est pas en lien avec Rome et le pape, dans la situation actuelle», a indiqué Walter Müller, attaché de presse de la CES. «Nous verrons si les entretiens prévus à Rome feront évoluer la situation.» >>> ATS | Lundi 29 Juin 2009