Showing posts with label obesity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obesity. Show all posts

Monday, May 03, 2010

États-Unis : L’obésité menace la sécurité nationale Selon plusieurs chefs d'état-major des forces armées américaines, les gens obèses représentent un danger pour l'avenir du pays. Ils partent en guerre contre la situation.

L'obésité est le nouvel ennemi de l'US Army. Photo :

L'obésité qui fait des ravages au sein de la jeunesse américaine pourrait saper l'avenir de l'armée du pays, les éventuelles recrues étant trop enveloppées pour servir sous les drapeaux, ont estimé deux généraux à la retraite.

«Les taux d'obésité hypothèquent la santé des Américains en général et l'avenir de nos forces armées en particulier», écrivent John Shalikashvili et Hugh Shelton, deux anciens chefs d'état-major interarmées, dans un article pour le Washington Post.

Plus que tout autre facteur médical, l'obésité interdit l'accès à l'armée aux Américains désireux de revêtir l'uniforme, continuent-ils. >>> afp | Lundo 03 Mai 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Michelle Obama à l'assaut de l'Amérique XXL La First Lady lance une croisade contre l'obésité. Mission impossible au pays de McDonalds?

N’allez pas lui parler de ces temps bénis où les écoliers avaient deux heures de gym par semaine, où l’on passait à table chaque soir à heure fixe pour manger ce que mum avait préparé, où le dessert était une récompense qui rimait avec dimanche. De l’Amérique fit (en forme) à la fat (grosse) Amérique, Michelle Obama sait qu’il n’y a pas de marche arrière. Il s’agit juste d’enrayer une épidémie: en présentant mardi sa campagne nationale Let’s Move (Bougeons), la First Lady entend avant tout donner aux familles américaines les outils nécessaires pour éviter qu’un tiers des enfants nés après l’an 2000 ne finissent diabétiques.

A grande cause, grands moyens. Michelle Obama a d’abord obtenu de son mari l’engagement de faire voter au Congrès une enveloppe de 10 milliards de dollars pour améliorer la restauration dans les cantines scolaires. De la Sodexo et de bien d’autres fournisseurs, elle a reçu l’assurance que les quantités de sucre, de graisse et de sel dans les menus seraient réduites pour correspondre à de nouvelles normes fixées par le ministère de la Santé.

Le deuxième objectif cible, les "déserts alimentaires", ces zones semi-rurales où supermarchés et épiceries sont trop loin et trop chers, et les fast-foods si proches et tentants aux yeux des 6,5 millions d’enfants qui y vivent. Quatre cents millions de dollars sont provisionnés dans le prochain budget pour inciter le secteur privé à s’implanter dans ces régions et y offrir une alimentation plus saine. Résistance de l’opinion publique >>> François Clemenceau, à Washington | Dimanche 14 Février 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Surgeon Told Off for Abusing Fat Patient

NEW ZEALAND HERALD: A foul-mouthed surgeon has been reprimanded for swearing at a severely obese patient and for punishing her by removing her from a waiting list.

The doctor, known as "Dr B", told his gastric bypass patient, "Ms A", that she was "going on a f****** diet" after she complained she disliked the word "diet" and preferred to talk about "lifestyle".

He had put the Maori 44-year-old on a list to be considered for surgery after a tense consultation last April at which he used forms of the F word at least three times.

In a letter written seven weeks after she complained, the surgeon offered what Health and Disability Commissioner Ron Paterson calls a half-hearted apology - and took her off the list, asserting they no longer had a "therapeutic relationship". >>> Martin Johnston | Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

53% of Saudi Men Lazy: Study

SAUDI GAZETTE: JEDDAH – Saudi males are lazy, eat too much junk food and spend excessive time in front of the television, all which means they are only likely to get fatter, an Arab health and nutrition expert has said.

Dr. Abdullah Musaiqir, head of the Arab Center for Nutrition, has warned of increasing obesity in the Gulf states and particularly Saudi Arabia, and cites a Saudi study showing that over 53 percent of Saudi males live a “lethargic lifestyle”, with only 20 percent described as leading a healthy lifestyle and engaging in activities that help keep them in good physical shape. Twenty seven percent were described by the study as having a “partially active” lifestyle.

Parents, Dr. Musaiqir said, are advised to cut down on television watching time for both themselves and their children, and to remove television sets from dining rooms and bedrooms. According to Musaiqir, watching television encourages further unhealthy eating practices as the activity is popularly accompanied by the consumption of snack foods.

Musaiqir said the first steps toward promoting a healthier lifestyle should come with awareness programs conducted throughout the Gulf with media involvement, and that school and university curricula should be improved to address issues of nutrition and public health.

Schools, Muqaisir said, should make greater efforts to support and encourage sporting activities both inside and outside the confines of their campuses. [Source: Saudi Gazette] Okaz/SG | Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fat, Unfit NHS Staff Top the Sick League

TIMES ONLINE: More than 45,000 NHS workers call in sick each day — one and a half times the rate of absence seen in the private sector.

The first national audit of staff habits has found that high rates of obesity, smoking, absenteeism and poor mental health are having a direct impact on the quality of patient care.

Dr Steve Boorman, a leading occupational health expert, was asked by the Government to assess links between staff habits and NHS productivity. He will present his interim review today. His findings are drawn from six months of staff surveys, workshops, data reviews and responses from trusts and experts.

— More than 45,000 NHS workers are calling in sick every day, one and a half times the rate of absence in the private sector. Reducing the 10.3 million working days lost per year by a third would save the NHS £555 million annually.

— More than one in five staff smoke, the same proportion as in the adult population. About 40,000 NHS workers smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day.

— More than a third of the workforce are in moderate to very poor mental health, with many expressing concern about intimidation from patients and their relatives[.]

— Hospitals with worse staff health are less productive and have higher rates of superbug infection, unnecessary use of agency workers and higher patient mortality rates. More than three-quarters of staff believe that the state of their health affects patient care.

— About 40 per cent undertake exercise less than the Government’s three recommended occasions a week. >>> Sam Lister, Health Editor | Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday, May 21, 2007

Jalal Talabani: Too Well-Fed By Half

KUWAIT TIMES: BAGHDAD: Tired and battling obesity, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani flew to the United States yesterday for rest and help in tackling his weight problem. Talabani, in his early 70s, left from the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya in northeastern Iraq for a trip that could take several weeks. His office denied local media reports that Talabani was suffering from any specific illness and said he was in general good health apart from his weight.

It issued a statement quoting the president from a news conference on May 15. "I don't have any health problems except my obesity and I will treat it, God willing," the statement quoted Talabani as saying. "I will go ... to the United States of America to undergo general medical checks to reduce my weight." The former Kurdish rebel leader returned to his office in mid-March after two weeks in a Jordanian hospital, vowing that he was with Iraqis "until the final breath". Overweight Iraqi president heads to US to lose weight(more)

Mark Alexander